Betty Bromwell McKinnon - Submitted for the USGenWeb by Richard P. Sevier February 7, 2014


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Betty Bromwell McKinnon - Madison Parish, Louisiana


From Mobile AL Register February 7, 2014


Betty Bromwell McKinnon passed away after a brief illness on January 31, 2014, in Shreveport, Louisiana.


She was born March 13, 1931, to Bonnie Lovingood Bromwell and Charles Bromwell, Sr., in Tallulah, Louisiana. She is preceded in death by her husband, Craig, her mother and father and brother, Charles, Jr. She grew up in Natchez, Mississippi, and graduated from Natchez High in 1949. She worked as a secretary and married Craig K. McKinnon of Panama City, Florida, on February 2, 1952, in the 1st Presbyterian Church of Natchez. They were married 62 years. She held the office of deacon in Spring Hill Presbyterian Church in Mobile. She spent many years volunteering at the Mobile Infirmary along with her husband. She is survived by her daughters, Elizabeth Slusher and Karen Schmitt, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, contributions are requested to go to Springhill Presbyterian Church or the organization of your choice.


Memorial services will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at 11 AM at Springhill Presbyterian Church.