Friday evening, just after dark, two unknown men entered the cabin of Seaborn
Love, a colored man, living on the place of Mr. Wamble, about three miles from
town, and shot Love three times, from the effects of which he died in a short
time. A negro girl in the house at the time was also shot in the hip; the wound,
however, is not considered dangerous. Five shots in all were fired, and
the parties decamped without any clue to their identity. The cause of the
shooting is involved in mystery. For, although Love was justly regarded as a
very bad man, it is not known that he had any enemy who would be likely to
resort to that mode of redress. It is believed by m any of our citizens that he
fired the town when it was burned last December; but the evidence was hardly
sufficient to have taken his life, and had that been the cause of his being
killed it would have taken place long ago.
Such acts are to be greatly deprecated, for no matter how bad a man is, he is entitled to the protection of the law.
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