Mosely, J. M., M. D. — This well-known representative of the medical profession was born at Mosely's Bluff, Dec. 23, 1879; a son of Henry and Louise (Hodge) Mosely. The father, a scion of an old English family who settled in Alabama in the colonial days, was a valiant soldier of the Confederacy in the war between the states. After the surrender he returned to his family, and during those dark days of reconstruction he moved to Louisiana, where he engaged in the mercantile business at Mosely's Bluff, which was named after the family. The old veteran passed away in 1899, and is survived by his wife, who now resides at Jonesboro. Of the 4 children in the family, the subject of this sketch is the eldest. The others are: Sena, wife of Ben Sheen, a capitalist of Arcadia; Charles H., surgeon for the Huie Hodge Lumber Co. of Hodge, La., and Ruth, the widow of Thomas Webb of Jonesboro. Dr. Mosely, after availing himself of the educational advantages afforded by his community, matriculated at the Memphis medical college, where he began the study of his chosen vocation, graduating with signal honors in the class of 1903. After completing the college curriculum, he returned to his native state, where he became actively engaged in the practice of medicine at Oak Grove, where he remained 18 months, whence he moved to Simsboro, continuing to practice there for 4 years. He later took up his residence in Arcadia, where he has since remained and where he has established an excellent practice. Dr. Mosely is a staunch advocate of the principles of democracy, a splendid citizen, and a man of deep piety. He is a member of the Parish and Louisiana State Medical societies, American Medical association, and is affiliated fraternally with the Masonic order, in which he has attained the Chapter degree, and is also a devout and active member of the Presbyterian church. He is actively associated with the business world, and is a stockholder in the Commercial bank of Arcadia. In Oct., 1903, he was united in marriage to Lela, a daughter of John B. and Belle (McFarland) Edwards, both of Louisiana, the father being engaged in the insurance business at Ruston. To this union have been born 3 children: Esther Belle, Mary and John M., all at home attending school.
Extracted 2020 Oct 29 by Norma Hass, from Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes, Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic Form, Volume 3, pages 645-647.
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