1941 THS Graduating Class Article




Capacity Audience Present For School Event


TALLULAH, La., May 30 — Commencement exercises for the grad­uating class of the Tallulah high school took place here Wednesday night in the high school audito­rium before a capacity audience. Samuel Moore delivered the vale­dictory address and Burney Moore (Long?) the salutatory. Rev. W. N. Fer­guson gave the invocation and benediction and the processional, and recessional marches for the seniors were played by the Tal­lulah high school band, under 1he direction of Fred Setaro of Vicks­burg.


M. A. Phillips, retiring principal spoke on "Citizenship" as it has been developed among the students during his administration. "Forces at Work Against Democracy" were discussed by five members of the graduating class; Alice Gilbert spoke on "German - American Bund"; Jack Folk on "Fifth Col­umn Activities in the United States”; Dorothy Strong on "Labor Problems"; Burney Long on “Fifth Column Activities in South Ameri­ca" and Juanita Ferguson on "Communistic Activities in the United States."


A vocal solo was rendered by Billie Terry and a reading by Ro­berta Sevier. Nat Thomas, presi­dent of the senior class presented the class book to Bill Freeman, president of the junior class and a large framed portrait of Super­intendent James R. Linton, who has served the schools of the par­ish for over thirty years, as the gift of the 1941 class to the Tal­lulah high school.


The following scholarships and awards were presented by M. A. Phillips who also paid tribute to the work of Mr. Linton; to Louis­iana State University, S a m u e l Moore; Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, Alice Gilbert; Louisiana State Normal, Johnny Hocott; Loy­ola University, Brice LeBlanc. D. A. R. Citizenship Awards to senior girl, Alice Lou Linton; 6th and 7th grades, Joyce Anderson; 8th and 9th grades, H. G. Smith; 10th and 11th grades, Ruth Hale; Amer­ican Legion Citizenship Awards to senior boy, Burney Long; senior girl, Alice Lou Linton; home eco­nomics scholarship, Grace Brownlee.


Superintendent Linton presented diplomas to the following graduates: Ophelia Sevier Ammons, Anne Louise Bowie, Catherine Elese Carter, Mable Ruedell Carlisle, Jacquine Welton Curry, Roy Junior Cox, William Travis Colligan, Vores Joseph Colligan, Jr. Robert Dale Cagnolatti, Mary Hilma Dale, Dorothy Clara Dahlhauser, Thomas Edward Edwin, Aubrey Earl Floyd, Mark Dalton Freeman Jr., Jack Hayne Folk, Juanita Ferguson, Alice Virginia Gilbert, Helen Ruth Griffin, Erlene Grayson, John Parker Hocott Jr., Nellie Sue Jackson, Clarence A. Julian, Irene Keller, Marion Osborne Lawrence, Alice Lou Linton, Jessie Lea Land, Robert Bruce LeBlanc, Robert Burney Long Jr., Ora Phillip Mueller, Thomas I. Murphy, Samuel Pixler Moore, Joel Thomas Mills, Harry Bayne Monsell, Maxine Miller, Sarah Katherine McClain, Doyle Clifton Penton, Rita Violet Roy, Norma Lee Register, Maggie Ruth Sistrunk, Dorothy Strong, Roberta Sevier, Maycel Sherrod, Dora Mae Stewart, Margaret Loraine Smith, Howard Spencer Sevier, Malcolm Sevier, Perry Sargent, Nathaniel Williams Thomas, Billie Ernestine Terry, Frances Mittye Towne, Katherine Virginia Wilkins, Mary Elizabeth Williams, Jesse Williamson, Milton Lane Williams


Courtesy of Janet Byram Newsom