John Graves Sevier - Submitted for the USGenWeb by Richard P. Sevier 8/14/2012
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John Graves Sevier - Madison Parish, Louisiana
From Tallulah Madison Journal November 7, 1925
A & M College, Miss. Nov. 4 (special to the Journal)
J. G. Sevier of Tallulah, Louisiana was a member of the Mississippi A & M Livestock Judging Team that won the Southeastern Championship for expertness in judging all kinds of livestock at the Southeastern Fair held in Atlanta October the 12th and 13th of October. In a field of four college teams representing as many states, the Mississippi team won over all competition by a comfortable margin. Young Sevier is a member of the Junior class at the A & M College and is specializing in General Agriculture.
The joy of victory was short-lived because of the tragic anticlimax which happened on the return trip when the automobile in which the team was riding wrecked, seriously injuring Professor Goodell and John Sevier. Young Sevier and Professor Goodell are both in the Norwood Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama slowly recovering from their injuries. Sevier was the only member of the team who received serious injuries.
The victory by the A & M College boys marks the second consecutive one won by them having won the Southeastern Championship last year in livestock judging. To make the livestock judging team at the college requires a lot of work in addition to more than average knowledge of livestock of all classes. There bis competition galore to overcome before a student is placed on the judging team. He must prove his right in a place therefore before he is given it.
Professor C. J. Goodell xxxxx in the Animal Husbandry Department coaches the team from year to year. (Remainder illegible.)
From Tallulah Madison Journal December 19, 1925
In the passing of John G. Sevier, a great
shadow has fallen on Tallulah.
As a young and tender branch when torn from a strong and healthy tree, was the earthly manifestation, which was served in the passing of his soul upward to be united with the source from which it came.
John was born at Afton, La., on the plantation home 22 years ago last October. As a lad he had lived in the new home near Tallulah. It was here he attended the high school, making a fine record and graduating. Afterward he was employed at Monroe, La., from whence he returned to Tallulah and became engaged with the U. S. Bureau of Entomology here. Two successful years were spent at the A & M College of Miss., when he would have finished his course in 1927, had not the awful shock of an automobile accident overtaken him.
From early childhood he had endeared himself to all who contacted his life, as a sweet and amiable disposition was the magnet who drew all to him.
He gave his heart to God and made public demonstration when he united with the Methodist Church, during the Dan Kelly revival held here a few years past. He proved a staunch and loyal Christian. His characteristics were those that endure, honor, truth and manhood.
Every means was resorted to for his recovery: The prayers of friends and loved ones, the scientific skill of the best doctors, and the strict and tender care of his nurses.
The xxxx and suffering was identified by the student body of the A & M College, for the Dean, his roommate (illegible section) of friends and relatives were present to pay their last tribute at his grave. John passed away Monday (December 14, 1925) at the Vicksburg Sanitarium and his body laid to rest among those of relatives and best friends in the Tallulah Cemetery.
It is sweet to know that in the spiritual economy, nothing is lost, and we are now confident that the vibrant, dynamic ethers resolved the sweet love that he knew and expressed. When we, to more perfection grow, spirit will unite us in that perfect whole, and we will see him as he is, perfected in his Savior.
Only when we think of him in spirit do we know, there is no separation. It is a proud thing to be the parents of such a noble young man, and it is with tenderest sympathy that we feel for them.
All friends are in unison in their prayers for comfort and consolation.
The sweet smile he gave, as he told me he knew of the Life within, will always remain as a benediction.