Exercises To Be Held At The High School Building At Eight O’clock

Madison Journal May 5, 1933


Twenty-three students of Tallulah high school will graduate in Tallulah on Friday night, May 5, at the exercises to be held in the auditorium of the high school building. The time of the exercises has been announced as eight o'­clock.


The closing of the school here was advanced a month on account of the early closing of the term, and preparations for the closing exercises have of necessity been hurried. The baccalaureate services were held last Sunday morning, and the sermon was delivered by the Rev. L. A. Materne, pastor of Tallulah Baptist church.


Following is the program for the commencement exercises:


lnvocationThe Rev. L. A. Materne

Salutatory—Mildred Piper

Vocal, "To a Swan"----Patricia Gilpin, Venita Scott

Class History—Charles Horn

Class Prophecy—Meredith Holt

Vocal quartette, "Rose in the Bud"—Bercla Gaines, Patricia Gilpin, Venita Scott, Frances Kathan

Valedictory, "Ambition"—Mabel Claire Lancaster

Presentation of Diplomas — The Rev. W. H. Giles



The graduates are:

Rebecca Hopper, Juanita Cap­shaw, Frances Kathan, Margaret Neal, Philomine Materne, Mabel Claire Lancaster, Elizabeth Voak, Mary Sue Cummings, Mildred Pi­per, Eula Land, Lavon Hennington, Charles Horn, Cliff Clark, Fred Massey, Vincent Scurria, Ed­win Freeman, Meredith Holt, Emmet Craig, Philip Scurria, Major Pope, Wylie Towne, Cecil Piper, Brevard Breckenridge.