
Grant Parish



Horn, John W. ~ Land Succession

Submitted to USGENWEB by: Gaytha Carver Thompson

Copyright.  All rights reserved.


Before me, L. Dow Wardlow, Notary Public, duly commissioned and qualified in
and for the Parish of Grant, State of Louisiana, and in the presence of the
witnesses hereinafter named and undersigned,

Personally came and appeared Mrs. Louisiana Horn, nee, Bradley, who was first
married to Willie Recorder and who was next married to John W. Horn. resident
of Parish of Grant, State of Louisiana, who declares that, for and in
consideration of the price and sum of One Hundred Forty dollars, cash in hand
paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and good acquaintance and
discharge given for the same, she did and does by these presents, grant,
bargain, sell, assign, convey, set over and deliver unto heirs of John W.
Horn, deceased, namely:  H. H. Horn, L. W. Horn, Arthur Horn, Mrs. Annie
Megason wife of J. L. Megason, Mrs. Mollie Weaver wife of B. B. Weaver,
deceased, Mrs. Edna Phillips wife of E. W. Phillips, Mrs. Ella Thompson, wife
of D. J. Thompson, Mrs. Hattie Chestnutt deceased wife of C. K. Chestnutt and
mother of Lillie Gladys and Myrtle Chestnutt, accepting and purchasing for
themselves heirs and assigns all, and singular, the following described
property, to-wit:

SW4 of SW4 in Sec 4 and SE4 of SE4 in Sec 5, all situated in TP 8, NR 5 West,
containing 80 acres and 7 acres of Ebenezar Camp Ground all situated in Grant
Parish Louisiana together with all improvements thereon.  All of her interest
in the above described property.

To have and to hold the said described property unto the said purchaser their
heirs and assigns in full property forever, free from any lien, mortgage or
encumbrance whatever, with full and general warranty of title, and with full
subrogation to all the rights of warranty and other rights as held therein by
said vendor.

The said appeared agree to dispense with the Certificate required by Article
3364 of the Revised Civil Code of the State and exonerate me and Notary from
all responsibility on account of the no-production of the same.
All Taxes on said property have been paid as evidenced by the statement from
the vendor of the year 1912.

This done and passed at Montgomery in the Parish of Grant, State of Louisiana
this 15th day of Dec., 1913 in the presence of C. W. Payne and Wilmot McCain,
competent witnesses, who sign these presents with said appearers and me said
Notary after reading.

Signatures: Witnesses, C. W. Payne and Wilmont McCain
Mrs Louisiana (x-her mark) Horn


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