1928 THS Football Season

NOTE: Newspaper write-ups of the 1928 THS Football Season were few and far between, and were usually hidden somewhere on the Society Page. Most of the games were not written-up at all. The most significant item of the 1928 season was giving the team a name for the first time –the “Trojans.” RPS January 2014.


From Madison Journal September 15, 1928

Tallulah High School opened this week with a new record of attendance. A hundred and eight are now registered in High School. There is three hundred and twenty-seven in the Grammer Grades, making a total of four hundred and thirty-five in school. Only ninety-five were in high school during the 1927-28 session.


Seventeen teachers make up the personnel of the school faculty.


The schedule has been arranged the best that it possible can be, after several days of work on it. School will now let out for the noon hour at 11:50 a. and take back iii at 12:50 m. The change in the noon hour was made so that it would be possible to have one hour period and two fifty minutes periods in the afternoon.


Planes have been made to publish the school paper, "The Spotlight." The staff of the paper has already been named, and a much better paper is expected to be published than the former issues which reflected credit upon the school. Two hundred sub­scriptions must be obtained before it can be published. The subscription rate is fifty cents, and advertising rate will be fifty cents per inch.


Under the management of Coach Williamson, football candidates are now being trained. Twenty boys are now receiving training for the com­ing football season.


From Madison Journal September 29, 1928

The football team of THS is showing splendid progress and will play their first game of the season Friday, October 5th.


Something over $100.00 was collected during the week from the business houses of Tallulah for equip­ment for the team. Also $38.00 was collected for buying sweaters to be awarded to the eleven boys who played the largest number of minutes during the season. These sweaters will have on them the letter T. or the letters T. H. S.


A name is now being selected for the athletic teams. Names are written on a piece of paper and put in the ath­letic-naming contest box. The pupil who gives the name that is selected will be given a free pass to all of the games during the year.


From Madison Journal October 6, 1928

Cheer leaders were elected the first of the week. Byrant Foster, Agrian Willett, Dorothy Kayser and Clara Abernathy were elected Cheer leaders.


The Bloom Drug Company has a display of skullcaps and walking canes in their show window this week. The caps have on them "Tallulah H. S”. in blue on a gold background. Blue and gold are the school colors. The caps and walking canes were pur­chased by the firm to be sold to the students of .the Tallulah High School. The walking canes have on them a pennant with the letters T. H. S. on them in the school colors.


A meeting of the faculty members and the presidents and vice-presidents of the tenth and eleventh grades was held Thursday afternoon. A name was selected for the football team. The name selected was Trojan. The name is a very historical one. The Trojans were of a high athletic type, and are studied in the medieval his­tory.


The Trojans played Forest Friday. This was their first game of the season. The team has been training the past few weeks since school started.

The first "lineup" is as following:

            Adams, Center

            Sevier, Right Guard

            Roy, Right Tackle

            Bethea, Left Tackle

            Harris, Full Back

            Motley, Quarter Back

            Edgerton, Left Half

            Cason, Right Half

            Ends: Rushing, Hopper, Rickey, Spinks and Weathersby.

Three players are injured. Riser has a swollen arm, Gilfoil has a broken collar bone, Evans has an injured ankle.


The Trojan eleven will play S. A. C., Thursday, October 11, at the ball park.



From Madison Journal October 13, 1928

The Tallulah Trojans were de­feated Thursday afternoon by the S. A. C. eleven of Vicksburg. The score was 6-0.


The visiting team made their score during the second quarter, when the right end player caught a forward pass and made a touchdown. Both teams fought hard, but were unable to score over the opponent after the second quarter. The Tro­jans certainly did fight them until the end of the game.


The Spotlight was issued this week.


Friday of this week was school day at the fair so they did not have any school on that day.




From Madison Journal October 20, 1928

The Trojan eleven certainly are fighting hard so they will win the future games.


The games now on schedule are, November 2, Crowville here; November 9, Rayville at Rayville; November 16, Winnsboro here. Coach Williamson was unable to schedule a game for the past Friday.


From Madison Journal October 27, 1928

The Trojans ended their intensive training for their game with Forest Thursday. The Trojans scored a smashing victory over the Forest eleven in their first game of the season.


The players seemed in high spirit as their training came to an end for the game. All the players are in good condition with the exception of a few minor bruises received in training.


James Sevier is probably out for the season, Riser is to be included in the lineup.


The strength of the team must be recognized. The team's record thus far this season eliminates any doubt as to its strong combination. The eleven experienced a setback recently by the S. A. C. of Vicksburg by a score of 7-0.


Much of the Trojans success will be attributed to the clever handling of the eleven by quarterback Motley. Motley can be easily classed superior to the average high school signal caller. He is an experienced gridiron player and displays gridiron knowledge, which is out of the ordinary for a high school player. Motley manages to get off the right play at the right time.

Motley passes, skirts and smashes the line with playes. He is quick to recognize the weakings of the opponent's line. The team is capable to "put over" some brilliant plays when Motley calls the signal. During the past games of the season Motley has called the signals for the Trojans.


Adams, center, is showing a great improvement over his past record as a player. Speed has been one of the main factors in Adams improvement.


"Hardboiled" Harris (c) is to play fullback and is one of the best and most experienced players of the eleven. Harris is a good track man.


Cason is playing his first season of football and is making a splendid showing.


The eleven has been through some hard workouts this week. Defenses of passes has been thoroughly per­fected during the long period of train­ing. While they have a clever and effective passing attack their defense of the air game will be equally strong.


The gridiron shows a considerable ability in getting plays started fast and accurately.


Their signal work is to be an outstanding point towards scoring a victory for the team.


The probable lineup of the Trojans:

Adams, c        

Riser and Weathersby, g

Roy and Edgerton, ends

Harris (c) f.b

Hopper and Cason h.b

Motley q.b.


From Madison Journal December 1, 1928

The Trojans were defeated by the Ferriday Bull Dogs Friday, November 23rd, by a score of 10 - 0. It was during the first quarter that Brocado made an end-run for the lone touchdown of the game. The pigskin was then kicked over the goal for the extra point. A place kick during the last minute of the game on the thirty yard line, added three points to the Bull Dogs' winning score.


The Trojans made twelve first downs to eight made by the Bull Dogs. A greater yardage was made by the Trojans, while the Bull Dogs showed greater speed. A large crowd witnessed the com­bat. Most of the business houses closed and the forces attended the game.


The eleven boys who played the greatest number of minutes during the football season were awarded sweaters in Chapel Monday morning. Those receiving these honors were:

Captain James Harris, Raymond Motley, Robert Spinks, Cy Wixson, Cliff Adams, Cramer Hopper, J. T. Roy, Henry Cason, Jack Bethea, Otis Edgerton and Jack Rushing.


Basketball practice will begin Monday.


A banquet was given Wednesday night, honoring the Trojan football eleven. The Post Inn Cafe had everything beautifully arranged and a good time was enjoyed by all.


Coach Williamson was present, as was Mr. Byrd.


At the end of each quarter, Mr. Byrd would call on someone for a talk. Yells were given for Team, Coach and Post Inn Cafe.


Philip Scurria was retained as Fin­ancial Manager. Raymond Motley was elected Captain for the coming season. Motley served as Quarterback for the eleven the past season. He asked that all the boys continue their interest in the football team of T. H. S. and to look forward to having a greater team in the future.


After the banquet they were enter­tained by Miss Georgette Ziegler, at whose home they were joined by guests of the team.


Those attending the banquet were Prof. P. W. Byrd, Coach J. D. Williamson and the following couples:

Evelyn Kimberlin and Philip Scurria.

Elizabeth Holt and James Harris.

Clara Texada and Albert Nicols.

Fannie Mae Kelly and Jack Bethea.

Olive Emery and Raymond Motley.

Ethel Emery and Wylie Motley.

Annazine Thrash and Henry Cason.

Ruth Merritt and Colyer Weathersby

Eileen McDonald and Cliff Adams.

Dorothy Kaiser and Cy Wixson.

Edna Mae Kelly and Jack Rushing.

Mildred Wixson and Robert Spinks.

Georgette Ziegler and Harrie Hue Devine.

Delma Devine and Cramer Hopper.