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Last Updated December 14, 2020
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Baptizing — Tallulah - Brushy
Bayou, circa 1920-30
— Tallulah
Carnival 1948 — Tallulah
La Delta Project—
Tallulah Centennial-1957
Agriculture, USDA Lab and Cotton Dusting — Duckport & Shirley Plantations 1910-1930
— Tallulah - Brushy Bayou, circa 1920-30
Cotton Carnival 1948 — Tallulah
Floods Click Here
The last confirmed sighting of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker was in Madison Parish on the Singer Tract (now the Tensas National Wildlife Refuge) in 1944. In 2004 there was a disputed sighting in Arkansas which was probably a Pileated Woodpecker -- often mistaken for the Ivory-billed.
These photos were taken by Dr. James T. Tanner during the period 1935-1939 and are linked to the website of the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Nestling ivory-billed woodpecker and
J. J. Kuhn, March 6, 1938
Nestling ivory-billed woodpecker and
J. J. Kuhn, March 6, 1938
James T. Tanner standing next to a
big honey locust near Methiglum Bayou, May 1935
Paul Kellogg and J. J. Kuhn when sound recording of
ivory-billed woodpecker was being made, April 1935
Ivory-billed woodpecker pair changing
at nest,
April 1935
Ivory-billed woodpecker pair
changing at nest,
April 1935. Enlargement
hackberry fed upon by ivory-billed woodpeckers, June 1937
Dead limb scaled of bark by
ivory-billed woodpeckers, June 1937
Cyprus at end of Rainey Lake, March 1940
Female ivory-billed woodpecker at
nest in red maple, April 1935
ivory-billed woodpecker at nest in red maple, April 1935. Enlargement
Male ivory-billed woodpecker at nest
in red maple, April 1935 (1)
ivory-billed woodpecker at nest in red maple, April 1935 (1). Enlargement.
Ash tree with ivory-billed woodpecker roosting holes, June
Male ivory-billed woodpecker at nest
in red maple, April 1935 (2)
Male ivory-billed woodpecker at nest
in red maple, April 1935 (2)
Ivory-billed woodpecker nest tree, Nuttall's Oak, April 1939
Dead-top gum with ivory-billed woodpecker feeding sign, May
La Delta Project — Thomastown 1940
These scenes of the Farm Security Administration’s La Delta Project near Thomastown were taken by noted photographer Marion Post Wolcott (1910-1990) in May and June 1940. All photos are from the Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, FSA-OWI Collection. The Farm Security Administration (FSA) was created in the Department of Agriculture in 1937. The FSA and its predecessor, the Resettlement Administration (RA), were New Deal programs designed to assist poor farmers during the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression.
the early 1920’s this plane landed across the bayou from what is now Tallulah
High School so the pilot could walk to town and get something to eat
© 2020 Richard P. Sevier