To list your surnames on this page, please email the parish coordinator by clicking on their name at the very bottom of the page. If you find any email addresses that do not work, please let me know. Please Remember to tell me YOUR last name as well!
Please remember to send Sara Parsons your updated email address if you change it. If it is reported to me as an undeliverable address, I will have to take it off. Thanks for your help with this.
Make sure you check out our First Families section to see if there is any additional information on these surnames!
Alexander - Barbara Langston
Allen - Barbara Barton
Barlow - Leah Chauvin
Belcher - Barbara Regenstein, Barbara Langston
Bennett - Barbara Langston
Bercher - Barbara Regenstein
Blackmon - Ron Thompson
Cane - Barbara Langston
Chittum - Barbara Regenstein
Christian - Deb Dame, Barbara Langston
Coates - Barbara Barton
Cook - Leah Chauvin
Crudup - Dorothy Cowell
Dillon - Barbara Langston
Dinkins - Deb Dame
Doll - Barbara Regenstein
Gardner - Micki McLaughlin
Garner - Ron Thompson
George - Julia Herndon
Germany - Ron Thompson
Hale - Ron Thompson
Hendricks/Hendrix - Deb Dame
Herndon - Julia Herndon
Holman - Larry Holman
Hughes - Barbara Langston
Iles - Ron Thompson
Jasper - Julia Herndon
King - Deb Dame
Laenger - Leah Chauvin
Lemon - Barbara Langston
Little - Barbara Regenstein
McCormick - Barbara Langston
McCrary - Micki McLaughlin
Miller - Ron Thompson
Mims - Sara Parsons
Pardue - Gini Addamo
Poole - Sara Parsons
Potts - Micki McLaughlin
Quigley - Barbara Regenstein
Robbins - Marsha Holley
Rochelle - Peggy Hale
Roy - Sara Parsons
Shackleford - Dorothy Cowell
Stephens - Micki McLaughlin
Stockwell - Barbara Regenstein, Barbara Langston
Thompson - Ron Thompson
Walker - Deb Dame
Watson - Barbara Langston
Weber - Barbara Regenstein
Wise - Julia Herndon
If you have questions, contributions, or problems with this site, email:
Parish Coordinator: Vacant
Asst. Parish Coordinator: Sara Parsons
State Coordinator: Marsha Holley
If you have questions email the Assistant Parish Coordinator. Please do not ask for specfic research on your family.