State of Louisiana
Parish of Ouachita
Clerk’s Office
To } Marriage license
Miss Sarah Ann Smith
To any ordained
minister of the Gospel, I am isolated within the Parish and State afore said Or
to any Justice of the Peace legally authorized by law to Celebrate Marriages
within the same place Greeting:
You are hereby authorized and empowered
to Unite in Holy bonds of Matrimony and Holy wedlock Mr. James Abbott and Miss
Sarah Ann Smith both residents of Said Parish and State and to Solemnize and
Celebrate the said marriage between the parties as above names according to the
laws and customs of the State of Louisiana and make your return here of as the
law directs and make your authority for so doing, Given under my hand and Seal
of Said Court on this 13th day of September 1847.
Henry O. M. Emery by Clerk
State of Louisiana }
Parish of Ouachita} I do hereby certify that I have
on this day, in pursuance of the forgoing license Celebrated and Solemnized a
marriage between James Abbott and Miss Sarah Ann Smith agreed to the Laws and
Customs of the State of Louisiana, in testimony whereof, I have together with
their parties and in presence of the undersigned Witnesses. Signed these
presents on this 14th day of September, 1847.
Signed James Abbott, Sarah Ann
Smith, Jacob Hickman
Witnesses: A. W. Sanford, T. J. Brady, that hearing, I
Certify the foregoing to be a true Record.
Transcribed by Carolyn Jones
Modica, great-granddaughter of James Abbott and Sarah Ann Smith
To the Honorable the Judge of the 12 Judicial District Courts holding
sessions in for the Parish of Ouachita State of Louisiana
petition of Francis Marion Smith a resident of said Parish and State
with respect represents---
That, on the Sixth day of December,
1865, at her late residence in said Parish, this mother, Cassandra
Smith did, intestate, that she was possessor of a small estate
consisting of real and personal property, situated in zone said Parish
of Ouachita, that she left no surviving husband, but nine children, all
of mature age – to wits.- D. Claiborne Smith, a resident of the State of
Arkansas, Lucinda, wife of James Ellison, residents of the State of
Tennessee, Sanford S. Smith, A. Jackson Smith, Elizabeth, wife of
Zachary Martin, Rebecca P, wife of John Wentzell, Emily C., wife of
David Wentzell, Josephine, wife of Hypolite Labaun, and Lou Jo Ellison
residents of the State of Louisiana.
Petitioner further represents
that an administrator should be appointed to ----- the property
belonging to the succession, and proposes that he himself be appointed
administrator with the forms of Law in such case made ----- Petitioner
further prays that an order issued in the Records of Parish of Ouchita,
indicating him to make an inventory and appraisements of all the
property belonging to said succession – and further that Wm T. Atkins be
appointed attorney to represent D. Claiborn Smith & Lucinda Ellison, the
absent heirs & for all other necessary orders and for general reliefs.
R.W. Jemison, Atty
State of Louisiana
Parish of Ouachita – Let
the prayer of the petitioner be granted-In the mother of this Succession
of Cassandra Smith - and – It is ordered that Charles Deleny, Parish
Recorder & ex official notary public for said Parish – make an inventory
& appointment of all the property belonging to said succession and
return this same to this officer on or before Wednesday 12th February
1866___ It is further ordered that Wm J. Atkins be appointed attorney to
represent the ----- heirs, D. Claiborne Smith & Lucinda Ellison now
absent for this State.
Done & signed this the 2nd day of February
James W -----
State of Louisiana
Parish of Ouachita
We & each of us absolutely swear that we will to the best of our ability
and understanding appraise all of the property composing succession of
the Mrs. Cassandra Smith, Decd. Which may be shown to us and come to our
Sworn to & subscribed
Before me this 10th Day of
February, 1866
J.S. Moore
Chars DeLany, Recorder
State of
Paris of Ouchita
Be it known that on this tenth day of
February 1866, in persuarnce to an order issued from the Hon, 12th
District Court, in for said parish, dated 2nd day of February, 1866, and
directed to me, to make an inventory and appraisment of the property
composing the Sucession of Mrs. Cassandra Smith Decd, situated in said
Parish of Ouachita, I have appointed James W. Décor and James S. Moore,
appraisers to appraise Said property, what after being sworn, according
to law, proceeded as follows –
Madison Rogers note for $1,080.20
Appraised at
John Wentzell’s note for $640.27
Appraised at
One feather bed& mattress
& bed Clothes
appraised at
One Clothes Press appraised at
One Clock “ “
One Look Glass “ “
1 Table &
Books “ “
Day irons, 2 shovels, tongs &
appraised at
One Rocker “ “
3 Trunks “ “
4 Talbes
Washbowl & Petestal
1 Lot
$ 3.50
20 Heogs moneonless
1 Cow & Calf
1 Buzzy & Harness
1 Press
Totaling to the sum of nineteen hundred & fifty one 97/100 Dollars – in
faith where of I have signed my name hereto in presence of the
undersigned witnesses with the appraisers on this 10th day of February,
1866. James Decer
J.T. Climes J.S. Moore
R.Y. Babb W.T. Atkins
Atty for absent heir
Charles DeLany, Recorder
$1,951. 27
State of Louisiana
Parish of Ouchita
I, F.Marion Smith sworn that
I will faithfully ----------------------and perform all singular the
duties------------- entrusted on me as Co-administrator of the
--------------- Cassandra Smith, dec. according to the best of my
ability & understanding, So help me God. Fr.Me.Smith
Sworn to of
scribed before me
This 21st Day, Feby, 1866
A.L. Seact Dyclt [sic]
State of Louisiana Parish of Ouchita. By reason of the law, the
evidence & by further reason of the application of F M Smith for the
administration of ----- of Cassandra Smith died having been advertised
in the manner prescribed by law for more then ten clear days & no
opposition having been made hereto it is ordered that said F,M, Smith be
appointed Administrator of said Succession ----- his giving bond with
good security taking the oath prescribed by law>
Done & signed in
office this 21st day of Feby -----
James H Milling, Clerk
State of Louisiana
Parish of Ouachita,
Twelfth Judicial
District Court
Whereas, F. Marion Smith has been appointed
Administrator of the Succession of Cassandra Smith and had given bond
and made oath as prescribes by Law.
Now, THEREFORE, he is hereby
authorized and fully empowered to discharge and perform, all and
singular, the duties appertaining to the said appointment according to
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and
affixed the Seal of the Court, on this 21st day of February , A. D. 1866
A True Copy A. L. Seact By Clerk
State of Louisiana
Twelfth district court, parish of Ouachita
Know all Men by these
Presents, THAT WE, Fr Marion Smith as principal, and David Wentzell as
security of are held and firmly bound unto T. S. Crawford Judge in and
for said Parish of Ouachita, or to his successors in office, in the sum
of Two Thousand Five hundred Dollars for the payment of which we bind
ourselves, and each of us, and each of our heirs, executors and
administrators, jointly and severally and firmly by these presents.
Dated this 21st day of February A.D. 1866.
The condition of the
above obligation is such, that if the above bound F. Marion Smith
administrator of the Estate of the late Cassandra Smith deceased, does
well and truly, according to law, administer the same; and further, does
make and render a true, just and perfect account of his actions and
doings, when hereunto lawfully required, either by the aforesaid Judge
or his successors in office, agreeably to law, or by the heir of said
deceased, or their lawful Attorney or Attorneys, or by the duly
appointed and authorized executor or executors of the last will and
testament of the said deceased, should it hereafter appear that any such
will or testament was by the said deceased made, then this obligation to
be void, or else to remain in full force and virtue.
In witness of,
we have hereunto set our hands, this day and year above written.
presence of Fr. Me. Smith, David Wentzell
C. L LeBaunt, Clerk
To the Hon, the Judge of the 12th Judicial holding Sessions in an for
the Parish of Ouachita State of Louisiana.
The petition of F. Marion
Smith, Administrator of the Succession of Cassandra Smith dec’d with
respect represents that this and some debts – one by said Succession –
and that a considerable fortion of the personal property is -favorable
in it s motive & difficults and expensive to as ------- fully appraise
lb ---- to the inventory on file ----- and that it is to the best
interest of the heirs that it should be sold - ---- her ----- that an
order may be issued from the Honorable Court authorizing an explanation
---- the Sale, and of the property of said Succession except the notes
and accets --- one the Succession – and be further prays for general
R. W. Jemison, Atty
The State of Louisiana
of Ouachita
Clerks Office 12th District Court
To F. Marion
Smith, Administrator of the Succession of Cassandra Smith, decd.
In Issuance of an order issued from the ----- 12th Judicial District
Court in and for the Parish & State afore said, being date February 26,
A.D. 1866. You are hereby directed and required to Sell at Public
Auction according to law all the property embraced in the inventory of
Said Succession---------- the Notes due by John Wentzell & Madison
Rogers, and make your return to the office of the Clerk of Said Court as
the law directs.
Witness my Official Sig and Seal of the Court, this
26th day of February A.D. 1866.
James H. Milling, Clerk
State of
Louisiana Succession Cassandra Smith
Parish of Ouachita By nova of
the Law and the ----- in this and it is ordered that F. Marion Smith,
Administrator, sell according to Law, all of the property succeeded of
the Succession of Cassandra Smith dec’d, in the inventory, except the
----- one by John Wentzell and Madison -----
Done & signed in office
this the 26th day of February 1866 .
James H. Milling, Clerk
State of Louisiana Cash Sale
Parish of Ouachita Procas Verbal [sic]
Be it known that on this the 17th day of March 1866, in obedience to the
annexed with the State, issued from the District Court of Ouachita
Parish, being Date February 26th 1866 , I, as directed, I proceeded to
sell at public auction for cash all the property embraced in the
Inventory of the Succession of Cassandra Smith dec’d except the Notes
due by Jm Wentzell & Madison Rogers __ after having advertised the same,
according to Law in the Ouachita Telegraph, a news paper publisher, in
said Parish of Ouachita __ with the following results __ No Wits ___ I
myself, F. Marion Smith, bid the appraisment - $10.00 for the Clock no
other bid being made, Joseph W. Parker bid $3.300 for the Looking Glass
and $1.50 for the Rocker being the highest and cash bidder. James W.
Dran & F. Marion Smith bid the appraisment for the Home amounting in the
------ to $29.00, trunks $15.00, nothing ----bought the appraisment –
The Clothes Prep and the Cow & Calf were no offers bid no claimes as the
property of Mrs. Rebecca & John Wentzell and unamously ---- and the
Ethen Frowler, F. M. Smith
R.W. Jemison,
Administrator of the Suc. Cassandra Smith
State of Louisiana Anding
Sole [sic]
Parish of Ouchita Proces Verbal [sic]
Be it known that
on this, the 7th day of April 1866 – in absence to the amended wit to
----- I proposed to sell at ----- auction to the highest bidder all the
personal property belonging to the succession of Cassandra Smith which
did not sell at the cash sale made by me on this 17th day of March, cash
offerr having administration the same according to law in the parish of
Ouachita-----, a mem of the families in said State Parish - When H.
LaBaun did off to Bid starting at $35.00. The bowl & pitcher at $4.00 &
1-Book at 25 cents - & gave his nob for $39.25 – with John H. Hobb as
Security & I F.M. Smith bid off 3. Tables at $4.00 & 3 books at $3.00 –
Shovel--- at $1.00. Lot of ---- at $4.00 and the ---- at $22.50 – and
gave my note payable to the administrator for $35.00 with H.LaBaun as
Security - $4.00 Cash was paid for the Prefs $3.00 cash for 1 table, 50
cents cash for 1 talbe, pd cash for 1-Book, making in the ---- - $82.75
– for blank and blank was not sold, it being the property of Hypolite
LaBaun & Emily by first upon the Inventory.
J.S. Moore
F.M. SmithR.W.Jemison
Administrator of Suc. C. Smith, decd.
Transcribed and contributed 17 Mar 2008 by Carolyn Jones Modica
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