To obtain copies of service records and pension records, follow the instructions below.
The NATF 80 has been replaced by two new forms, the NATF 85 for military pension and bounty land warrant applications and the NATF 86 for military service records for Army veterans who were discharged prior to 1912.
All genealogical forms (NATF 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, SF 180) must be requested from the NARA website.
Pension Records
Confederate Pension Records are held by the state where the pensioner lived
when the application was filed. The State Libraries or Archives are the usual
depositories for these records. Most Confederate state pensions were means
tested--the applicant had to be near destitute to qualify. As a result, many
Confederate soldiers never applied for such pensions. To determine whether your
ancestor applied for a pension write the state archives where he lived after
the war.
When you write to determine if your ancestor or his beneficiary applied for a pension it is again helpful to have the letter company and numbered regiment in which he served, as well as his wife's name.
As you receive your information, if your ancestor served in a Caddo regiment, please submit to the Parish Coordinator. I will post your serviceman's name with your email address attached.
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Parish Coordinator: Vacant
Asst. Parish Coordinator: Sara Parsons
State Coordinator: Marsha Holley
If you have questions email the Assistant Parish Coordinator. Please do not ask for specfic research on your family.