Explore "Resources". In this section you will also find many links to great sites for beginners.
You can also check out this page: Tips for Research in St. James Parish.
We can't post what we don't have. We need researchers to share their discoveries so we can share with everyone. Credit will be given to submitters so all can appreciate their hard work.
They are "thumbnail" pictures. Click on the picture for a larger view.
Type the information in an email to Margie Pearce or attach a document (.doc, .txt) to the email.
No, I'm sorry, but I do not have access to additional records. In most cases, you will need to check with the Parish courthouse in order to obtain original documents. You can find contact information in "Addresses".
If it's not on the site then I don't have the resource. Your best bet would be to ask on the soon-to-be-created email/Message Board list. It's possible someone has that resource available. You could also write the Library.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
State Coordinator: Marsha Holley
Asst. State Coordinator: Norma Hass
If you have questions or problems with this site, email the Parish Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Louisiana and do not have access to additional records.