
Jefferson Parish



Burton, Peter

Submitted by K. Reese

Peter BURTON was my grandfather. He was married to Susan Anthony PETER passed away abt 1821 I have been searching for his burial place. He had 4 childern William Wolsey BURTON -----Elizabeth BURTON----- Matilda BURTON-----Mary Ann BURTON thesze are some of the family I am hunting in Jefferson parish but not all of them.

Mary Ann Burton married a man name John WALES. This John WALES is my grandfather also he also lived in Jefferson parish. He and Mary Ann BURTON had 5 children:

 William W BURTON is buried in Cypress Grove cemetery in New Orleans and William B WALES is buried in Wales cemetery in Vernon Parish, near Leesville Louisiana.

William B WALES is also my grandfather who grew up either in Jefferson Parish or New Orleans Area. He was drafted to the confedrate army in New Orleans in the civil war his papers are in the Confederate Memorial Hall in New Orleans.

He arrived in Vernon parish buy William Wolsey BURTON who owned a trading post there. William Wolsey BURTON helped raise William B WALES because William B WALES was born in abt 1830 his mother Mary ann BURTON passed away abt. 1833 and his father John WALES passed away before 1846. They obviously did not live long enough to raise their son. William W BURTON passed away in 1849 of TB in the New Orleans hospital.

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Coordinator - Marsha Bryant

State Coordinators: Jo Branch & Edward Hayden

Asst. State Coordinator: Marsha Bryant

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If you have questions or problems with this site, email the Parish Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Indiana and do not have access to additional records.

