
Grant Parish



1930 Shady Grove School

Shady Grove School

Submitted by: Tammy Hayes and Gerald Chelette 2000

A picture taken at the Shady Grove School in Montgomery, Grant Parish, was submitted by Tammy Hayes and Gerald Chelette. The picture appears to be circa 1930. The following information relative to persons included was also supplied by Ms. Hayes and Mr. Chelette. Further information pertaining to the persons pictured or history of the area and school is solicited.

Shady Grove School, Montgomery, LA 1930

Delia Pender Chelette --- seated, holding baby son, Tommy Chelette.
Paul Chelette --- black sailor suit, front row: son of Delia Pender and Abraham Chelette.
Audry Chelette --- girl to right of Paul Chelette: daughter of Delia Pender and Abraham Chelette.
Oliver Chelette --- to right of Audry Chelette: son of Delia Pender and Abraham Chelette.
Walter DuBois --- back row, in white shirt and suspenders; wife to his right.



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