East Feliciana Parish

Norwood Presbyterian Church

Session Minutes - 1921-1931

Norwood, La., Apl. 18/21: Session met at Church opened with prayer. Present Rev. H. M. Perkins, S. S. Modr., and Elders I. D. Norwood and J. L. Street. Mr. J. T. Sebastain, Deacon, being present was invited to sit in consultation. Reports to Presbytery were made and approved. Statistics as follows: Elders, 4. Deacons, 3. Added on Examination, 1. Added on Certificate, 5. Res. Communicants, 52. Non-resident Communicants, 20. Whole number, 72. Baptisms Adults none. Infants, none. [Page 101] Benevolent Funds Contributed to Foreign Missions, $20.00. Assembly Home Missions, $11.00. Synods Home Missions, 0. Pres. Home Mission, 0. Congrs. H.M., $23.00. Christian Ed & Ministerial Relief, $114.00. Educational Institutions, $1.00. Bible Cause, 0. Current Ex & Pres. tax, $48.00. Pastors salary paid, $400.00. Miscellaneous Contributions, $384.00. Total Benevolent Contr., $169.00. Total Contr. to other causes, $832.00 Grand total Contributions, $1026.00. No "Every Member" Canvass made. Narrative: Preaching services on Sabbath two, or three Sabbaths each month. Percentages of members attending, Morning services, 75%, Evening services, 40%. No Prayer Meeting. 1 Rec'd on profession, 5 on certificate. Present membership 52 Res., 20 non-res. Total 72. No evangelistic Meeting held. 2. Not ans 10%. None. No. 7, 2 75%. No. 8, Yes. No. 9, Yes. No. 10, no. No. 11, Yes, Child's. No. 12, No. No. 13, Yes. No. 14, 20%. No. 15, No. No. 16, 800.00, yes, none. No. 17, Very little. No. 18, No. No. 19, Yes.

A letter of dismission granted to Miss Doris Crawford to the Clinton La. Pres. Ch. Ruling Elder I. D. Norwood was appointed as Representative to ensuing meeting of Pres.

[Page 102] to meet at De Ridder, La., and Ruling Elder J. L. Street as Alternate. Meeting adjourned with prayer by the Minister. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clk. Approved in Presbytery Apr. 20, 1921 at De Ridder with the following exceptions, 1. The records were not approved by Presbytery in April 1920. 2. Session was not closed with prayer, Nov. 20, 1920. T. T. Trimble, Mod.

[Page 103] Norwood, La., May 22/21 Session Met at the Church and was opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod. Present Elders I. D. Norwood & J. L. Street. By his own request Mr. Walter McLaurin, Sr., was granted his letter of dismission to unite with the Presbyterian Church of Helena, Ark. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clk.

Norwood, La. June 24/21 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood & Ben Graves. Rev. Mr. Sargent was invited to be with the session. Mr. & Mrs. T. W. Pemble & Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Lipscomb came before the session, on their statement was received from the M. E. Church South. No further business, Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clk.

[Page 104] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Saturday, June 25/21. Session Met immediately after divine worship at the evening hour and opened with prayer. Present Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., and Ruling Elders I. D. Norwood, Joe L. Street and Ben Graves. The following persons were received into full communion. Mr. & Mrs. W. I. Gant, Mr. & Mrs. Mac. B. Green, on letters and statements from the M. E. Church South, Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Perkins on letters from the First Presbyterian Church, San Antonio, Texas, Mr. Clifton Dorsey, Mrs. Ruby Dorsey, Janie Mae Dorsey and Mabel Lee Dorsey (children of Mr. Clifton Dorsey & his wife Mrs. Ruby Dorsey) (I. Gant, son of Mr. & Mrs. W. I. Gant), (Virginia Sue Green and Julia Green, daughters of Mr. & Mrs. Mac B. Green) Alice Richardson and Arthur Richardson, children of Mrs. Ethel Richardson, Jack Graves, Jr. (son of Jack Graves, Sr.), Glen Crawford (son of Mrs. Fannie Crawford) all on profession of faith in Jesus Christ. Mrs. Nettie Norwood, on Statement from Episcopal Church. Session took recess until tomorrow, Sunday, June 26th. Session recommenced after

[Page 105] divine Worship at 4 o'clock P.M. at which time Rev. H. M. Perkins was installed Pastor of this Church, pursuant to order of Presbytery, Rev. W. B. Currie, presiding, preaching sermon, propounding the Constitutional Questions and charging the pastor and Mr. R. Y. Mills charging the people. Mrs. G. H. Temple and Mrs. Alice Holmes were received on letters from the Presbyterian Church, Gloster, Miss. All the members received at this Meeting were now publicly received and welcomed by being given the right hand of fellowship by the session and their names ordered enrolled. Session Closed with Closing prayer of the Service. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clk.

Norwood Pres. Church, July 15/21 Session Met, opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod. Present Elders I. D. Norwood, Joe L. Street. Session was Called to meet for the purpose of reorganizing the Sunday School. The following officers & teachers were appointed. Mr. Mac B. Green, Superintendent, I. D. Norwood Assistant, [Page 106] J. T. Sebastain Sec. & Treasurer. Teachers Miss G. H. Temple, Mrs. Ellen E. Norwood, Mrs. May Sebastain, Mrs. H. M. & H. L. Perkins. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood Pres. Church, Aug. 20/21 Session Met, opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod. Present Elders I. D. Norwood & J. L. Street. Mrs. Hattie Dickerson by her own request asked for her letter of dismission to Unite with the Comite Pres. Church of Amite Co. Miss. her request was granted. No further business, Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, I. D. Norwood, Clerk of Session.

Norwood Pres. Church, Aug. 26/21 Session Met, opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod. Present Elders I. D. Norwood & J. L. Street. Motion was made and carried that a Congregational Meeting be held on the third Sunday of Sept. for [Page 107] the purpose of electing one additional Ruling Elder & two Deacons. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clek Session.

Norwood Pres. Church, Sept. 11/21 Sept. 11, 1921, 11 o'clock A.M. this being the day and hour set by the Session for the ordination and installation of the brethren recently elected by the Congregation to the office of Ruling Elder & Deacon in this church, of which due notice had been given by order of the Session, the Congregation having assembled, the Session was Convened and opened by prayer in the presence of the people and proceeded to & did ordain to & installed in the office of Ruling Elder Mr. L. C. Field & into the office of Deacon, Mr. F. L. Norwood & Mr. Leroy Graves, Agreeably to the Word of God according to Pages 111 & 112 Book of Church Order. There were present Pastor Rev. H. M. Perkins & Ruling Elders I. D. Norwood & J. L. Street. Closed with prayer & Apostatic benediction. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk Session.

[Page 108] Norwood Pres. Church, Oct. 2nd, 1921 Session Met Opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood & J. L. Street. On motion Mr. L. C. Field was chosen principle Representative & I. D. Norwood Alternate to presbytery which is to Convene in the Pres. Church, Clinton, La., Oct. 11th at 7:30 P.M. On Motion I. D. Norwood was chosen principle & J. L. Street Alternate Representative to the Meeting of La. Synod which is to Convene in the 2nd Church Shreveport, La. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clk. Session.

Norwood Pres. Church Jan 22/22 Session Met, opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod. Present Elders I. D. Norwood & J. L. Street. By his own request Mr. J. D. Caulfield asked for his letter of Dismissal to unite with the Presbyterian Church of Jackson, La., was granted. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 109] Norwood Pres. Church, Norwood, La., Mar 5/22 Session Met opened with prayer. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood and J. L. Street. By their own request Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Byers were granted letters of dismissal to unite with the Methodist Church of Gillum, La., and F. C. Street his letter to unite with the First Presbyterian Church of Montgomery, Alabama. Mr. W. H. Caulfield at his own request was granted letters of dismissal to unite with the First Presbyterian Church of Alexandria, La. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Adopted. Rev. H. M. Perkins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood Pres. Church, Norwood, La., April 2/1922 Session met at close of divine worship of 11 AM. Pres and presiding Rev. H. M. Perkins, Modr. and Ruling Elders I. D. Norwood, J. L. Street and L. C. Field. Opened with prayer. Mrs. Beatrice Graves (wife of Mr. Jack Graves) presented herself and was received into full communion from the M. E. Church South upon restatement of her faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Deacons were directed to purchase a new Sessional Record Book.

[Page 110] The church Roll was purged and membership found to be at present Resident Communicating Members, 75, Nonresident Communicating Members, 9. Total number communicating Members, 84. Elder L. C. Field was appointed representative to spring meeting of Presbytery to convene at Alexandria, La., on April 11th, 1922, and Elder I. D. Norwood was appointed Alternate. Reports to Presbytery were made and approved and are as follows. Statistics: Elders, 4; Deacons, 3; Added on Examination, 11; Added on Certificates and Statements, 13; Total, 24; Res. Communicants, 75; Non-Res., 9; Grand Total, 84. Adult Baptisms, 0; Infant Baptisms, 1; Sabbath School enrollment, 57. Contributions Foreign Missions, $26.00. Assmbl. H.M., None. Synods H.M., $116.00. Pres. H.M., $50. Congrl. H.M., none. Chr. Educ. & Minis. Relief, none. S.S. Extension & Publication, none. Educational Institutions, $14.00. Bible Cause, $7.60. Orphans Home, $12.50. Total Benevolences, $226.10. Current Expenses (282) & Pres. Tax (17), $299.00. Pastor's salary paid, $900.00. Miscel. Contris, $106.00. Total Totals, $1199.00. Grand total all contributions, $1425.10. Per capita contributions, resident members, $19.00.

[Page 111] Narrative: Preaching services held regularly, two or three sabbaths each month. Per centate of attendance of members, M60, E30. Prayer Meeting none. Rec'd into church on profession, 11. by letter & statement, 13. Present membership, 75. Res., 9. Non-res., total 84. Additions from S.S., 7. Evangelistic meeting held improving spiritual life of church and community greatly. Families holding family worship, 10%. Members family Altar 1. Communion services held, 2. about 60% of members attending same. Members observe Lords day well. Members are faithful in presenting children for baptism. Some parents teach catechisms to children, and small children are taught catechism in S.S. Pupils do not memorize scriptures to any great extent. Principles of stewardship are taught by the pastor. Tithers, one. Did not pay apportionment in full. Salary promised pastor, $800, and $900 was paid. Worldly conformity does not obtain to any great extent. No evangelistic work carried outside of own church. Efforts have been made to secure recruits for the ministry. One additional Ruling Elder, and two Deacons, have been elected, ordained and installed, and pastor has also been installed. Session was closed with prayer. H. M. Perkins, Modr. Adopted. I. D. Norwood, Clerk of Session.

[Page 112] April 7th, 1922. All minutes of Session since last meeting of Presbytery read and approved. H. M. Perkins, Pastor. I. D. Norwood, J. L. Street, Ruling Elders. Approved with following exception: April 7th, record with no indication of whether it was a regular meeting of session or not. H. M. Perkins, Mod.

July 2nd, 1922. Session met at the church immediately after worship at the morning hour and there being present Rev. H. M. Perkins, pastor and Moderator, and Ruling Elder I. D. Norwood and J. L. Street, was opened with prayer. At their own request letters of dismission to St. Johns M. E. Church South, Houston, Texas, were granted to Mr. Mac B. Green, Mrs. Julia Green, his wife, and Sue and Julia Green their children. After which Session closed with prayer. H. M. Perkins, Modr., I. D. Norwood, Clerk of Session.

[Page 113] Oct. 1st, 1922. Session met immediately after morning worship. Present Rev. H. M. Perkins, Modr., and Elders I. D. Norwood and J. L. Street. Opened with prayer. Elder I. D. Norwood was appointed representative to Presbytary to convene at Lafayette, La., Oct. 3rd, inst., and Elder L. C. Field alternate. Closed with prayer. H. M. Perkins, Modr.

Nov. 5th/22. Session met immediately after morning worship. Present Rev. H. M. Perkins, Modr. and Ruling Elders I. D. Norwood, J. L. Street, and L. C. Field. Mrs. Hattie Lewis Dickerson presented herself and was received into full fellowship upon certificate from the Comite Pres. Church. Elder J. L. Street was appointed as representative to meeting of Synod of Louisiana to meet in 1st Pres. Church of Alexandria, La., on Nov. 21st 1922 and Elder I. D. Norwood was appointed alternate to same. Closed with prayer. H. M. Perkins, Modr., I. D. Norwood, Clerk of Session.

[Page 114] Session met this date. Opened with prayer. Present [blank] On their own request letters of dismission were granted to Mrs. H. M. Perkins, to Presbyterian Church of Garyville, La., and H. L. Perkins and his wife, Mrs. Annie Perkins to the First Presbyterian Church of Baton Rouge, La. Ruling Elder I. D. Norwood was appointed as representative to meeting of Pres., La., at Oakdale, La., April 10/23, and Ruling Elder J. L. Street was appointed as alternate. Reports to Presbytery were made and approved and are as follows. Statistics. Res. Communicants, 69, Non-Res., 8. Total, 77.

[Page 115] Norwood Pres. Church, Norwood, La. July 13/24 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. Mr. Pharr, Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood and Joe L. Street. Miss Elizabeth S. Norwood presented herself before the Session, and on examination as to her faith in Jesus Christ, having been baptized in infancy was received in full Communion of the Church. No further business Session Closed with prayer. Rev. Mr. Pharr, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood Pres. Church, July 27/1924 Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. Mr. Pharr, Moderator. Present Elders I. D. Norwood and L. C. Field. Mr. J. L. Street's resignation to retire from the Eldership of this Church was presented and after due consideration was granted, this was very much regretted, but Mr. Street was determined to get out, so we felt it right to grant his request. Mr. B. S. Graves by his own request asked for his letter of dismissal to unite with the First Methodist Church of Baton Rouge, was granted. Rev. Pharr, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 116] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Aug. 31/24 Session met, opened with prayer. Rev. C. A. Pharr, Moderator. Present Elders L. C. Field and I. D. Norwood. Miss Johnnie Richardson appeared before the session. On statement of having formerly been a member of the Wilson M. E. Church South, this church having been disbanded. On motion she was duly received in full Communion of the church. Session closed with prayer. Rev. C. A. Pharr, Mod., I. D.Norwood, Clerk.

April 15: Minutes of Sessional record approved as far as Written. There were no Session Meetings after 31 Aug. 1924 and no statistical or Benevolent records Written for the Book. E. S. Brainard, Mod.

[Page 117] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Aug 9th, 1925. On this date there closed a protracted meeting at the Presbyterian Church, conducted by Rev. E. M. Stewart of DeRidder, La., and Rev. J. F. Eddins, who is supplying our [church] for the present. At the close of the services today, when invitation was made for any who desired to unite with the Church, Mr. Malcolm Cason Came forward, as no quorum of Session was available, Rev. J. F. Eddins and Elder I. D. Norwood proceeded to receive Mr. Malcolm Cason into the Membership of the Church on the ground of his statement that he [was] a member of the Presbyterian Church at Port Gibson and desires to be enrolled here. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 118] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., March 7th, 1926. Session met opened with prayer. Rev. O. Sanden, Moderator. Present Elders L. C. Field and I. D. Norwood. On Motion Mrs. Hattie Lewis Dickerson was granted her letter to unite with the Presbyterian Church Centreville, Miss., by her own request. No further business, Session Closed with prayer. Rev. O. Sanden, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood Presbyterian Church, Apr. 11. 1926. The session met at the church, opened with prayer by Rev. O. E. Sanden who acted as Moderator. Present Elders L. C. Field and I. D. Norwood. On motion Mr. Abel Norwood was granted his letter to unite with the Pyrtania St. Presbyterian Church at New Orleans. Elder L. C. Field was chosen to represent the church at the meeting of the Presbytery at Lake Charles, La., which meets Apr. 13. Elder I. D. Norwood elected to serve as alternate. The reports for Presbytery were read and approved by the session. No further business, session was adjourned by prayer. Rev. E. O. Sanden, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 119] Approved in open session of Presbytery at Lake Charles on Apr. 14, 1926, with exceptions; 1st, that minutes dated Aug. 9-25 were not opened or closed with prayer, 2nd Statistical reports adopted Apr. 11-26 not recorded in book. S. D. Byers[?], Mod.

[Page 120] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., Aug. 23rd, 1926. Session Met opened with prayer. Rev. O. E. Sanden, Moderator. Present Elder I. D. Norwood. Mr. Nelson Haynes and Alvis Lipscomb came before session. After examination as to their faith in Christ and administering baptism, Mr. Nelson Haynes was received in full Membership of the Church. Session Closed with prayer. Rev. O. E. Sanden, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood Presbyterian Church, Aug. 29th, 1926. Session Met opened with prayer. Rev. O. E. Sanden, Moderator. Present Elder I. D. Norwood. Frank Richardson and Richner Lipscomb Came before session. After examination as to their faith in Christ was received in full membership of the Church both from Sunday School. Miss Julia N. Renbeau[?] was also received in full membership by letter. Session closed with prayer. Rev. O. E. Sanden, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 121] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., Mar. 27/27 Session Met, opened with prayer. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Moderator. Present Elders L. C. Fields and I. D. Norwood. On motion Elder L. C. Fields was chosen to represent the Church at the Meeting of La. Presbytery which will take place on the 12th of April at the Plains Presbyterian Church and I. D. Norwood, Alternate. Reports to Presbytery was made up. No further business Session closed with Prayer. Statistics: Elders, 2. Deacons, 3. added on confession, 4. added on Confession, 1. Whole numbers of Communicants, 75. Contributions, Presbytery's Home Missions, $12.00. Pastor's salary paid, $300.00. Current Expenses, 42.00. Building expenses, $146.00. Total, $500.00. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 122] approved as written with the following exceptions: 1. No sessional meeting from August 29, 1926 to Mar. 27, 1927. 2. Minutes not read and approved. J. F. Eddins, Moderator.

Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., July 1, 1928. The Session met at close of Service during protracted Meeting Conducted by Rev. O. E. Sandin on Sunday evening July 1st invitation had been made for any to come forward to unite with the Church. The only members of Session present were Rev. J. F. Eddins, stated supply, and Edler I. D. Norwood. The following persons were admitted into the Membership of the Church by letter from first Presbyterian Church, Beaumont, Texas, namely Mrs. Anna G. Seitzlar Sebastain and her son, Henry Seitzler and daughter Graldine[?] Seitzler. Session closed with prayer. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood, La., July 15, 1928. Session met at close of services Sunday morning July 15th. Present Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod., L. C. Field and I. D. Norwood. The matter was discussed as to the advisability of an church's electing additional Elders and Deacons. It was decided to Call a Congregational meeting for the purpose of electing additional officers. The date for the meeting to be determined by future appointments for preaching services, it being understood that due notice would be given all members of the time appointed for this election. Their being no further business, Session closed with prayer. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 124] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., Oct 12, 1928. Session Met, Opened with prayer. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Moderator. Present Elders L. C. Field and I. D. Norwood. Letter of Mrs. D. O. Byers for dismissal to unite with the Banner Elk Presbyterian Church On motion was granted. On Motion Elder L. C. Field was appointed to represent the Church at fall meeting of Presbytery which will meet at Clinton, La., on Tuesday Oct. 16th. Session closed with prayer. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk. March 16, 1929: On this date a combined Meeting of Elders and deacons was held at the home of Mr. I. D. Norwood. Present: Rev. J. F. Eddins, Elder I. D. Norwood. Deacons: J. T. Sebastian and Leroy Graves. A detailed summary of our financial situation was gone over. It was decided to undertake The "Every Member

[Page 125] Canvas". The deacons worked out a plan by which they could divide up the membership list and secure a pledge from as many Members as possible. The Meeting closed with prayer. J. F. Eddins, Moderator.

Following are the Statistics for year ending March 31, 1929: Elders, 2. Deacons, 3. Added on Certificate, 3. Communicants, 60. Sabbath School enrollment, 47. Contributions: Foreign Missions 28 Assembly Home Missions 10 Christian Education & MR 17 Publications & S.S. Work 11 Orphan's Home 15 Educational Institutions 10 90 Pastor's Salary paid 115 Current Expenses 109 Building Expense 216 Miscellaneous 40 570 Grand Total

[Page 126] Approved in Presbytery at Lake Charles April 17, 1928 with the following exceptions (1) meetings more than three months apart (2) Some meetings not opened with prayer. W. F. Cason, Mod.

Norwood Presbyterian Church, Nov. 17th, 1929: Session Met at Close of divine Worship of 11 A.M. Pres and presiding Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod. and Ruling Elder I. D. Norwood. Opened with prayer. I. D. Norwood was chosen as representation to the La. Synod which is to convene in First Church Baton Rouge La. on the 19th. No further business Session adjourned. Rev. J. F. Eddins, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 127] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Jan. 5th, 1930: Session Met, opened with prayer. Rev. A. G. Davis, Mod. Present Elders L. C. Field, and I. D. Norwood. It was agreed to call a congregational meeting after divine worship 11 A.M. for the purpose of electing one additional Elder and one Deacon. No further Business session adjourned. Rev. A. G. Davis, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood Church, Mar. 16th, 1930: Session Met opened with prayer. Rev. A. G. Davis, Mod. Present Elders L. C. Field and I. D. Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milne presented themselves and was received into full communion. Mr. Milne by letter from the Jackson Presbyterian Church and Mrs. Milne from the M. E. Church South upon restatement in her faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. No further Business session closed. Rev. A. G. Davis, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 128] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., Sept. 7, 1930: At close of the sermon the door of the church was opened. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris with their infant daughter Mary Ann joined by letter from the Trinity Presbyterian Church of Jonesville, La. Session Met. Rev. W. O. Nelson, Mod. Elders present were L. C. Field, I. D. Norwood and Joe L. Street. Received Mr. & Mrs. Harris in full Communion of the Church. Session closed with the Benediction. Rev. W. O. Nelson, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., Dec. 21, 1930: At close of morning worship services the door of the church was opened, Clement Street came forward. Session Met. Rev. W. O. Nelson, Mod., present Elders L. C. Field, I. D. Norwood and Joe L. Street. After examination as to his faith in Jesus Christ, was received in full communion of the church having been baptized in infancy. Session Closed with benediction. Rev. W. O. Nelson, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 129] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., Jan. 18, 1931: At Close of the Morning service the invitation was extended to anyone who wish to unite with church. Miss Mary Helen Temple came forward. Session met, Rev. W. O. Nelson, Mod., Present Elders I. D. Norwood, and Joe L. Street. After examination as to her faith in Jesus Christ Miss Mary Helen Temple was received into the Church, having been baptized in infancy. Mrs. Alice Richard, & her two children, Miss Alice & Frank, with their own request asked for letters of dismissal to unite with the second Pres. Church of Baton Rouge. This request was granted. No further business. Session Closed with prayer. Rev. W. O. Nelson, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

[Page 130] Norwood Presbyterian Church, Norwood, La., 4/5/31: Session Met Opened with prayer. Rev. W. O. Nelson, Moderator. Present Elders L. C. Field, I. D. Norwood and Joe L. Street. Mr. Street was appointed as Representation to Spring Presbytery which is to meet at the Plains Presbyterian Church on April 14th. No further business. Session Closed with Prayer. Rev. W. O. Nelson, Mod., I. D. Norwood, Clerk.

Transcribed and contributed by Claude Slaton, from Session Minutes, Volume 2 (1901-1931)

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