
Grant Parish



Census Records of Grant Parish

 It is important to note here that the 1870 censuses of Winn and Grant Parishes were sketchy, due to several reasons.  The borders were not necessarily understood by the census-takers, causing some residents of both parishes to be missed. This same area was somewhat of a "no man's land" as outlaw gangs and bad men, including the West & Kimbrel Clan, roamed the Harrisonburg Road, and many folks were sensible enough to avoid the area, probably including the census-takers.  And, many folks simply did not want to be listed, or counted, for different reasons.     


If searching for a particular surname,  locality or date while going through the records
in the archives or anywhere....try these few steps:
1. Go to the top of the report you are searching. 
2. Click on EDIT at the top of your screen.
3.  Next click on FIND in the edit menu. 
4. When the square pops up, enter what you are looking for in the FIND WHAT ___blank. 
5. Click on  DIRECTION __DOWN. 
6.   And last click on FIND NEXT and continue to click on FIND NEXT until you reach the end of the report. 

This should highlight the item that you indicated in "find what" every place it appears in the report.  You must continue to click on FIND NEXT till you reach the end of the report to see all of the locations of the item indicated.










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Contact Us

Parish Coordinator: Dianne Harris


Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email Dianne Harris, Parish Coordinator.

