Frank J. Roddy, a resident of Monroe since 1907, has been one of the men most
prominently before the public through his valuable service as chief of the
Monroe Fire Department. He was appointed the first fire chief of Monroe, and to
him more than to any one else Monroe is indebted for its present highly
efficient department. Since he became chief, the insurance rating at Monroe has
advanced from fourth to first class, with a corresponding reduction of a third
in insurance rates. The number of fires has likewise been greatly reduced.
Mr. Roddy was born in Savannah, Georgia, in 1883, and was reared and
educated in that city, and after leaving school he learned the plumber's trade.
That trade he followed in Savannah and various Cities in the country, and after
locating in Monroe in April, 1907, was engaged in the plumbing business for five
In the latter part of 1912, he entered the fire department service
as a driver, was soon appointed foreman, and on February 17, 1913, was made the
first fire chief by Mayor Forsythe. Since then he has worked untiringly to
secure better equipment, more capable men and perfect the complete fire fighting
and fire protection service of this rapidly growing city, which has increased in
population from wealth and material resources perhaps as rapidly as any city in
the South. It was a short time before Mr. Ruddy entered the Monroe Fire
Department that the first step was taken towards motorizing the equipment. He
has been the fire chief during the administrations of A. A. Forsythe, Charles A.
Downey, H. D. Apgar and Arnold Bernstein. During these twelve years, a large
investment has been made in motor apparatus, and the personnel of the department
now numbers twenty-four men. Since he became chief the Gamewell fire alarm
system was installed in 1916, and in 1919 he instituted the double platoon
Mr. Roddy married Miss Edna R. Downey, a daughter of the late C.
A, Downey, who for many years prior to his death in September, 1924, had been a
conspicuously useful citizen of Monroe, serving as a member of the city council
and mayor. Mr. and Mrs. Ruddy have two children, Charles and Frank Roddy.
Contributed 2021 Nov 04 by Mike Miller, from A History of Louisiana, by Henry E. Chambers, published in 1925, volume 2, page 239.
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