Sabine Parish La.

Mail List, Message Board and

Lookup Volunteers


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Once signed in to you can search the archives of all previous messages sent through the system through the selections on the left side of the page.  Please know this is a new list since Ancestry is closing all mailing lists March 2020.


Sabine Parish Message Board



Sabine Parish Lookups

Becky Hargett has volunteered to do lookups in the following book: (NOTE: Becky does not lived in Louisiana, and can only help by looking up information in this book  "The History of Sabine Parish"  by John Belisle.  First published in 1912 by The Sabine Press; reprinted in 1976, by the DAR.

John Andrew Prime has a a GEDCOM database of numerous Sabine Parish families, including SELF, STEWART and RICKS. These are too extensive to post on the 'Net but he will gladly perform lookups. His e-mail address is John is the sponsor of Bossier and Caddo Parish, Louisiana US GenWeb Project pages. available through the main Louisiana page.-

Rebecca Maloney has volunteered to do lookups in the following books:  Succession Records of Sabine Parish, Louisiana 1841 - 1930 and Louisiana 1799 Census.


(c) 1998 - present