Franklin Parish

1925 Biography - Archie A. Abell

Archie A. Abell, sheriff of Richland Parish, is a very capable and experienced officer, and has proved a citizen of reliability and trustworthy performance in all the relations of his life.

He was born at Winnsboro in Franklin Parish, October 17, 1877, son of E. C, and S. M. Abell. E. C. Abell, though a boy, rendered some service with the Confederate troops in Louisiana during the Civil war, and afterwards for many years was in business at Winnsboro as a merchant, in the abstract and real estate business, and for a long time clerk of the police jury of Franklin Parish. He died in 1908 when sixty-one years of age and his widow resides at Rayville. There were two sons, Archie A. and Percy T., the latter an accountant for the Phoenix Utility Company at Memphis.

Archie A. Abell received his education in the public schools at Winnsboro, and had considerable experience as a salesman in Stores there and at Rayville. Soon after he was twenty-one years of age, he became deputy sheriff under Sheriff Traylor, and subsequently served as deputy under Sheriffs Oliver and Cooper. For a few years, during intervals of this service, he was in the livery business at Rayville, and also connected with local merchandising firms.

Mr. Abell was elected sheriff in 1924. He has most efficiently performed the duties of his office. Mr. Abell is unmarried and is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

Contributed 2021 Nov 04 by Mike Miller, from A History of Louisiana, by Henry E. Chambers, published in 1925, volume 2, pages 251.

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