Julian E. Bailes, Judge, Tenth District, Division "B" was elected in 1960. His term ends in 1972. He was elected City Judge of Natchitoches in 1948 and re-elected in 1954. Judge Bailes attended Louisiana State Normal College and Louisiana State University. He practiced law in Natchitoches from 1937 to 1960. He is the son of Larry T. Bailes and Ethel Ballard Bailes, of Natchitoches, both deceased. He was born January 6, 1915, in Longview, Texas. He is married to Nell Sandefur Bailes and their children are: Georgia Ann, Juliana, Sara Nell, Julian,Jr. and Emily Karen. War record: 1st Lieutenant, U.S. Army Infantry; platoon leader, rifle company - France, Germany, etc. --
From "Biographies of Louisiana Judges" edited by J. Cleveland Fruge' for the Louisiana District Judges Association, publishers. 1971. Reproduction permitted without written permission provided credit line is retained. Copyright, 1971, J. Cleveland Fruge'.