The US GenWeb Project

Cheniere Caminada Cemetery

Cheniere Caminada Cemetery on Louisiana Hwy 1 15.4 miles below the Leeville Bridge on the right side of the road. This is in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana This cemetery was recognized as an historic site by the town of Grand Isle on Aug. 8, 1978.

Mayor: Wayne Guidry, Chief of Police: Ernest M. LaFont, Aldermen: Thomas A Marullo, Joseph E. LaFont, III, Larry J. LaFont, Carl T. Santiny and Robert Collins

Camille CALLAIS b. July 18, 1888 d. Feb 8, 1942

Mortess C. CALLAIS b. Nov. 2, 1894 d. Feb. 11, 1940

Clarence J. FRAZIER, Sr. 11/3/08 - 1/18/52

Infant's grave

Ophille GUEDRY (no dates)

Mylatile DANOS ADAMS Jan. 2, 1906 May 14, 1982 (vase with "Mother")

Mrs. Josephine SANAMO BOUZIGARD (no dates)

Philozate COLLINS b. 1861 d. 1911

 Mitchell M FRAZIER 4/1/07 - 5/3/69 ???? decede 8 November 1902

There is a fence around the cemetery. Hidden in the marsh grass on the right side of cemetery as you face it, outside of the fence is a group of very old graves. They face the small bayou behind the cemetery.

Lea PITRE died Oct. 1st, 1893, age 20

Augustine MALCOMBE died Oct. 23rd, 1893, age 33 broken cross -

Louis COLLINS, decede ?? 21 ??, A'gen????, RIP broken cross -

Nicolas BUSKE, Le 18 Mars 1866

Mori Le 11 ?? 1888, Music, Singing, ???

Augustin PITRE d. 1886 age 67

Richard PITRE died 1880

Alexsina PITRE died Jan 1st 1892, age 31

Listed by Cathy Dantin Shannon and Audrey Dantin Boudreaux, Feb. 1985

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Parish Coordinator: Vacant

State Coordinator: Marsha Holley


Questions or Comments?

If you have questions or problems with this site, email Marsha Holley. Please do not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Louisiana and do not have access to additional records.

