R. M. Filhiol of Logtown, La., is a native of this state and was born in Monroe, La. His father, John B. Filhiol, was born in the town of Monroe in 1815. Our subject was reared and educated in Ouachita parish, La, and succeeded his father in 1885 in the operation of his beautiful plantation on the Ouachita river. He has also a large interest in other lands and in a number of co-operations in the state. He is a very active politician and takes a great interest in all things that tend to the upbuilding of the community and the state in which he lives. His greatest pride is in his large mercantile and planting business, which he has operated very successfully for some time.
Contributed 2021 Nov 04 by Mike Miller, from Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Louisiana, published in 1892, volume 1, page 414.
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