A. I. Shaw sells it for less.
J. J. Bradley, city baggage man.
Fred Johnson was a Sunday visitor to Lake Charles.
F. J. Smith was a Sunday visitor to Lake Charles.
Jas. Strecener of Kipling, was a DeRidder visitor Friday.
Ed Davies left Friday for Lake Charles, where he will attend to business matters.
Deputy Sheriff W. A. Martin was a business visitor to Lake Charles Firday.
John H. Lewis was a business visitor to Lake Charles one day last week.
Mrs. E. J. Tegarden has returned from a visit to relatives at Center, Texas.
S. Green and wife were DeRidder visitors from Kipling one day last week.
R.P. Holmes has opened his pool and billiard hall in the room over the Crescent Cafe.
Monette Jones and John Robinson left the first of the week for Texas points, where they will spend the coming two weeks with relatives and friends.
Prof. E.L. Hallock, representing the Beaumont Emterprise, was in DeRidder a couple of days this week in the interest of his paper.
J. C. Murphy left Saturday for Memphis, Tenn., and Kansas City, where he will spend several days attending to business matters.
H. B. and M. C. Frazer of Merryville, passed through DeRidder Thursday enroute to their homes from Lake Charles.
A. Tennant and wife are at Pittsburg, Kans., where they expect to spend several days visiting friends and relatives.
Mrs. Robert Webb has returned to her home at Edgerly, after a pleasant visit with the family of her brother, Fred Johnson.
M.M. Galloway, president of the Galloway Lumber Co., was a business vistior to Lake Charles and Leesville a couple of days this week.