To the left are photos submitted of Vermilion Parish places and families. If you have photos that you would like to include on this page, please email the Parish Coordinator.
I am always pleased to receive photos to post on the Vermilion Parish website. If you have
photos to send, if
possible, please send them in the following format:
If possible, name the pictures in all lower case letters. Use the initials of the first and middle names. Put last name first.
When I match the picture with the names, I can easily find them if last names are first. Most servers will not take files with
spaces or punctuation marks in them (Smith, Fred and Mary).
For example: smithfi.jpg
Please do not send just pictures. It is very difficult and very time consuming for me to go through each picture and try
to read names and dates. Please put the written information in the email if it
is known.
I will resize and crop all the pictures, if needed.
You don't have to alphabetize the list of names.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Submit records
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Parish Coordinator: Elaine Geyer
State Coordinator: Marsha Bryant
If you have questions or problems with this site, email Elaine Geyer. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research.