St. Charles, then Ascension Parish, Louisiana
Submitted by
Mike Miller
Louisiana: Comprising Sketches of Parishes,
Towns, Events, Institutions, and Persons, Arranged in Cyclopedic
Form (volume 3), pp. 623-624. Edited by Alcee Fortier, Lit.D.
Published in 1914, by Century Historical Association.
John D., M. D., of Donaldsonville, Ascension parish, is a leading
member of his profession in the southern parishes of Louisiana, with
nearly 35 years of successful practice to his credit, and a
meritorious record of prominence in the public affairs and the
business activities of Ascension parish. He was born in St. Charles
parish, May 5, 1857; son of Richard T., and Barbara (Calderwood)
Hanson, the former having come from his native town of Santa Cruz,
West Indies, to the United States about 1850; and the latter, born
in Scotland, having emigrated to this country with her parents when
she was very young. Richard T. Hanson took up his residence in
Ascension parish in 1863, engaging in the planting business, from
which he retired in 1897, 8 years before his death. Mrs. Hanson is
still living, and resides in New Orleans. Dr. Hanson is the 3rd of
13 children, of whom 12 grew to maturity. He was educated at Pass
Christian, Miss., and St. John academy, Virginia Military institute,
Lexington, Va. In 1875 he entered the medical department of Tulane
university, which conferred upon him, 5 years later, the degree of
M. D. After a service of 2 years in the clinics and wards of the
Charity hospital, New Orleans, Dr. Hanson became a resident of
Donaldsonville, where he has lived, practicing his profession with
great success, and identifying himself with the people and with the
best interests of that town. He is a member of the Louisiana State
Medical society, the American Medical association, and of Ascension
parish Medical society, and served 4 years as coroner of the parish.
Dr. Hanson is one of the directors of the Bank of Ascension, and
vice-president and director of the Donaldsonville Ice Co. April 23,
1888, there took place his marriage with Miss Malvina Thibault,
daughter of Dr. August and Elmina (Melancon) Thibault, who were both
natives of Louisiana, and for many years residents of
Donaldsonville, where Dr. Thibault was, for a long time, a well
known physician. Two children were born to Dr. Hanson and wife; one
is Marjorie, wife of Percy Lemann, residing in Donaldsonville, and
the other is John D. Hanson, Jr. The doctor and family are members
of the Episcopal church.
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J Marsha Holley
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