Ouachita Parish

Obituaries - Special Collections

These are obituaries culled from loose newspapers in the Special
Collections room of OPPL. They are filed loosely in a box in the
cabinet. Quite a good slice of our history!

Telegraph Bulletin
Saturday, September 5, 1891
Page 1, Column 3
Death of D.M. McKaskle.
Vernon Patriot, August 28th We deeply regret to learn of the death of
our old friend Mr. D.M. McKaskle who resided in the lower part of the
parish near Hood's mill P.O. Mr. McKaskle was one of the best and most
prominent citizens of his community. He was a man of irreproachable
character and stood high in the estimation of all who knew him.

Ouachita Telegraph
Friday, June 20, 1879
Page 3, Column 3
Died, at her residence in Caldwell parish, La., on May the 17th, 1879,
Mrs. MATILDA GREGORY, in the 58th year of her age.
It is not until the face and form of some loved one is snatched from us
in death that we can sympathize with others in their loneliness. If we
have stood by the dying bedside of a sainted mother and silently watched
her pass away, see the dear eyes closed in death, not until then can we
feel for those bereft of a mother's love. What a blessed comfort there
is in the Christian religion; and though we shiver at the idea of
parting from her, yet we shall meet above in that house not made by
hands eternal in the Heavens, where we shall be happy as we wander,
hand-in-hand, through the streets of gold, studded with pearls and
precious gems, listening to the strains the angels sing; partaking
freely of the "fountains of living waters," and basking in the glare of
that countenance whose brightness is indescribable.
In the removal of this pious mother this family (though not Christians)
are sorely afflicted. May the dear Lord have used this means of
bringing them to Himself. Deceased was a member of Fellowship church,
having resided in this parish for twenty-one years. Her family have
every evidence that her life was one "hid with Christ in God." Her
chair is vacant, the family link is broken, the quiet hands folded from
their life work; she has entered that "pure sinless clime that lies
beyond the stream," and in that Home prepared upon the other side, hears
the sweet voice of the Redeemer, "Welcome thou good and faithful
servant, enter thou into the joys of thy Lord."

The Ouachita Telegraph
December 20, 1866
Page 2, Column 5
At Waverley Plantation in the Parish of Caldwell, on the 6th ult., of
paralysis, in the 70th year of her age, Mrs. FRANCES HASSON, mother of
Dr. J.T. Simmons, of this town.
For more than fourty (sic) years, she has been a member of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Her life had been consicrated (sic) to its
interests, deeming no sacrifice too great for its interests, deeming no
sacrifice too great for its advancement and prosperity. Her sufferings
were long and protracted, but she bore her afflictions with patience and
Her Christian spirit in life more than supplied the absence of a dying
testimony of her acceptance with the Lord. And thus she passed away
from the sorrows of earth to the joys of Heaven.

Monroe Daily Star
Wednesday, November 16, 1898
Page 1, Column 2
Dropped Dead
Chancy Sceals, an aged colored woman who for many years was employed as
a domestic in the family of Mr. A.J. Keller as cook, dropped dead in Mr.
Keller's yard yesterday evening. On account of illness she had not been
working for some months past. She lived near Mr. Keller's home and
being without wood had gone over to borrow some and was in the act of
picking up a stick of wood when she fell dead. She was removed to her
home and her remains were taken in charge by a colored benevolent
society of which she was a member. The society will bury her today in
the colored cemetery on Young's Bayou.

Monroe Daily Star
Wednesday, November 16, 1898
Page 1, Column 4
Death of Joe Wimberly.
Mr. Joe D. Wimberly died at his father's home near Mer Rouge, La., last
night in the 44th year of his age. The remains will be brought to this
city this evening for interment and the funeral will take place from the
undertaking establishment of J.E. Peters tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock,
proceeding to the Monroe cemetery.
Mr. Wimberly had been in ill health for more than a year past and had
visited Hot Springs several times with the hope of recupering (sic) but
his efforts were unrewarding. When he returned from his last trip to
the Springs he went to his father's home near Mer Rouge and was confined
there to () until his death.
At one time he was prominently identified here in business circles and
in steamboating, but reverses overtook him, he lost his health and quite
a competency that had been acquired was sunk in business ventures and in
attempting to regain his health.
Mr. Wimberly was a cousin of Capt. Wimberly, collector of the port of
New Orleans, and it was said that he had been slated for a good position
in the Custom House, but his health never admitted of his accepting it.
Mr. Wimberly married Mrs. Mollie Turpin, a sister of Mr. W.D.
Hutchinson, of Rayville, who died before him. They had one child,
Enied, who survives them, aged 8 years.

Monroe Times
Wednesday, November 11, 1891
Page 3, Column 1
John Huffman, son of the late Capt. J.M. Huffman of Oak Ridge, died at
Jackson, La., last week. He was at the time attending Centenary

Monroe Times
Wednesday, November 11, 1891
Page 3, Column 1
Not a few of our citizens will learn with deep regret of the death at
Shreveport last Thursday night of Fannie R., wife of Col. John S. Young,
formerly a resident of this city and well and favorably known here.
Col. Young's Monroe friends tender their sympathy to him in his

The Telegraph
Thursday, December 7, 1865
Page 2, Column 4
In Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, on the 19th November, LUCY GUICE, aged
sixteen years.
"Death lies on her, like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.

The West Monroe Plowboy
Saturday, October 24, 1891
Page 3, Column 2
In Monroe, La., Monday, Oct. 19, 1891, at 4:30 p.m.
LUCY, Oldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A.G. Bowman. Age 10 years, 6 months and
27 days. -The charming little daughter was laid to rest at the cemetary (sic) on
20th inst. We extend our deepest sympathy to the parents of the

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