May, Alexander H., the popular assessor, Jonesboro, La., was born at Vienna, La., in Lincoln parish, April 20, 1872; a son of Philip and Angle (Norris) May. The father's family were originally from Virginia. The grandfather, Philip May, was a prominent attorney, and settled in Louisiana, in 1817, where he continued his practice in Farmerville, in what was then known as Ouachita parish. He died in 1858 in New Orleans, while there serving as a senator from Ouachita parish. His paternal grandmother, Mary Pauline (Stowe) May, was a native of Louisiana, and a direct descendant of an old English family in Virginia. The maternal grandfather was Cyrus Norris, and grandmother, Betsy (Autrey) Norris, their ancestry being of Scottish derivation. The original progenitors in the new world settled in Alabama at an early date. The father of the subject of this review died in Lincoln parish in 1874, where he was engaged in farming. The mother remarried in 1879 to Jackson A. Pipes, of Lincoln parish. By her first marriage there were 3 children: Claiborne (deceased), the subject of this sketch and Willis T., also deceased. By second marriage, 2 children: Mitchell and Clarence Pipes, both at Coleman, Tex. Mr. May received his rudimentary education in the public schools, and later attended the state normal at Natchitoches. After completing his course, he became engaged in teaching, which work he kept up for 17 years, in which time he made many friends, and proved himself a competent and energetic instructor. In 1908 he was elected assessor, and in 1912, through his great popularity was reelected. Mr. May is a Mason, Knight of Pythias, of Bros, La., and is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the "Woodmen of the World, at Jonesboro. He is the owner of a plantation in Jackson parish. Mr. May married Miss Anna Lelie, a daughter of Richard R. and Ida (Hope) Ross, of Morehouse parish. Four children have been born to them as follows: Philip R. (deceased), Hope, Ida, and Pauline, all residing at the parental residence.
Extracted 2020 Oct 29 by Norma Hass, from Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form, Volume 3, pages 728-729.
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