Graveyard Symbols
Animals Decriptions Figures Decriptions
Ant Christian industry Angel Messenger between God & man, guide
Bats (rare) The Underworld Angel, flying Rebirth, guardian angel
Birds Souls Angel, trumpeting Call to the Resurrection
Birds flying Flight of the soul back to God Angel, weeping Grief
Butterfly Resurrection, Christian metamorphosis Child, sleeping Victorian death motif
Chrysalis Christian metamorphosis, resurrection Death’s Head, winged Mortality
Dove, descending Holy Ghost Effigies, winged The flight of the soul
Dove, peace Innocence, purity, messenger of God carrying soul to Heaven  Father Time Mortality, the Grim Reaper
Eagle Fierceness, ascension; the heavenly conveyor, national emblem of the United States, the military professional, Civil War casualties Four Evangelists Matthew (winged man), Mark (winged lion), Luke (winged ox), John (winged eagle)
Eagle, winged St. John, The Evangelist Hand of God, pointing downward Mortality, sudden death
Fish Christ, plentifulness Hand of God, pointing upward The reward of the righteous, confirmation of life after death
Frog Resurrection Hands Devotion, prayer
Hart The faithful thirsting for God Handshakes Farewell to earthly existence
Lamb Christ, Redeemer, meekness, sacrifice, child, innocence, most common 19th century child’s marker Hands, clasped In death as in life, the devotion of these two is not destroyed
Lamb, with banner Resurrection Trumpeters Heralds of the resurrection
Lion Strength, courage, royalty, power, guardian, fallen hero
Lion, winged St. Mark, The Evangelist
Ox, winged St. Luke, The Evangelist
Peacock Immortality, eternity, resurrection, incorruptibility of the flesh
Pelican Feeds young with own blood, redemption through Christ
Phoenix Immortality, baptism
Ram Sacrifice
Rooster The Awakening from the fall from grace, repentance
Serpent Symbol of Death
Snake Sin, Satan, fall of man
Snake, hooped Eternity
Snake w/tail in mouth Called Oroubourus, eternity, unity
Things Decriptions TREES AND PLANTS Decriptions
Anchor Hope, life eternal, may indicate seafaring profession Almond Favor from God, Virgin birth
Arch Triumph, victory in Death Apple Sin, Eve
Armor Protection from evil Bouquets Condolences, grief
Arrow Martyrdom, mortality Cedar Strong, faith, length of days, success
Banner Victory, triumph Cypress Sorrow, death, eternal life, Roman symbol for mourning
Bibles Resurrection through the scripture, the clergy Evergreens Immortality
Candle Flame, life Flower, broken Fragility of life, premature death
Candlestick Christ, devotion Fruit Eternal plenty
Celtic cross Circle on it symbolizes eternity Fruit & vine Jesus Christ, the Christian church
Coats of Arms & Crests Lineage, status Ivy Abiding memory, friendship, fidelity
Colum, broken Sorrow, broken life Laurel Victory, triumph, glory
Columns, doors Heavenly entrance Lily, lilies Resurrection, purity
Cross Salvation Lotus Egyptian water lily and ornament
Cross w/rays of rising sun Glory Oak Supernatural power and strength, eternity
Crown on Cross Sovereignty of Christ Olive Peace, healing faith
Cup Eucharist Palm Spiritual victory over death, peace
Finger, pointing up Way to Heaven Poppy Symbolic of sleep, therefore, death
Flame Eternity Roses Condolence, sorrow
Fleur-de-Lis Virgin, Trinity
Garlands Victory in Death
Gate Departure from life, entrance to Heaven, Death
Harp or lyre Heavenly music, joy
Horns Resurrection
Keys, crossed St. Peter
Pyramid Symbolic of death
Rosary Devotion to Mary
Shell Pilgrimage, baptism of Christ
Shrine Wisdom, knowledge
Star Birth, life of Christ
Sun God or Son
Sword Martyrdom, courage, warfare
Swords, crossed High ranking military person
Winged wheel Holy spirit