Marsha Holley, Parish Coordinator
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Our Families' Journeys Through Time

Pensioners Roll 1883, page 6

Submitted by Marsha Holley

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See page 6


The original file had the last names and some of the first names cut off. If you have any clue as to whom these men are, please let me know.

*g.s.w.- gunshot wound

1,116, Raymond, Agness, New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. groin, inj. to abd. $10.00

2,681, Shanahan, Michael, New Orleans, inj. to left eye, $4.00

3,291, Quin, James N., New Orleans, inj to head, $2.00

2,500, Parliet, Joseph, New Orleans, dis. of lungs & rheum, $12.00

99,051, Ulbig, Joseph, New Orleans, wd. rt. tibia, $6.00, Jul 1869

170,695, Inness, John W., New Orleans, injury to abdomen, $8.00, Jun, 1880

70,443, Conners, Edward, New Orleans, loss of lft thumb, $4.00, May 1879

160,263, Chippen, Edward A., New Orleans, *g.s.w. left leg, $4.00, May, 1879

42,842, Chaflee, James E., New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. ilum, $24.00, no dates

49,836, Cantetti, Adolphe, New Orleans, loss lft leg, $18.00, Aug 1866

189,793, Cooley, Alexander, New Orleans, inj. rt. shoulder, $4.00, Jun 1881

180,970, Cheval, Angeline, New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. ankle, shell wd. rt. arm, $10.00, Jan 1881

123,049, Cole, Cornelius S., New Orleans, paralysis, injury spine & c, $24.00, no dates

72,102, Lotz, John, New Orleans, loss rt arm above elbow, $24.00, no dates

88,743, Linden, John, New Orleans, *g.s.w. neck, $12.00, no dates

188,466, Finn, Lawrence, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft leg, $2.00, May 1881

190,601, Luft, Henry, New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. arm, $4.00, Jun 1881

191,384, Lee, Jesse, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft forearm, $2.00, Jun 1881

160,249, Ladage, Henry, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft. thigh, $2.00, Jun 1879

212,711, Leiss, Frederick, New Orleans,  *g.s.w. lft. thigh, $4.00, Jun 1882

193,321, Dennis, Lewis, New Orleans, dis. of abdominal viscers, $4.00, Jun 1881

147,677, Lawrence, Frank D., New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft hand, $4.00, Jun 1877

130,557, McLaughlin, Wm. W., New Orleans, phthisis pulmonalis, dis of abd. vis., and dis of lungs, $12.00, no date

220,422, Miller, Jacob (1st), New Orleans, *g.s.w., inj. hearing & vision, $6.00, Nov 1882

78,490, Francis, Lewis, New Orleans, loss lft arm below elbow, resect'n rt. shoulder, $72.00, no dates

3,252, McNally, John, New Orleans, grape shout wd. rt. forearm, $12.00, no dates

8,792, Matheu, Peter R., New Orleans, wd. lft hand, $6.00, no dates

90,718, Melocho, Stephen, New Orleans, loss rt. arm, above elbow, $24.00, no dates

163,606, McMillian, Wm. L, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft. hand, $15.00, Nov 1879

58,220, Moosman, John, New Orleans, shell wd. rt. leg, $12.00, Sep 1877

139,547, Miller, George C., New Orleans, *g.s.w. of lft thigh, $10.00, no dates

57,989, Meyer, Herman, New Orleans, loss rt. leg, $18.00, Dec 1866

192,517, Milnor, John, New Orleans, *g.s.w. buttocks, $4.00, Jul 1877

201, 888,, Moore, Daniel, New Orleans, inj. lft hand, loss jt. index finger, $2.00, Jan 1882

97,200, Muster, Elihu, New Orleans, *g.s.w. below lft clavicle, $12.00, Apr 1874

163,163, Baptiste, Martin, New Orleans, inj. lft knee, $8.00, Oct 1879

177,611, Getrie, Moses, New Orleans, abscess rt. breast, $4.00, , Oct 1880

58,787, Gibson, Fenton W., New Orleans, loss rt. arm above elbow, $24.00, no dates

90,763, Geselt, George, New Orleans, wd. rt. arm, $8.00, no dates

155,347, Gallenne, Jean B. D., New Orleans, ampt. lft leg from *g.s.w., $18.00, Sep 1878

155,347 (same # as above)Gains, John R. , New Orleans, total blindness, $72.00, Jun 1882

45,451, Hammond, Frank G., New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. leg, $8.00, no dates

94,230, Hewett, George, New Orleans, injury to abdomen, $12.00, no dates

138,380, Hoffman, Charles, New Orleans, loss rt. eye, impaired lft eye, $14.00, no dates

161,608, Hitch, Ebenezer V., New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft shoulder, dis. of abdominal viscera, $17.00, Jul 1879

54,334, Hermalia, Fidel, New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. leg, $4.00, no dates

2,270, Heer, Alexander, New Orleans, wd. rt. knee, $4.00, no dates

162,227, Hauser, Albrecht, New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. side of face, $4.00, Aug 1879

134,973, Adams Edgar E., New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. foot, $6.25, Feb 1876

166,232, Augustine, Edward, New Orleans,inj. of rt. shoulder, atrophy hand and arm, $.00, Mar 1880

124,665, Auguste, George, New Orleans, *g.s.w. hip, rt. thigh, $24.00, Jun 1877

84,155, Adams, James, New Orleans, *g.s.w. leg & rt. thigh, $8.00, Jul 1874

157,852, Manuel, Alfred, New Orleans, *g.s.w. loss of lft. forearm, $18..00, Mar 1872

128,225, Augustine, Peter or Pierre, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft shoulder, $10.00, Aug 1876

167,375, Turner, Charles H., New Orleans, rheumatism, heart dis, $8.00, Apr 1880

142,078,Turpin, Eugene, New Orleans, dis. of abdominal viscera, $4.00, no dates

194,857, Vandien, Henry, New Orleans, wd. lft hand, inj. to nose, $4.00, Aug 1881

152,161, Victor, Peter, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft. hand, $6.00, Apr 1876

144,646, Bayon, Alfred, New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. thigh, $4.00, Apr 1877

196,715, Thiel, August, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft arm, $7.50, Oct 1881

170,152, Ralph, George, New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. lg, $4.00, Jan 1880

49,831, Roimas, George, New Orleans, *g.s.w. wd. of head, $18.00, no dates

9,230, Rhode, Hendrick, New Orleans, injury to abdomen, $4.00, no dates

168,745, Roberts, John H., New Orleans, *g.s.w. rt. leg, $8.00, May 1880

183,784, Ramsey, Major, New Orleans, *g.s.w. lft. shoulder, $2.00, Mar 1881

159,628, Rattegan, Martin, New Orleans, dis. of lungs, $18.00, May 1879

143,968, Riches Tusan, New Orleans, *g.s.w. near left axilla, $10.00, no dates

56,787, Thornton, Richard, New Orleans, ampt. lft leg; can't wear artificial leg, $24.00, no dates

49,847, Ulgere, Athanas, New Orleans, wd. lft hand, $4.00, no dates

152,226, Young, Charles, New Orleans, *g.s.w. of rt. forearm, $4.00, Apr 1878


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