Coushatta Bank Building | (added 1983 - Building - #83000536), 103 Carroll St., Coushatta | |
Historic Significance: | Architecture/Engineering | |
Architectural Style: | No Style Listed | |
Area of Significance: | Architecture | |
Period of Significance: | 1875-1899 | |
Owner: | Private | |
Historic Function: | Commerce/Trade | |
Historic Sub-function: | Financial Institution | |
Current Function: | Vacant/Not In Use |
Planter's Hotel | (added 1980 - Building - #80001758) Carroll St., Coushatta (Removed from registry on Dec. 8, 2016) |
Historic Significance: | Architecture/Engineering |
Area of Significance: | Commerce, Social History |
Period of Significance: | 1875-1899 |
Owner: | Private |
Historic Function: | Domestic |
Historic Sub-function: | Hotel |
Current Function: | Domestic |
Current Sub-function: | Single Dwelling |
Thomas House | (added 2002 - Building - #02000038) 787 LA, Martin |
Historic Significance: | Architecture/Engineering |
Architectural Style: | Other |
Area of Significance: | Commerce, Architecture |
Period of Significance: | 1850-1874 |
Owner: | Private |
Historic Function: | Domestic |
Historic Sub-function: | Single Dwelling |
Current Function: | Domestic |
Current Sub-function: | Secondary Structure |