Jackson Parish

Obituary - William O. Ewing, Sr.

The Shreveport Times, 24 Apr 1972

CHATHAM - Funeral services for William O. Ewing Sr., 94, a member of a pioneer Jackson Parish family, will be held at 3 p.m. Monday in the Chatham Methodist Church with the Rev. W. L. Gilbert officiating, assisted by the Rev. Dan Tohline and the Rev. J. T. Garrett. Burial will be in the Chatham Cemetery under the direction of Edmond's Funeral Home of Jonesboro.

Mr. Ewing was the first Louisiana Forestry Commission employee in Jackson Parish. He was later employed with the Tremont Lumber Co., where he worked for 41 years.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Edna Ayres and Mrs. Lennie Green, both of Shreveport, and Mrs. Callie Mae Wright of Houston, Tex.; four sons, N. L. Ewing and L. C. Ewing, both of Jonesboro, J. A. Ewing of Chatham, and W. O. Ewing Jr. of Houston; two half-brothers, Edgar Ewing of Ruston, and J. E. Ewing of Jonesboro; a half-sister, Mrs. Tillie May of Columbia; 12 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.

Contributor's Additions

William Oliver Ewing Sr. was married Caldonia Maudie MAY, daughter of Joseph Monroe MAY and Sarah Francis KIRKLAND MEREDITH MAY.

Contributed 2021 Oct 02 by Doug McBroom doug324@aol.com

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