J. J. Kuhn, Jr. -
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J. J. Kuhn, Jr. -
Madison Parish, Louisiana
From Tallulah Madison
Journal, July 1940
Fatal Shooting
accident Claims Young Kuhn Boy
J. J. Kuhn, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kuhn, of Tallulah, was
accidentally shot through the heart by one of his closest friends Wednesday
morning while the pair and another boy were examing a
.38 caliber pistol. Young Kuhn died
instantly from the shot. He was nearly
17 years of age.
The tragedy occurred at the home of Nat
Thomas, also about 17 years of age, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thomas. An inquest was held by Coroner Howard C.
Sevier and the jury held that the shooting by young Thomas was accidental.
Young Kuhn, Nat Thomas and Clarence Julian,
all of whom would have been seniors in the Tallulah High School next year, were
said to have been constant companions for a number of years. They had gathered at the Thomas home, and at
the time of the shooting were said to have been examining the pistol which they
had found in the Thomas home. The gun is
said to have exploded suddenly while in the hands of young Thomas.
Young Kuhn is survived by his parents and
two sisters, Edith and Jean. Edith
graduated from the Tallulah High School the past session and was valedictorian
of her class. Young Kuhn was to have
graduated next year, and it was reported that most likely he also was to have
been in the race for valedictorian.
The funeral services will be held from the
Baptist church Friday morning at 10 o'clock with the Rev. Clarence Crow,
pastor, officiating. Interment will take
place in the Silver Cross Cemetery.