East Feliciana Parish

Norwood Presbyterian Church

Meeting Minutes - 1902-1931

[Page 150] Congregational Meeting Comite Church, Oct. 19, 1902: At a congregational meeting held this day for the purpose of election of two Elders and two Deacons. The motion to postpone the election of Elders to some future time was Carried. Mr. J. T. Sebastain and Ben S. Graves were duly elected to the office of Deacon in this Church. Mr. N. P. Reagan having formerly been a Deacon in this church, was reelected to that office. No further business the meeting adjourned. Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator, I. D. N., Clerk.

Comite Church, Nov. 2nd, 1902: At a Congregational meeting held this day for the election of two Ruling Elders. Mr. Thos. A. Graves and Dr. A. Gayden were duly elected to said office. And it was agreed by the Session that upon their acceptance of said office they with the Newly elected Deacons be ordained and set apart to their offices, on the 3rd Sabbath of this Month. No further business the meeting closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. N., Clerk.

[Page 151] Comite Church, Nov. 23, 1902: At a Congregational meeting held this day for the purpose of electing one Ruling Elder in place of Dr. A. Gayden who was elected at a previous meeting declined to accept the office. Mr. Ben Graves Sr. was elected to said office and accepted same. The newly elected officers will be ordained at our next preaching day. No further business Meeting closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. N., Clerk.

Comite Church, Jan. 4th, 1903: Pursuant to a regular Call for a Congregational Meeting, the congregation met in the Comite Presbyterian Church, Jan. 4th, 1903. Rev. M. B. Shaw was invited to act as Moderator. After prayer the Meeting was Called to order. A Motion was made, seconded, discussed and Adopted, Viz, that the organization of the Comite Church be moved to Norwood, La., and that the Presbytery be overtured[?] to change the name to [Page 152] Norwood Presbyterian Church and that the building now occupied and Known as the Comite Church be sold for seven hundred dollars. The following persons were elected to examine into the title, and represent the Congregation in making said sale, also to take such steps as may be needful in affecting said sale and transfer. The Committee, viz, A. J. Norwood, J. T. Sebastain and L. C. Field. Upon Motion the same persons were appointed to take steps to raise the amount necessary to meet the obligations of D. O. Byers. No further business the Meeting was closed with prayer. Rev. M. B. Shaw, Mod., I. D. N., Clerk.

Comite Church, Norwood, La., 2/15/03: Pursuant to a regular call for a Congregational Meeting, The Congregation Met in their new Church, Norwood, La., Feb. 15th, 1903. I. D. Norwood was selected as Moderator. The meeting was called to order. Motion was made, seconded, discussed [Page 153] and adopted, viz, that the Congregation guarantee Rev. D. O. Byers Four hundred Dollars as salary for one year and ask Rev. Presbytery at next meeting for Mr. Byers Services as stated supply for one year. On Motion Mr. Byers was invited to meet with us. He accepted the salary and the Call. No further business the meeting Closed with prayer. I. D. Norwood, Mod., A. J. N., Clerk.

Comite Church, Norwood, La.: At a Congregational Meeting held Sunday, Mar. 1st, 1903, Moderated by the pastor Rev. D. O. Byers and according to previous announcement by the Session, Mr. Leroy C. Field was unanimously elected as Deacon to fill the vacancy made by the removal of Mr. Ben S. Graves from our bounds, Sabbath, Mar. 15th, was set for the ordination & installation of Mr. Field and Mr. J. T. Sebastain the latter not having yet been set apart to the office to which he was chosen Nov. last. Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod.

[Page 154] Norwood, La., May 10, 1903: A Congregational meeting was held today after services. Mr. J. T. Sebastain of the building committee made a Statement Showing that there still rested upon the church recently erected a debt of $250.00. A motion was then carried that we now attempt to lift the debt. Subscription was called for and in a short time the full amount was subscribed for its liquidation. The following members were elected Trustees of this Church. A. Gayden, M.D., Ben Graves, and T. A. Graves. After which the meeting adjourned. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. N., Clerk.

[Page 155] Norwood, La., Nov. 24/07: Public notice having been previously given by the Session, a Congregational Meeting was held at the close of the morning Service, at which the following brethren were elected as Ruling Elders in this church: Messrs. Walter McLaurin and Jos. L. Street, and W. L. Byers, Deacon. After which the Pastor announced that if the way be clear and the officers elect declare their purpose to accept, they would be publicly ordained and installed on next Sabbath. Mr. Thomas A. Graves, a member of the Board of Trustees, having removed beyond our bounds and connected himself with the Centreville (Miss.) church, Mr. J. T. Sebastain was elected to fill the vacancy caused by his removal. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod. Cong. Meeting, I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 156] Norwood Church, La., Mar. 6th, 1910: The congregational meeting was Called to order by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Elder I. D. Norwood was requested to state object of the meeting. On motion made and carried the bequest left the Church by Mrs. M. G. Folger, Deceased, Four Hundred dollars to be placed in the hands of the Trustees of the Church. Dr. A. Gayden, Ben Graves, & J. T. Sebastain, for the purpose of Keeping the Church property in repairs. Mr. Sebastain requested that the members present make up the balance due Mr. Byers on Salary, which was done as requested. The Clerk was authorized to insert in the Records that Mr. J. T. Sebastain who had been elected at a former meeting as Trustee in place of Mr. Thos Graves who moved out of the bounds of the Church and the Clerk failed to make a record of his election at the time. No further business, Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 157] Norwood Church, Sept. 28, 1919: A Congregational meeting was held in the Norwood Presbyterian Church on Sept. 28th 1919 and was attended by a large proportion of the Active Membership of the Church. The object of the meeting was stated by I. D. Norwood, Clerk, Rev. E. C. Bingham requested that the Church concur with him in asking Presbytery to dissolve the pastoral relation existing between himself & this church, in order that he may be free to accept a professorship in Silliman Collegiate Institute, was submitted to the Congregation. A motion that the Church Concur with the request of the Pastor was carried and the session was authorized to so notify the Presbytery. Testified to & signed this Sept. 28/19. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk of session.

[Page 158] Norwood Pres. Church, Sept 4/21: Pursuant to Call, the Congregation of this Church met at the Church, on Sunday Sept 4th, 1921. After divine worship, at the Morning hour, the Congregation was Called to order and a "Congregational Meeting" for the purpose of electing additional Ruling Elders and Deacons if the way was clear thereto, was Constituted with prayer. The pastor, Rev. H. M. Perkins, presided and Deacon, J. T. Sebastain was elected Secretary. It was moved & adopted that Congregation proceed to the election of one additional Ruling Elder. Mr. L. C. Field was nominated & unanimously elected as a Ruling Elder in this church. It was moved & adopted that the Congregation proceed to the election of two additional Deacons. Messrs. F. L. Norwood & LeRoy Graves were Nominated and unanimously elected as Deacons in this Church. By order of the Session Notice was then given that these brethren should they accept, would be ordained to and installed in their respective offices at the Church at the 11 o'clock service on Sunday Sept. 11, 1931.

[Page 159] Congregational Meeting then adjourned with the apostolic benediction. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., J. T. Sebastain, Secy.

Approved at Plains Church, Apr. 15, 1931, R. G. Newsome, Mod.

Transcribed and contributed by Claude Slaton, from Session Minutes, Volume 2 (1901-1931)

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