
Grant Parish



Brown, R. D.

Submitted by Bob Valentine
I am the grandson of Richard D. Brown Colfax Chronicle 1939

Mr. R. D. Brown of Dry Prong, La., celebrated his 79th birthday on Sunday August 27th, 1939. A delicious lunch was served to the following relatives and friends: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brown and family, Eddie, Marshal, Raymond, William, Josephine, and Gertrude; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Valentine and son, Bobby of Colfax, Miss Elma Louise Valentine of Shreveport, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McLaughlin of Alexandria, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sinquefield and baby , Carol Glen, Mr. Mayron Madden of Freyberb, Baxley Thames, Misses Ione Dick, Sybil Watson, Mary Blewer and host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Brown.

Mr. Brown received several nice and useful gifts. Ice cream and cake was enjoyed in the afternoon.


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