Kenneth Allan Neuroth - Submitted for the USGenWeb by Richard P. Sevier 10-17-2022

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Kenneth Allan Neuroth - Madison Parish, Louisiana
From Rose-Neath Funeral Home Arcadia, LA October 17, 2022

A Memorial Service honoring the life of Kenneth Allan Neuroth, will be held Saturday, September 10, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at Rose-Neath Funeral Home in Arcadia, Louisiana.

Kenneth was born September 2, 1952, in Tallulah, Louisiana and passed away September 6, 2022, in Arcadia, Louisiana at the age of 70. Kenneth was a truck driver for Murphy Brothers Trucking for 40 years, he drove their first truck. He had a passion for hunting and fishing.

He is preceded in death by his parents James and Elizabeth Reed Neuroth and his brother, Jimmy Neuroth. Kenneth is survived by his daughters, Stacey Collinsworth and Tischa Mays, grandchildren, Brittany Collinsworth, Wallace Pike, Jr. and Tevin Champion; great grandchildren, Lily Parnell and Bradley Joel McDonald; siblings, Wayne Neuroth, Bruce Neuroth and Alice Clary.

Published by Rose-Neath Funeral Home - Arcadia Chapel on Oct. 10, 2022.