World War II Casualty Records
DNB -Died, non battle       DOW -Died of wounds
FOD -Finding of death       KIA -Killed in action
CPL - Corporal       LT - Lieutenant
JG - Junior grade       PFC - Private First Class
PVT - Private       SGT - Sargeant
SSGT - Staff Sargeant       TEC - Technician
Name Serial # Rank Status Notes
Rufus Bellard 38261780 TEC5 DNB  
Alfred Benoit 14006295 PFC KIA  
Henry Bertrand 38483163 PFC KIA  
Howard L. Blessington 0-660448 2 LT DNB  
John N. Bond 14031625 SGT DOW  
Clarence Broussard 38490127 PVT KIA  
Wilson S. Broussard 34075292 PFC KIA  
Wesley Buller 34151808 PFC DOW  
Allen Conner        
Adam Conner        
Asa Courts        
Tousin NMI Demarest 14010812 PVT  KIA  
Yves S. Doise 20460499 PVT DNB  
Stephen Duhon 38484709 T SG KIA  
Willard Duhon        
Wilford J. Durkes 38490876 PVT KIA  
Joseph R. Falgout 34029708 PFC DNB  
Luke Fontenot 38258622 PVT DNB  
Cyril C. Foreman 34156033 PFC KIA  
Murphy C. Fuselier 38487329 PVT KIA  
Arvy Gary 38258589 PVT DOW  
Lenus J. Guillory 38617914 PVT KIA  
Roosevelt H. Guillory 34006228 SGT KIA  
Cleveland Hebert 34006246 PFC DNB  
Edward R. Keys 34075013 PFC KIA  
Dallas J. Lefleur 38258780 TEC5 KIA  
Otis Lagrone 34154459 PVT KIA  
Wilbert Landry 38483009 PVT KIA  
Wilson LeBlanc 38264358 PVT KIA  
Joseph Oneil Legros        
Carlton J. LeJeune 38616906 PVT KIA  
Clifford J. LeJeune 14017171 PVT DOW  
Elroy LeJeune 38172421 PFC DOW  
Lonnie R. Lewis 38261538 PVT  DNB  
Henry W. Liner Jr 0-446390 2 LT FOD  
Paul B. Manouvrier Jr. 18137485 AV C DNB  
Alton Matthews        
Marchel McLean 34272313 PFC KIA  
Sam Monceaux 38487371 PVT KIA  
Alvon Monlezun        
Tony H. Morrish 19165048 SGT KIA  
James Myers        
Walter J. Myers 34156029 SGT DNB  
Clifford Nelson 34231678 PVT KIA  
Ernest Newman 38483062 PVT KIA  
Louis Philip Jr. 34150056 PVT KIA  
Atney Pitre 38187254 SGT KIA  
Calvin C. Pulver 38538654 SGT KIA  
Dudley Reddell 38488888 PVT  DOW  
Samual Savoy 34231563 TEC5 DNB  
Clinton L. Segraves 18149176 S SG KIA  
Nelton Teal        
Aros Thibeaux 34154415 PFC KIA