Known Ouachita Parish newspapers begin with the Washita Gazette newspaper, May 25, 1825. There is an edition of an earlier newspaper from 1823 that is in a private collection. The Gazette collection ends with the November 29, 1825 edition. The next known surviving newspaper is the Monroe Register, December 1, 1859 - November 22, 1860. There are no newspapers from the Civil War period available, and the newspapers pick back up after the war with the Weekly Telegraph, September 18, 1865. During and after Reconstruction, there were several newspapers publishing, among them the Daily Telegraph, the Ouachita Telegraph, The Monroe Bulletin, and Louisiana Intelligencer. From 1890 to May, 1909 there are few surviving newspapers, maybe less than a dozen issues. Persons researching this time period are asked to check surrounding parish newspapers to see if they carried Monroe items. For example, issues of the Richland Beacon survive from this era. From June 1909 to the present, the Monroe News-Star still has some issues available.
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