[Page 3] Comite
Church, April 7th, 1901 Session met and opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers,
Moderator. Elders R. J. Pemble and I. D. Norwood present. Session then took up
the Cases of Wm Lee and his daughter Callie Lee, These parties have been
summoned to appear before the Session in accordance With Rules of Discipline
Chapter 5 - to answer to the charge of drunkenness, vile association & profanity
in the case of the first and a violation of the 7th Commandment in the case of
the second. Failing to appear at the specified time they were a second time
cited and again failing to answer the Summons and having in the meantime removed
from our bounds the Session took the following action. Whereas Wm Lee & his
daughter Callie Lee having been Cited to appear before this Court & answer to
the charges of drunkenness, vile association and profanity in the case of the
first and fornication in the Case of the second, and whereas, although twice
Cited they have in each Case failed to appear [Page 4] or to make any answer
Whatever, therefore be it resolved that Wm Lee and Callie Lee for the gross
immorality above specified & for contermacy in refusing to answer the Citation
of this Court are hereby excommunicated from the Communion of this Church. No
further business session closed with prayer. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
Comite Church, La., June 16/01 Session met opened with prayer by
Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., present Elders R. J. Pemble and I. D. Norwood. Mr. A. J.
Norwood Came before the Session and on examination as to his faith in Christ,
having made a Credible profession of the same, was received into full membership
of Comite Church, After recess Mr. John T. Sebastain Came before Session and on
examination as to his faith in Christ Was received into full membership of the
Church. Mr. Thos A. Graves, Mrs Mittie Graves & Mr. William [Page 5] Graves
presented their letters from the M. E. Church South, they were received into
full Communion of the Comite Church. No further business. Session Closed with
prayer. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clrk.
Comite Church, July 7th,
1901 Session met and was opened with prayer by the Moderator, Rev. D. O. Byers.
Elders present, R. J. Pemble and I. D. Norwood. Dr. W. F. Hagaman was received
by letter from the First Presbyterian Church of Alexandria, La. Names of his
baptized Children Ruth and Fred Purnell. On motion the Clerk of Session was
authorized to make the records of future Meeting in Vol. 2 of Sessional Records.
Meeting closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clrk.
[Page 6] Comite Church, Aug. 3/01 Session Met and was opened with prayer by
moderator D. O. Byers. Present Elders R. J. Pemble and I. D. Norwood. Session
then spent some time in Carefully revising our roll of Membership. Our present
Membership is fifty six; Reserved list Nine. No further business session closed
with prayer.
Comite Church, Nov. 3rd, 1901 Session opened with prayer.
Present Rev. D. O. Byers & Elder I. D. Norwood. (There being present only two
elders one being sick) Elder I. D. Norwood was appointed to represent this
church at the fall meeting of La. Presbytery at Marksville, La. Session closed
with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clk.
[Page 7] Comite
Church, Nov. 17th, 1901 Session met-opened with prayer. Present Rev. D. O.
Byers, Elders I. D. Norwood and R. J. Pemble. I. D. Norwood was elected as
delegate and R. J. Pemble alternate to represent this Church at the meeting of
La. Synod at New Orleans.
Comite Church, April 6/02, 1902 Session met,
opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers Moderator, Present Elders I. D. Norwood and
R. J. Pemble. R. J. Pemble was elected to represent this Church at Presbytery
which is to meet in Jackson, La., on the 18th of April. I. D. Norwood as
alternate. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clk.
Approved as far as written with exceptions. (1)
on page 7 the Clerk neglected to attest the record by his signature, (2) From
Nov. 17. 01 to April 6. 02 the session failed to meet as the Book requires.
Eugene L. Siler, Moderator, Jackson, La., April 19, 1902.
[Page 8] Comite
Church, July 6th, 1902 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Present Elders R. J.
Pemble and I. D. Norwood. Mrs. Bertha Caulfield presented herself before the
session and on profession of her faith in Jesus Christ was received into full
membership of Comite Church. No further business Session Closed with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk
Comite Church, July 19th, 1902
Session Met in session room after evening Services. Present Rev. E. L. Siler,
who was requested to Act as Moderator, and Ruling Elders I. D. Norwood and R. J.
Pemble. Miss Ellen A. Norwood and Miss Exa Graves appeared before the Session
and upon profession of their faith in Christ were received into the Communion of
the Church, they [Page 9] having been baptized in infancy. There being no
further business the Session Adjourned. Session was opened & closed with prayer.
E. L. Siler, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
July 20th, 1902 Session met in
Session room before morning Service. Present Rev. E. L. Siler, acting as
Moderator, and Ruling elders R. J. Pemble and I. D. Norwood. Opened with prayer.
Mr. N. P. Reagan Appeared before the Session, having been Suspended from the
Communion a number of years ago, and upon his confessing his sin and professing
Sincere repentance therefor & his intention to lead a Consistent Christian life,
With Gods help, he was, by unanimous vote restored to the Communion and full
fellowship of the Church. There being no further business the Session took
recess till after evening Service. Closed with prayer. E. L. Siler, Mod., J. D.
N., Clerk.
[Page 10] July 20th, 1902 Session Met After evening Service
with Rev. E. L. Siler as Moderator and Elders I. D. Norwood and R. J. Pemble.
Opened with prayer. Mr. Chas Caulfield and Mr. Leroy F. Graves appeared before
Session and upon profession of their faith in Jesus Christ were received into
the Communion. Mr. Caulfield having been baptized in infancy and Mr. Graves
baptism being ordered administered at public service at a later date. Mr. D.
Boatner also appeared before session seeking admission into this Church and
professing his faith in Christ It appearing that he had been previously immersed
in the Christian (Campbellite) Church and he being satisfied with same, the
session decided to defer action upon his application until they Could Consider
the matter more Carefully. There being no further business Session Adjourned.
Closed with prayer. Rev. E. L. Siler, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
[Page 11]
Comite Church, July 21st/02 Session Met. Opened with prayer by Rev. E. L. Siler,
Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood and R. J. Pemble. Mr. William Caulfield,
Miss Carrie Pemble, Miss Loula James & Miss Iowa McKneely appeared before
session and upon profession of their faith in Jesus Christ were received into
the Communion of the Church. Miss Iowa McKneely having been baptized in infancy
and Miss Pemble and James and Mr. Caulfield baptism being ordered administrated
at public service at a later date. There being no further business Session
adjourned. Closed with prayer. Rev. E. L. Siler, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 12] Comite Church, Nov. 13th, 1902 Session met. Opened with prayer by
Moderator Rev. D. O. Byers. Present Elder I. D. Norwood. I. D. Norwood was
elected delegate to attend Meeting of Presbytery and Synod. Letters of dismissal
to the Centreville Presbyterian Church of Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Pemble, Mr. & Mrs. S.
C. Field, Mr. Willie Field & Miss Eva Field was granted. No further business
Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Comite Church, Norwood, La. 2/15/03 Session Met opened with prayer. Rev. D.
O. Byers Moderator. Present Ruling Elders I. D. Norwood and Thos A. Graves.
Motion was made and Carried to have a congregational meeting after services. The
following was adopted & ordered to be written in the minutes. The hearty thanks
of the Session and of the entire church are due and are hereby tendered to the
building Committee one and all and especially to Mr. J. T. Sebastain
[Page 13] to whose Zeal and untiring labor the Completion of our beautiful house
of Worship is largely due; to the Ladies Aid Society by Whose faithful efforts
it has been so comfortably Seated and so brilliantly lighted, to our friends of
Sister Churches, who by their money their hands and their prayers have so
generously aided us; and to Mr. McElwee, Mr. Boudreau, Mr. Jelks and others who
have done such honest and faithful work in the building and fitting of our
church. We thank them one and all from our hearts praying the rich blessing of
our Common Lord upon them and upon His work as it is Committed to the
Congregation Which it permitted, by the divine favor, to enter its New church
home today. No further business session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Mod., J. D. N., Clrk.
[Page 14] Norwood, La., Comite Church, Mar. 15th,
1903 Session met. Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present
Elders Thos A. Graves and I. D. Norwood. Miss L. A. Carmack, Misses Maud and
Linnie Byers and Mr. Willard David Byers presented their letters from the
Jackson Presbyterian Church, they were received into Comite Church. Rev. D. O.
Byers stated before the Session that at Rose Hill, Miss., on the 4th Sabbath of
Feb. after his regular services he had received the following persons into the
Communion of the Church on profession of their faith in Christ. Mrs. T. Boatner,
Miss Emma Trask, and Miss Alice Day. On motion the Session ratified the action
of the pastor in the premises and these persons were regularly received by
Sessional act. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clrk.
[Page 15] Norwood, La., April 5th, 1903
Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders I.
D. Norwood and Thos A. Graves. Mrs. Mary L. Sebastain presented her letter from
the 1st Presbyterian Church, New Orleans. She was received into the Norwood
Presbyterian Church. On Motion Elder I. D. Norwood was chosen as delegate &
Elder Thos A. Graves alternate to represent the Norwood Presbyterian Church at
Spring Meeting of Presbytery which is to be held at Gloster, Miss., April the
9th. It was decided to have a Congregational Meeting after the morning services
for the purpose of selecting three trustees of the Church. No further business
Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
Approved as far as written, in Presbytery at Gloster, Miss., April 11th, 1903.
D. O. Byers, Moderator.
[Page 16] Norwood Presbyterian Church, May 3rd,
1903 Session met, Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod. Present Ruling
Elders Ben Graves and I. D. Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McLaurin presented
their letter from the Plains Presbyterian Church. On motion they were received
into the Communion of the Norwood Presbyterian Church. No further business
Session closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La., July 19/03 Session Met. Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O.
Byers, Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood & T. A. Graves. On motion Mrs. J.
M. Cage was received as by letter from the Bethany Presbyterian Church into full
Communion. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
[Page 17] Norwood, La., Aug. 12th, 1903 Session
Met. Opened with prayer. Present Elders T. A. Graves & I. D. Norwood. Mrs. Alice
L. DuBose & Miss Annie Bell DuBose presented themselves. Mrs. DuBose was
received by letter from the Wilson Methodist Church and Miss Annie after due
examination as to her faith in Christ was received to full Communion. Rev. D. O.
Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Aug. 14th, 1903 Session met Opened
with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders T. A. Graves, Ben
Graves & I. D. Norwood Miss Anna Graves presented herself and upon profession of
her faith in Jesus Christ was received into the full Communion of the Church. No
further business, Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N.,
[Page 18] Norwood, La., Aug. 16th, 1903 Session met. Opened with
prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod. Present Elders T. A. Graves, Ben Graves, I. D.
Norwood. Master Pemble Field appeared after due examination as to his faith in
Jesus Christ, was received into full Communion of the Church. No further
business. Session closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
Aug. 26th, 1903 Session Met, opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers,
Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood. The following persons
desirous to unite with the Rose Hill organization of the Presbyterian Church
with their own accord asked for their letters of dismissal, Which was granted by
the session.
[Page 19] Names: Mr. L. P. Lindsay Mrs. Mary Lindsay Mr. J.
R. Lindsay Mrs. Annie Lindsay Henry McKneely Mrs. Kate McKneely Mrs. Bettie
McKneely Sam McKneely Harry Trask Miss Emmie Trask Miss Alice Day Mrs. Bertha
Caulfield Charlie Caulfield Wm Caulfield Mrs. Sarah Caulfield Harry Carruth Miss
Carrie Pemble Robt L. Rourk Mrs. Mattie Rourk Mrs. Lizzie Read Richard W. Read
Mrs. Mary Forman Miss Geneveve Graves Miss Ellen Graves Chas Johnston Mrs.
Lizzie Boatner [Page 20] Mrs. W. C. Kent Mrs. Myrtle Stone
Norwood, La.,
Sept 27/03 Session Met, Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator.
Present Elders Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood. On Motion Mr. Thos A. Graves was
elected as principal and Ben Graves as alternate delegates to represent this
Church at fall Meeting of Presbytery which meets at Lake Charles, La. Invitation
by congregation to presbytery to meet at his Church at spring meeting was
ratified by Session and requested Mr. Byers to present same. No further
business, Session closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
[Page 21] Norwood Church, Nov. 15th, 1903 Session Met, Opened with prayer by
Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves, Thos A. Graves and I. D.
Norwood. Mr. Ben Graves was selected as delegate and Thos A. Graves Alternate to
La. Synod which is to convene in New Orleans. No further business Session Closed
with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Church, April 10th, 1904: Session Met. Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers,
Moderator. Present Ruling Elders I. D. Norwood, Thos A. Graves and Ben Graves.
Mrs. L. M. Scott, Mr. G. A. Scott, Misses Kate & Eva Scott & Mr. & Mrs. Alex
McKneely presented their letter from the Wilson Presbyterian Church. On motion
they were received into full Communion of this Church. Mr. Thos A. Graves was
elected delegate
[Page 22] and Mr. Ben Graves Alternate delegate to the
Spring meeting of Presbytery which is to meet in this Church on the 28th of this
Month. On motion making up the Church records for Presbytery was postponed until
following friday evening. No further business Session Closed with
prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
Norwood Church, April
15th, 1904 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present
Elders T. A. Graves & I. D. Norwood. Statistical and other reports were read and
adopted. Sessional records for the past year were read and approved. Statistical
reports and Narration follow on succeeding pages. Session closed with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk
[Page 23] Statistical Report
Elders, 3; Deacons, 2; Communicants on Exam, 3; Communicants on Certificate, 5;
Total of Communicants, 52; Adult Baptisms, 2; Infant Baptisms, x; Baptized Non
Communicants 14; Off & Teachers Sab. School, 6; Scholars Sab. School, 32; Funds
contributed to Foreign Missions, $11.30; Assemblies Home Missions, 10.60; Local
Home Missions, 21.70; Colored Evangelization, 3.80; Ministerial Relief, 8.75;
Education, 14.05; Publication, 10.14; Bible Causes, x; Presbyterial, --;
Pastoral Salary Paid, Congregational, 1562.72.
[Page 24] Narrative of the
Session 1. Attendance upon the Services by Members Very Good 2. The Observance
of Family Worship Not what it Should be 3. The observance of the Lord's day by
Members Well observed 4. The training of children & youth in the home & Sabbath
School in the Scriptures & Catechisms of the Church Fairly Good 5. Fidelity of
God's people in Worshiping the Lord with their Substance & in giving to the
support & extension of the Gospel We feel that our Church has done remarkably
well in this respect. 6. Has your church paid its Minister fully & promptly the
amount promised him? If not, how much is due on his salary? Paid in full. 7.
Have there been any special evidence of Spiritual life & growth & activity among
your people? There has been. 8. Does Worldly Conformity prevail among Church
Members? To a very small degree 9. Is your church engaged in any evangelistic
work outside your own congregation? None
[Page 25] Records examined and
approved as far as written with the exception, first that there was no meeting
of session from Nov 15 1903 to April 10 1904, second that there is no statement
on pages 17 & 18 that the applicants for membership had been baptized at any
time. Presbytery at Norwood, La., April 30, 1904, Charles Herron, Moderator.
Norwood Church, May 1, 04: Session Met, Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O.
Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves, T. A. Graves and I. D. Norwood. Mr.
Moray Crawford presented himself and on examination as to his faith in Christ
was received in full Communion of the Church. He was at his own request granted
a letter to join the Presbyterian Church at Rose Hill. No further business
Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk
26] Norwood Church, La., Sept 11th, 1904 Session Met. Opened with prayer by Rev.
D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders T. A. Graves and I. D. Norwood. Mr. &
Mrs. W. F. Dickerson presented themselves. On examination as to his faith in
Jesus Christ Mr. Dickerson, having been baptized in infancy, was received in
full Communion of the Church, Mrs. Dickerson joined by letter from the Whitaker
Methodist Church. By their own request Mr. & Mrs. John F. McKneely and Misses
Adell[?] and Jason McKneely were granted letters to unite with Presbyterian
Church at Rose Hill. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O.
Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
[Page 27] Norwood, La., Nov 9th, 1904
Session Met. Opened with prayer, Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders
Thos A. Graves, Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood. Elder Ben Graves was elected
principal and T. A. Graves Alternate delegates to meeting of La. Presbytery
which is to meet at the Achafaliya Church. I. D. Norwood was elected principal &
T. A. Graves Alternate delegate to meeting of La. Synod which is to meet at
Clinton, La. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
Norwood, La. Feb 26, 05 Session Met, Opened with
prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod. Present Elders Ben Graves and T. A. Graves, Mr.
Will & Misses Exa & Anna Graves was granted letters to unite with the
Centreville Presbyterian Church. No further business session closed with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
[Page 28] Norwood, La., April
11/05 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present
Elders Ben Graves and I. D. Norwood. Sessional Records for the past year was
read & approved. On motion Mr. Ben Graves was elected delegate and I. D. Norwood
alternate delegate to La. Presbytery which is to meet at Baker, La., on April
27th. Statistical and other reports were read & adopted. Statistical report and
Narration follow on Succeeding pages. No further business, Session Closed with
prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
[Page 29] Approved as
far as written in open Presbytery at Baker, La. April 28, 05. J. F. Naylor
[Page 30] Norwood, La., June 26th, 1905: Session Met. Opened
with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves and I. D.
Norwood. Miss Ida Munger presented herself and after due examination as to her
faith in Jesus Christ was received into full Communion of the Church; having
been Baptized in infancy. Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Street with their Baptized Children
presented their letter from the Unity Presbyterian Church. On motion they were
received in full Membership of this Church. No further business. Session Closed
with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., J. D. N., Clerk.
Norwood, La., Nov
11/05: Session Met. Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present
Elders Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood. Ben Graves was elected as delegate to fall
Presbytery & I. D. Norwood Alternate. I. D. Norwood was elected as delegate to
Synod Which was to meet in Monroe, La. and Ben Graves Alternate. No further
business [Page 31] Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D.
Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La., Mar 24th, 1906: Session Met Opened with
prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers Mod. Present Elders Ben Graves and I. D. Norwood. Ben
Graves was elected delegate to Presbytery which is to meet at Centreville, Miss.
on April 5th and I. D. Norwood Alternate. After making up reports to Presbytery
being no further business. Session Closed with prayer.
Committee on
records of the Norwood Church would respectfully report recommending them
approved as far as written with following exception. 1st
Page 30, No
meeting of Session from June 16 to Nov. 11/05. Again Pages 34 & 35, No meeting
from Nov. 11 1905 to Mch 21/06. 2nd, on page 30 is signature J. D. N. Clerk.
3rd, Page 30 & 31 the word delegate is used instead of representative.
Centreville, Miss., J. T. Young, Mod.
[Page 32] Norwood, La., July 1st,
1906 Session Met, Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present
Ruling Elder I. D. Norwood. Mr. J. P. Dickinson presented himself and after due
examination as to his faith in Jesus Christ was received into full Communion of
the Church, having been baptized in infancy. No further business Session Closed
with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La.,
Sept 18/06 Session Met, Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator.
Present Elders Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood. On motion Mr. Ben Graves was selected
as principal Representation & I. D. Norwood Alternate to represent this Church
at fall meet of Presbytery which is to convene at Alexandria, La. No further
Business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
[Page 33] Norwood Church, La., Dec. 7/06 Session Met. Opened with
prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves and I. D.
Norwood. By her own request Mrs. Ada Ellis (nee James) was granted her letter to
unite with the Manasa M. E. Church South. No further business Session Closed
with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Presbyterian Church, La., Oct 15/06 Session met. Opened with prayer by Rev. D.
O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Graves & Norwood. After talking over Church
Matters, Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
Norwood Presbyterian Church, La., Nov. 5th 1906 Session met.
Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Graves &
Norwood. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Richardson presented their letter from the
Centreville Presbyterian Church [Page 34] On motion they were received into full
membership of this Church. Ruling Elder I. D. Norwood was elected as
Representative and Ben Graves as alternate to La. Synod, which is to convene at
Baton Rouge, La., on the 15th of Nov. No further business Session Closed with
prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood Church,
La., Dec 16/06 Session Met. Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator.
Present Elders Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood. Mrs. Hattie Lewis presented her
letter from the Whitaker M. E. Church South. On motion she was received into
full Communion of the Church. No further business Session Closed with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 35] Norwood Church,
La., April 22nd, 1907
Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Moderator. Present Elders Messers Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood. Mr. J. T.
Sebastain one of the Deacons was invited to meet with us. Sessional records for
the past year were read and approved. On Motion I. D. Norwood was elected as
Representative and Ben Graves Alternate to the Spring Meeting of La. Presbytery,
which will Convene at the Plains Presbyterian Church on April the 25th.
Statistical and other reports were read & adopted. No further business, Session
Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Approved as far as written in open Presbytery at Plains Church Apr. 27, 1907,
with the exception that the statistical report to Presbytery is not recorded. F.
W. Lewis, Moderator.
[Page 36] Norwood, La., July 21st, 1907 Session Met
and was opened with prayer. Present Rev. D. O. Byers, moderator, and Elders
Graves & Norwood. Rev. D. O. Byers reported to the Session that on June 11th he
had visited Mr. Jno H. Ham of Wilson, La., who was supposed to be on his death
bed and after Conversation and prayer with him, he had received him, at his own
request, into this Church, after Confession of his faith in the Lord Jesus
Christ. And the administration of the ordinance of baptism, his action in the
premises being subject to the ratification of the Session. Session ratified this
Action & Mr. Ham was enrolled as a member of this Church. No further business
appearing, Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
July 10th, 1907, Norwood, La. Session Met and was opened with
prayer. Present Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator, and Elders Graves and Norwood.
[Page 37] Miss Corrie Fields presented herself and on examination as to her
faith in Christ was received in full Communion of the Church. She having been
baptized in infancy. No further business appearing Session Closed with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood Church, La., Aug.
11/07 Session Met, Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present
Elders Ben Graves and I. D. Norwood. Mrs. Edner Graves was received by letter
from the M. E. Church South in full Communion of the Church. Misses Addie DuBose
and Willie Rollins presented themselves before the Session and on examination as
to their faith in Christ were received in full Communion of the Church. No
further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D.
Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 38] Norwood Church, Aug. 15 [1907] Session Met
Opened with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves &
I. D. Norwood. The following persons presented their letters, Martyn Young from
the Baker Pres. Church, Mrs. Mary Rollins from Little Plains Pres. Church, Mr.
John Rollins from the Rose Hill Pres. Church, Mr. & Mrs. Dee Boatner from the
Rose Hill Pres. Church, and Mr. & Mrs. E. Butterworth from the Jackson Pres.
Church. On motion they were all received in full Communion of this Church. No
further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D.
Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood Church, Aug. 16/07 Session Met & Opened with
prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod. Present Elders Ben Graves & I. D. Norwood.
Messrs. Gervis & Walter McLaurin, Jr., Misses Katie & Neomie Arbuthnot & Miss
Sallie Butterworth presented themselves [Page 39] and on examination as to their
faith in Christ were received in full Communion of the Church having been
baptized in infancy & Mrs. Maud Arbuthnot as by letter from the M. E. Church
South. No further Business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod.,
I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood Church Oct. 15th/07 Session Met & Opened
with prayer by Rev. D. O. Byers Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves & I. D.
Norwood. On Motion Ben Graves was elected as Representative and I. D. Norwood
Alternate to the fall Meeting of the La. Presbytery which will meet at the Welch
Presbyterian Church on Oct. 16th. No further business Session Closed with
prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 40] Norwood,
La., Nov. 5th 1907 Session Met opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator.
Present Elders Ben Graves and I. D. Norwood. Ben Graves was elected as
representative and I. D. Norwood Alternate, to the Meeting of the La. Synod,
which is to meet in the 3rd Church, New Orleans, La., on the 21st of November.
Session decided to ask the Congregation to elect two additional Ruling Elders
and one Deacon. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O.
Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La., Dec. 1st, 1907 Prayer
having been had, Session was Convened in the presence of Congregation at the
Close of the Morning Service. Present Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator, & I. D.
Norwood and Ben Graves Ruling Elders. The officers elect Messrs. Walter McLaurin
and J. L. Street, Ruling Elders and William L. Byers, Deacon, were solemnly set
apart with prayer and the laying on of hands to the office
[Page 41] to
which they were chosen on last Sabbath, in accordance with Chap. 6, Sec. 4 of
our Form of Government, After which Session adjourned with the Apostolic
benediction. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La.,
Jan 30th, 1908 Session Met, Opened with prayer, Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator.
Present Ruling Elders Ben Graves, Walter McLaurin, I. D. Norwood & Jos L.
Street. Motion was made & carried that we grant Mr. Byers, the privilege of
preaching one Sunday at Bethany Church during the month of February. Motion was
made & Carried that Messers Graves and Norwood be appointed a Committee to wait
on Mr. N. P. Reagan in regard to his intemperate habit. No further business
Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 42] Norwood, La., Feb 3rd, 1908 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev.
D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Ruling Elders Graves, Norwood, & Street. The
Deacons were invited to sit with us. After discussing business of the Welfare of
the Church; Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
Norwood, La., April 6th, 1908 Session Met, Opened with prayer by
Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Ruling Elders W. McLaurin, I. D. Norwood &
Jos L. Street. Committee appointed Wait upon Mr. N. P. Reagan, beg to report
that he was heartily ashamed of his action and agreed to do better in the
future. On Motion Mr. I. D. Norwood was chosen Representative and Walter
McLaurin Alternate to the Louisiana Presbytery which is to Convene at Crowley,
La., on April 14th. Sessional Records for the past year were read and approved.
Statistical and other
[Page 43] Reports were read and adopted.
Statistical Report and narration follow on Succeeding pages. No further business
Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Statistical Report to Presbytery: Elders, 4; Deacons, 3; Communicants Added
on Examination, 10; Communicants Added on Certificate, 8; Total of Communicants,
67; Adult Baptisms, 3; Infant Baptisms, 3; Baptized Non-Communicants, 25;
Officers & Teachers in Sabbath School & Bible Class, 8; Scholars in Sabbath
School & Bible Class, 88; Foreign Missions, $53.00; Assembly's Home Mission,
26.00; Local Home Mission, 51.00; Colored Evangelization, 18.00; Ministerial
Relief, 23.00; Education, 38.00; Publication & S. S. Mission, 14.00; Bible
Causes, 2.00; Presbyterial, 5.00; Pastors Salaries Actually Paid, 600.00;
Congregational, 293.00.
[Page 44] Narration of the Session Answer to
Question No. 1 -Very good attendance. Answer to Question No. 2 -To a certain
extent. Answer to Question No. 3 -Pretty generally Observed. Answer to Question
No. 4 -Generally attended to by the parents. Answer to Question No. 5 -The
membership are very generous in the giving of their substance. Answer to
Question No. 6 -Yes. Answer to Question No. 7 -Yes, Within the past twelve
months there has been. Answer to Question No. 8 -No, Not much is evidence.
Answer to Question No. 9 -No.
Approved as far as written in open Meeting
of Pres. at Crowley, La., April 16th, 1908. George A. Grille, Moderator.
[Page 45] Norwood Church, May 31/08 Session Met Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O.
Byers, Mod. Present Ruling Elders Walter McLaurin and I. D. Norwood. The
following persons presented their letters, Mrs. A. E. Lindsay, Mrs. Lizy B. Read
and Master Clem Read from the Rose Hill Presbyterian Church and was received
into full Membership of the Church. Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O.
Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood Church, June 3rd, 1908
Session Met Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers Moderator. Present Ruling
Elders Walter McLaurin, I. D. Norwood & Joe L. Street. After discussing business
pertaining to the interests of the Church, Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D.
O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 46] Norwood Church June 9/08
Session Met Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers Mod. Present Ruling Elders Ben
Graves, Walter McLaurin, I. D. Norwood and Joe L. Street. Rev. J. C. Barr of New
Orleans being present was invited to sit with us. Master Marion Read presented
himself before the session. After examination as to his faith in Jesus Christ he
was baptized and was received into full Communion of the Church. No further
business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
Norwood Church, Oct. 4th, 1908 Session Met, Opened with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers Moderator. Present Ruling Elders Walter McLaurin, I. D.
Norwood, & J. L. Street. On motion Mr. Ben Graves was chosen Representative to
Presbytery which is to meet at Bethany Church and J. L. Street Alternate. No
further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D.
Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 47] Norwood Church, Nov 9th, 1908 Session Met,
Opened with prayer, Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Ruling Elders W.
McLaurin, I. D. Norwood & J. L. Street. On Motion, J. L. Street was chosen
Representative and Ben Graves Alternate to La. Synod which is to Convene at
Mansfield, La. on the 17th. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev.
D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood Church, La., Dec. 20th,
1908 Session Met, Opened with prayer by Mr. W. McLaurin, Rev. D. O. Byers,
Moderator. Present Ruling Elders W. McLaurin, I. D. Norwood, & J. L. Street. By
their own request Mr. & Mrs. E. Butterworth and Miss Sarah Butterworth was
granted their letter to Unite with the Jackson Presbyterian Church. No further
business, Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
[Page 48] Norwood Church, La., Mar. 8th, 1909 Session Met, Opened
with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Ruling Elders W. McLaurin, I.
D. Norwood, & Joe L. Street. Motion was Carried to excuse Mr. Byers on the 3rd
Sunday, So he may preach at Liberty, Miss. On Motion Mr. Walter McLaurin was
elected as principal Representative and Mr. J. L. Street Alternate
Representative to spring Meeting of La. Presbytery, which is to meet at Jackson,
La., on the 31st of March. Church records written since last Presbytery was read
and approved. No further business Session Closed with prayer. ev. D. O. Byers,
Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La., Mar. 12th, 1909 Session Met,
Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders W. McLaurin, I.
D. Norwood and J. L. Street. Sessional Reports read & approved. No further
business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
[Page 49] Statistical Report to Presbytery March 30th, 1909
Elders, 4; Deacons, 3; Communicants added on Examination, 1; Communicants added
on Certificate, 3; Total of Communicants, 70; Adults Baptisms, 1; Infants
Baptisms, 3; Baptized Non-Communicants, 15; Officers & Teachers in Sabbath
Schools & Bible Classes, 8; Scholars in Sabbath Schools & Bible Classes, 57;
Foreign Missions, $40.00; Assembly's Home Missions, $21.00; Local Home Missions,
40.00; Colored Evangelization, 6.00; Ministerial Relief, 24.00; Education,
52.00; Publication, 9.00; Bible Causes, 5.00; Presbyterial, 7.50; Pastors
Salaries Actually Paid, $456.25; Congregational, 128.00; Miscellaneous, 113.00.
[Page 50] Narration of the Session Mar. 30/09 Answer question No. 1--Morning
services attendance very good, Night Services Attendance very slim. Answer
question No. 2--Family worship is to a small extent observed. Answer question
No. 3--Observance of the Lord's day by members is good. Answer question No.
4--The training of the Children, both at Home & in the Sunday school is good.
Answer question No. 5--Fidelity of the Members in this respect is Commendable.
Note About $150 due on Pastor's salary. No. 7--Not to any marked degree. No.
8--No, not to any great extent, Indeed there is as little evidence of
this as we have ever known. No. 9--No.
Approved as far as written in open
Presbytery at Jackson, La., 3/31/09, M. B. Shaw, Moderator.
[Page 51]
Session Met. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves, W.
McLaurin, I. D. Norwood & Joe L. Street. Mrs. Belle S. Norwood presenting
herself and on examination as to her faith in Christ was received, after being
baptized in full Communion of the Church. Mrs. Lydia Hagerman a member of the
Episcopal Church, feeling that she Could better serve her Savior in her husbands
Church, and reaffirming her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and her love for Him,
was at her own request received into full Communion with this Church. Session
took recess until after evening services. Session Met after services. Miss Annie
Ried presented herself and on examination as to her faith in Christ was received
in full Membership of this Church having been baptized in infancy. No further
business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
[Page 52] Norwood, La., Aug. 2/09 Session Met, Opened with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders Ben Graves, W. McLaurin, I. D.
Norwood & J. L. Street. Mrs. M. A. Hall presented herself. Session being
satisfied as to her Church Membership received her into full Communion of this
Church, As by letter from the Clinton Presbyterian Church. No further business
Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La., Oct. 20/09 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Moderator. Present Elders Walter McLaurin, I. D. Norwood, & J. L. Street. The
following letter read and unanimously adopted.
To the Presbytery of
Louisiana Dear Brethren: This letter is sent you by the Session and Church of
Norwood, trusting that after a Statement of our Situation the Presbytery may see
its way clear to help us retain our pastor, or in case of his removal to another
[Page 53] field, to secure another. It was the expectation of this
Church that after the Mississippi Churches should be transferred to Mississippi
Presbytery, our Church would be grouped with the Zachary Church, such a grouping
having been suggested by the Home Missions Committee a year ago, in a letter to
our pastor under date Nov. 3rd, 1908. Although such an arrangement would leave
our pulpit vacant half the time, being unable to pay our pastor's salary in
full, we cheerfully assented to this grouping and expected it to go into effect
after June 1. owing, however, as it seems to the unwillingness of the Zachary
Church to enter into this arrangement, Mr. Byers has had no other field since
May and that his full time might be employed, has Continued to preach for us
ever Sabbath, Although we have been unable to pay him more than half a support.
We have expected each month since June 1st that the New arrangement would be
effected. We cannot ask Mr. Byers to remain with us, nor Can we Call another
pastor should he go to another field, [Page 54] unless the Presbytery shall give
us some relief. We do not speak in any spirit of boasting, but we believe the
record of the Norwood Church since its establishment, will Compare very
favorably with that of the other Churches of Presbytery and we Confidently
expect that our brethren will be able to devise some plan by which our Church
life in connection with Louisiana Presbytery may still be continued. I. D.
Norwood was chosen as representative and Walter McLaurin Alternate to fall
Meeting of Louisiana Presbytery, which is to Convene at Lafayette, La., on Oct.
26th. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I.
D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 55] Norwood Church, La. Feb. 22/1910 Session
Met. Opened with prayer, Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Ruling Elders Ben
Graves, W. McLaurin, Sr., and Joe L. Street, I. D. Norwood, Clerk of Session was
appointed to represent the Church in New Orleans Feb. 23rd to receive legacy
bequeathed this Church by Mrs. Mary G. Folger. Session Closed with prayer. Rev.
D. O. Byers, Mod., Joe L. Street, Clk. protem, I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood, La., Mar. 21st, 1910. Session Met. Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O.
Byers, Moderator. Present Ruling Elders Ben Graves, W. McLaurin, I. D. Norwood,
J. L. Street & Willie Byers, Deacon. Mr. Byers appeared before session. he
signified his willingness to serve the Church for Four hundred Dollars provided
he received an honorable release from the Blountville Church to Which he has
accepted a call. Motion made & Carried that the Deacons
[Page 56] Will
Byers, L. C. Field, J. T. Sebastain, with Elder Ben Graves be appointed to
Committee to have the church property repaired. Messers W. McLaurin & J. L.
Street was appointed a Committee to prepare the Narration to Presbytery. Mr. Ben
Graves was chosen Representative to La. Presbytery & Joe L. Street alternate,
which is to meet at the Norwood Church on April the 19th 1910. No further
business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
Norwood Church, La., April 18, 1910 Session Met, Opened with
prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. The organization and work of the Junior
Missionary Society approved by the Session. The Sessional reports of the session
was Adopted. Sessional Records were read and approved. Session recommend that
the Sunday School Make an appropriation of Five Dollars per year for our special
Sunday School work of our Church in this State. No further [Page 57] business
Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Statistical Report to Presbytery April 19th, 1910 Elders, 4; Deacons, 3;
Communicants added on Examination, 2; Communicants added on Certificate, 1;
Total communicants, 71; Adult Baptisms, 2; Infant baptisms, 0; Officers &
Teachers in S.S. and Bible Classes, 10; Scholars in S.S. & Bible Classes, 39;
Foreign Missions, $43.00; Assembly's Home Missions, 34.00; Local Home Missions,
32.00; Colored Evangelization, 5.00; Ministerial Relief, 5.00; Ministerial
Education, 18.00; Schools and Colleges, 6.00; S.S. Extension & Publications,
7.00; Bible Causes 1.00; Assembly's Home School at Fredericksburg, Va., 10.00;
Orphans Homes, 40.00; Congregational Presbyterial tax & Pastor's Salary actually
paid, 614.00; Miscellaneous, ---.
[Page 59] Approved in Presbytery at
Norwood, Apr. 20, 1910. with the exception that on Aug. 1, 1909, a sessional
meeting was held without being opened with prayer. E. M. Stewart, Moderator.
Norwood Church Oct. 3, 1910. Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O.
Byers, Moderator. Present Elders W. McLaurin, I. D. Norwood, and J. L. Street.
Motion made and Carried that Mr. J. L. Street was chosen Representative and I.
D. Norwood Alternate to La. Presbytery which is to meet at Atchafalaya Church,
on Oct. 11th. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers,
Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Norwood Pres. Church, Nov. 6, 1910. Session
Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders W. McLaurin
& I. D. Norwood. Mr. Ben Graves was chosen Representative and J. L. Street
Alternate to Synod, which convenes at Morgan City, La., on 16th of Nov. 1910.
Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator, I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 59] Norwood Pres. Church, Feb. 7th, 1911. Session Met, Opened with prayer.
Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Ruling Elders W. McLaurin, I. D. Norwood &
J. L. Street. On request Mrs. Maud Arbothnot and her two daughters Misses Katie
and Neomie were granted their letters to be dismissed to the Presbyterian Church
at Zackery, La. After due consideration of the recommendation of the Gen.
Assembly with regard to the Method of raising funds for the Assembly's Causes,
the Session decided that it does not seem advisable at present to make any
changes in this Matter. Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I.
D. Norwood, Clerk.
[Page 60] April 4/11 Norwood Church Session met,
Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood,
and J. L. Street. Messers Sebastain & Byers deacons were with the session. On
Motion I. D. Norwood was selected as Representative and W. McLaurin Alternate to
Presbytery which is to Convene at Clinton, La., April 11th. A Motion made and
Carried that the Church body have a Congregational Meeting on Next Sabbath
Morning at 11 o'clock. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. D.
O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.
Apr. 6, 1910, Norwood Church
Session met. Opened with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Moderator. Elders present, I.
D. Norwood, and J. L. Street. Sessional Reports and Records for past year were
read and approved. Closed with prayer. Rev. D. O. Byers, Mod., I. D. Norwood,
Transcribed and contributed by Claude Slaton, from Session Minutes, Volume 2 (1901-1931)
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