Donald Burt Kearney.- Submitted for the USGenWeb by
Richard P. Sevier April 12, 2019
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Donald Burt Kearney,
Madison Parish, Louisiana
From Midland,
Michigan Daily
News April 12, 2019
Donald Burt Kearney, of Midland,
passed away March 2, 2019. As a cherished father, he instilled in his family
the principles of wisdom, knowledge, self-esteem, generosity, encouragement,
integrity, confidence, and compassion with kindness.
Donald was born in Tallulah, La., Oct. 9, 1924, and grew up in Arlington, Va.
In high school, he was a cheerleader, played saxophone and clarinet in the
school's swing band, and met Avis Mae Shaffer; they married Feb. 9, 1945.
Donald earned his maste's degree in chemical
engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute (now Virginia Tech) and served
in the U.S. Navy
during World War
II, studying cartography and Japanese culture and language. Soon after
the war they moved to Baton Rouge, La., where he began work at Standard Oil.
In January 1954, Donald accepted a position with The Dow Chemical Co., so Don
and Ava, with their young family, moved to Midland. In 1963, Donald co-designed
and built his new home with an architect who had studied with Alden Dow, who
himself had been a student of Frank Lloyd Wright.
He enjoyed pheasant and deer hunting with lifelong friends, snow-skiing,
fishing, and sailing, family trips included taking a big vacation driving out
west in 1962, and traveling to the New York World's Fair in 1965.
Don was always immersed with his family's activities of water-skiing and
camping throughout Michigan, leader for the MYF at the First United Methodist
Church, Little League manager/coach, Cub Scout troop den guide and host of our
annual backyard Neighborhood Kearney Corn-roast and an equine enthusiast.
Donald also supported all four of his children to be involved in their learning
and love of music and the arts.
During Donald's tenure for almost 40 years with Dow Chemical he accepted the
opportunity to transfer with Dow's new Sydney offices allowing him to lead the
new Global Dow Headquarters of Engineer/Marketing Development-Sydney; moving in
1969 to Sydney, Australia with his family for three years, then moving back to
Midland. Donald received mention for his work with Dow in both Midland and
Sydney, included in Dow's hardback retrospective, "Salt of the
After Donald retired
in 1990 he continued to play golf and tennis, traveling to visit family
throughout the country and with enthusiasm, he attended several Naval reunions in Norfolk, Va.
Donald is the treasured father of four children, all graduates of Midland
public high schools, Kenneth A. Kearney, Steven E. Kearney (deceased), Linda Y.
Kearney and Donna Bea Kearney. Donald will be fondly remembered by his beloved
11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren; Don's legacy of his personal
character and work ethic lives on in the hearts of all who knew him.
We are so grateful for the faithful guidance from our father,
we give thanks for the countless blessings he brought to our lives. We write
this in memory of Dad's endless support, through the difficult seasons and
rejoiced with us during the good times.