Harrisonburg United Methodist Church


Information submitted by Ms Rose Meyers

The Harrisonburg Methodist Episcopal Church was established in 1853. Joseph Sargent conveyed the land to the church. The name of the church later changed to Harrisonburg Methodist Church on March 16, 1939. The church is one of the oldest buildings in the village of Harrisonburg. It has cannon ball holes and the original bell in it. The church was made of handmade boards and was pegged together in some parts. Square nail heads can be seen in parts of the church.

Through the years the church allowed the Baptists to use it because they did not have a building to hold services. At one time it was used as a school. The Masons used the church for their meetings until 1929 when they moved to the upstairs of the Catahoula Bank. The second floor of the church was torn off. Some army artillery was found in the wall of the church.

The Newman's store brought the pews in the church from New Orleans. The Newman's were Jewish. The small chairs in the Sunday School room were purchased from New Orleans Furniture Mfg Company. They are very old, and there are some other old chairs and a barrister bookcase.

The original church bell is in good shape and is rung every Sunday morning at nine o'clock at the beginning of the church services. In 1882, floodwaters went in the church and covered the floor about six inches.

The church parsonage was across the street from church. It was torn down several years ago. At one time it was a thriving church with a large membership. Despite our sinking membership, services are held every Sunday morning at nine o'clock.