;St. James Parish

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St. Joseph Cemetery & Mausoleum
N - R

St. Joseph Catholic Church Cemetery, 2130 Rectory St., Paulina, Louisiana. The cemetery is behind the church.
The church was established in 1872 and serves the eastern part of the civil St. James Parish.

If you know more of the history of the cemetery or have obituaries or tombstone pictures for the cemetery, please email the Parish Coordinator for inclusion on this page.

Documents with a plus sign (+) includes both text and tombstone photograph.
M/M = Mr. and Mrs.

Thanks to Bobby, Mary Agnes Hammett and Team T-Lo for sharing their tombstone photos!
Listing updated from more documents and photographs taken in March 2022 by Jane Edson and Margie Pearce.

A - B  C - E  F - Laiche  Lam - M  N - R  S - Z

Posted 10/25/2021; updated 10/13/2024
St. Joseph Cemetery & Mausoleum
N - R
Last name First name (Maiden) Birth date Death date Spouse - Marriage date Parents Military Obit Stone
Nabor Calvin Jr 10/18/1974 5/20/1998
Naquin Herman Joseph 10/25/1913 5/28/2006 Ruth Pettit Abdon & Ludivine Gauthe Naquin obit
Naquin Joseph Albert 10/16/1880 2/2/1931 Maria Schexnayder Paul E & Ernestine P M Thibodaux Naquin Hammett
Naquin Maria (Schexnayder) 1883 4/2/1982 Joseph A Hammett
Naquin Ruth (Pettit) 5/1/1914 1/5/2001 Herman J obit
Neal Warren 'Tuffy' 10/17/1952 2/2/1981
New Elsie (Laiche) 3/21/1901 4/1/1988 Samuel E Lawrence P & Lena L Laiche
Nicholson Curtis Lee Jr 7/29/1964 12/13/2011 article
Nobile Annie M 6/2/1903 11/19/1951 Lawrence P & Catherine Malaspina Nobile photo, 2
Nobile Catherine (Malaspina) 9/22/1880 5/3/1965 Lawrence P photo, 2
Nobile Anthony 'A J' 11/8/1942 2/1/2023 Joyce St Pierre Johnny & Lillian Millet Nobile obit
Nobile Anthony J, Dr 4/30/1905 2/25/1999 Hester Belanger Lawrence P & Catherine Malaspina Nobile photo, 2
Nobile Felix F 5/16/1887 2/29/1976 Lucille Schexnayder photo, 2
Nobile Felix Peter 4/28/1917 3/6/1955 Amelie Mire Felix F & Lucille Schexnayder Nobile photo, 2
Nobile Ferdie Anthony 10/4/1915 9/23/1996 Lilly Brignac obit
Nobile Hester (Belanger) abt 1909 8/30/1999 Dr Anthony J obit photo, 2
Nobile Janice (Rome) 9/26/1938 8/28/2007 Lawrence Froizin J & Noemie Becnel Rome obit
Nobile John August Jr 10/19/1939 5/28/2024 Dorothy Muscarello John A & Lillian M Nobile obit
Nobile Johnny August 12/4/1910 3/13/1981 Lillian Millet Lawrence P & Catherine Malaspina Nobile obit
Nobile Joyce (St Pierre) 1/22/1943 7/11/2021 Anthony J II Earl J & Alma Haydel St Pierre obit
Nobile Lawrence Peter 6/18/1872 8/11/1938 Catherine Malaspina photo, 2
Nobile Lawrence Peter II 3/25/1938 1/20/2006 Janice Rome Johnny A & Lillian Millet Nobile obit
Nobile Lillian (Millet) 6/4/1912 4/5/2003 Johnny A Brice N & M Noelie Dufresne Millet obit
Nobile Lilly (Brignac) 2/13/1916 1/5/1996 Ferdie A Charles & Eliza Berthelot Brignac obit
Nobile Lucille (Schexnayder) 2/15/1891 5/20/1945 Felix F photo, 2
Nosacka Stephen Anthony 6/28/1929 9/26/2000 Martha Slie Stephen & Josephine Povolny Nosacka obit
Obre Nolan J 1924 5/1/1993 Verlin Zimmer Henry & Leonia Kilburn Obre obit
Ockman Bertha Rita (Louque) 4/19/1920 8/28/2004 Sandy J Barthelmi & Alice Melancon Louque obit
Ockman Jessie J 9/11/1951 Sandy J & Bertha R Louque Ockman
Ockman Sandy Joseph 11/4/1917 5/2/2009 Bertha Rita Louque Marcel & Eva Remondet Ockman WW II Cpl US Army Air Forces obit
Olivier Aglae Marie (Kroll) 11/0/1890 10/22/1982 Joseph M M/M Auguste Francois Kroll obit
Olivier Belle (Moncrief) 10/9/1930 Benjamin A photo
Olivier Benjamin Andrew 11/18/1918 4/9/2011 F C Belle Moncrief Joseph M & Aglae M Kroll Olivier WW II veteran obit photo
Olivier Carolyn (Champion) 3/5/1949 2/7/2005 Alfred M Fredrick Champion & Juainta R Wolfe obit
Olivier Elaine A 8/6/1913 4/26/1998 Marc J photo
Olivier Esther (Bossier) 11/27/1918 1/22/2013 Pliny L Joseph A & Ida Folse Bossier obit photo
Olivier Joseph Marcel 1885 1963 Aglae Marie Kroll
Olivier Joyce (Louque) 2/12/1942 8/24/2010 Marc Jr Alfred J & Melodia Roussel Louque obit
Olivier Marc Joseph Jr 10/16/1940 3/17/2021 Joyce Louque Marc J & Elaine Olivier obit
Olivier Marc Joseph Sr 2/14/1913 2/10/1980 Elaine A Joseph M & Aglae M Kroll Olivier photo
Olivier Pliny Louis Sr 2/24/1917 8/7/2002 Esther Bossier Joseph M & Aglae M Kroll Olivier obit photo
Ordeneaux Adela Marie (Louque) 1/1/1904 12/8/1993 Andre R Barthelmi & Alice Melancon Louque Bobby
Ordeneaux Alice Mae 3/6/1931 1/29/2017 Andre R & Adela M Louque Ordeneaux
Ordeneaux Allen J 8/24/1916 1/29/1962 WW II LA F2 US Coast Guard Res
Ordeneaux Andre Raoul 9/6/1903 9/24/1973 Adela Marie Louque Bobby
Ordeneaux Camille J 7/15/1895 8/11/1959 Ida Rome WW I LA Pvt US Army
Ordeneaux Charmaine Maria (Matherne) 11/22/1951 Floyd J Jr photo
Ordeneaux Elsie (Roussell) 2/26/1926 5/5/2000 Larry Willie & Olive Roussell obit photo
Ordeneaux Floyd III 1976 1976 M/M Floyd John Ordeneaux
Ordeneaux Floyd John Jr 12/27/1950 7/20/2016 Charmaine Matherne Floyd J &Ruby Marie Poche Ordeneaux Vietnam SP4 US Army obit photo
Ordeneaux Floyd John Sr 6/5/1925 7/5/1959 Ruby Marie Poche Camille J & Ida Rome Ordeneaux
Ordeneaux Georgine R 11/6/1891 8/2/1968
Ordeneaux Ida (Rome) 9/27/1902 9/24/1992 Camille J Marcelin & Laura Dupuy Rome obit
Ordeneaux Kris L 1974 1974 M/M Floyd John Ordeneaux
Ordeneaux Larry L 7/28/1923 3/29/1985 Elsie Roussell WW II US Navy photo
Ordeneaux Leonard C 11/15/1929 7/6/1973 Lietta Tonguis Korea LA Cpl US Army
Ordeneaux Leonard T 6/10/1901 11/9/1960
Ordeneaux Mary E 1975 1975 M/M Floyd John Ordeneaux
Ordeneaux Ruby Marie (Poche) 6/30/1924 11/26/2020 Floyd J Thomas & Lima Carmouche Poche obit
Ordeneaux - Veron Lietta (Tonquis) 6/27/1930 9/14/2010 Leonard C Ordeneaux; Donald G Veron Clifford O & Etta Bourgeois Tonguis obit
Ordoyne Alton M Jr 5/26/1941 7/14/1998 Alton M & Grace Griffin Ordoyne
Ordoyne Alton M Sr 7/9/1908 9/28/1963 Grace Griffin James & Marie R Ordoyne
Ordoyne Alvis no dates
Ordoyne Alvis 'Big Rook' 4/7/1906 3/2/1989 Leona Griffin James & Marie R Ordoyne
Ordoyne Catherine (LeBlanc) 7/12/1944 10/9/2022 Edward "Jimmy" - 6/27/1964 William & Thelma LeBlanc obit
Ordoyne Dolian J 12/2/1903 7/12/1984 Elia Griffin James & Marie R Ordoyne
Ordoyne Edward James 10/22/1937 5/15/2011 Catherine LeBlanc Dolian J & Elia Griffin Ordoyne obit
Ordoyne Elia (Griffin) 8/9/1911 6/4/2016 Dolian J Edwin J & Delphine M Griffin obit
Ordoyne Gerald J 12/12/1933 8/31/1990 Sarah C Cook Korea US Marine Corps
Ordoyne Grace (Griffin) 9/11/1914 3/10/1971 Alton M
Ordoyne James 7/8/1925 Marie R
Ordoyne Kevin P 6/8/1977 5/19/1996 M/M Alton M Ordoyne
Ordoyne Leona (Griffin) 9/27/1912 6/10/1998 Alvis
Ordoyne Marie R 1883 1969 James
Ordoyne Sarah Clarice (Cook) 3/1/1931 4/2/2007 Gerald J Sam & Clara Frazee Cook obit
Ordoyne Wilfred 3/13/1902 7/31/1957 James & Marie R Ordoyne WW II LA Pvt US Army
Ory Enola Marie (Richard) 7/8/1919 10/29/2013 Anicet J Berthelot; Earl J Ory Michael & Laura Schexnayder Richard obit
Ory Lorraine Marie (Landry) 3/29/1942 1/6/2013 Richard A Volzie J & Mildred LeBlanc Landry obit
Otts Carolyn (Bourgeois) 10/14/1947 1/1/2024 Emile J & Isabel Louque Bourgeois obit
Oubre Adolph G 6/12/1905 11/26/1967
Oubre Alcee J Sr 10/2/1929 3/6/1998 Merline Rodrigue William J & Emily Kilburn Oubre photo
Oubre Alice 12/6/1931 7/23/1944 Honore B & Stella M Poche Oubre photo
Oubre Allen Joseph 12/2/1938 4/12/1995 Shirley Cortez George J & Lucretia Bossier Oubre obit +
Oubre Amilcar Lucien 12/29/1900 11/21/1985 Anicia Luquette - 1924 Elie Lucien Oubre photo
Oubre Anicia (Luquette) 9/9/1903 8/16/1995 Amilcar L photo
Oubre Anna Mae (Gueret) 2/5/1924 8/31/2002 Gilmer J, Sr Abraham & Leonie J Labranche Gueret obit
Oubre April Marie 9/9/1963 8/3/1985
Oubre Armantine (Boe) 5/30/1852 11/30/1949 George Dominic & Evelina Frederic Boe obit
Oubre Clelie (Cambre) 9/18/1884 5/15/1969 Eugene B Amelia (Robeau) Cambre obit
Oubre Cline Benoit 1907 9/8/1953 Agnes Duhon - 1935 Ernest J & Anne O Vincent Oubre
Oubre Dolores (Millet) 4/18/1943 5/17/2021 James O Emory & Dorothy Millet obit
Oubre Emily (Kilburn) 6/13/1900 1/11/1971 William J Samuel & Julie LeBlanc Kilburn
Oubre Emily B 12/31/1910 9/16/1990 Eugene B & Clelie Cambre Oubre
Oubre Esther Mae (Schexnayder) 4/29/1938 4/24/2016 Pierre Jr Yolande & Beatrice Louque Schexnayder obit photo
Oubre Eugene Bernard 2/8/1879 9/0/1970 Clelie Cambre - 1/31/1905 Eugene & Emeline M Tircuit Oubre
Oubre Eugene Bernard Jr 3/18/1895 8/26/1964 Estrell McDonnell; Lucile LeBlanc Eugen & Emelie Heitman Oubre
Oubre Eunice (Rouillier) 9/24/1892 12/26/1961 Joseph T photo
Oubre Fabian Joseph 9/13/1882 1958 Noemie Kliebert - 1906; Georgine Poche - 1921 Armantine (Boe) Oubre stone: b 1882
Oubre Georgine (Poche) 5/27/1897 3/14/1974 Fabian J - 1/9/1922 Ernest & Regina Martin Poche
Oubre Gerard Joseph 10/3/1893 3/4/1968 Idea M Kliebert - 11/22/1911 Armantine (Boe) Oubre Hammett
Oubre Gertrude (Ricker) 10/8/1906 6/6/1988 Laurin E James & Flore Amelie Lions Ricker
Oubre Gilmer Joseph Sr 4/25/1922 1/29/2007 Anna M Gueret William J & Emily Kilburn Oubre WW II US Navy obit
Oubre Henry J Jr 2/11/1928 9/12/1940 Henry J & Leonia Kilburn Oubre
Oubre Henry J Sr 12/12/1899 2/4/1996 Leonia Kilburn Eugene & Emelie Heitman Oubre
Oubre Honore Benoit 3/18/1907 11/24/1982 Stella M Poche; Aleska Gaspard - 1980 Fabian J &Noemie Kliebert Oubre photo
Oubre Inez (Loupe) 6/17/1916 1/7/1972 Moise J Clarence J & Lena Zimmer Loupe
Oubre Inez Marie 7/31/1920 1/9/2013 Joseph T & Eunice Rouillier Oubre obit photo
Oubre Iris (Savoie) 9/30/1921 11/13/2013 Jospeh Nelson E & Nemea Bergeron Savoie obit
Oubre James Oliver 7/14/1936 3/28/2019 Delores Millet Laurin E & Gertrude Ricker Oubre obit
Oubre John Alfred 11/19/1934 2/4/2019 Lenore Oubre Alfred J & Loretta Duhe Oubre obit
Oubre Joseph C 10/25/1915 1/7/1960 Iris Savoie Joseph T & Eunice Rouillier Oubre
Oubre Joseph Telesmar 3/19/1891 8/14/1975 Eunice Rouillier photo
Oubre Karl John 7/17/1960 10/2/2021 John A & Lenore Oubre Oubre US Navy obit
Oubre Laurin Emile Jr 5/30/1934 2/8/1988 Laurin E & Gertrude Ricker Oubre US Army
Oubre Laurin Emile Sr 5/23/1901 9/18/1976 Gertrude Ricker Oliver & Louise Josephine Schmidt Oubre
Oubre Lenore (Oubre) 10/15/1937 11/22/2018 John A Pierre & Celine M Cambre Oubre obit
Oubre Leonia (Kilburn) 7/27/1905 11/26/1995 Henry J Samuel & Julie LeBlanc Kilburn
Oubre Lorraine (Vedros) 9/14/1927 Walter P WW II US Cadet Nurse Corps photo
Oubre Louis A 1/21/1903 9/14/1986
Oubre Lucien Eli 12/23/1922 4/15/1997 Anna Lea Laiche Joseph T & Eunice Rouillier Oubre
Oubre Lucile (LeBlanc) 9/5/1899 6/14/1994 Eugene J
Oubre Madeline R 5/4/1889 5/0/1982
Oubre Marie Eunice 1/31/1918 1/2/1982 Joseph T & Eunice Rouillier Oubre photo
Oubre Merline (Rodrigue) 11/23/1938 4/18/1976 Alcee J Malkior & M Stella Oubre Rodrigue photo
Oubre Mica Lynn Ann 9/17/1956 12/25/1956 Alcee J & Merline Rodrigue Oubre
Oubre Moise Joseph Sr 9/21/1911 12/31/1979 Inez Loupe Fabian J & Noemie Kliebert Oubre
Oubre Nancy (Martin) 10/15/1951 2/21/2019 Paul Lowden & Violet Martin obit
Oubre Noemie (Kliebert) 3/22/1889 2/12/1921 Fabian J - 1906 Telesphore & Melanie M Mauconduit Kliebert
Oubre Nolan J 10/18/1923 5/1/1993 Verlin Z - 7/19/1943 Henry J & Leonia Kilburn Oubre obit photo
Oubre Paul James Sr 4/4/1937 4/18/2006 William J & Emily Kilburn Oubre obit
Oubre Pierre Jr 7/30/1934 6/26/2014 Esther M Schexnayder Pierre & Celine M Cambre Oubre obit photo
Oubre Ruby (Perret) 4/9/1916 11/20/1991 Sidney J Ernest J & Helena M Belle Perret
Oubre Shelby Joseph 2/18/1947 11/21/2003 Gayle Wilbert J & Camilla Landry Oubre obit
Oubre Shirley (Cortez) 2/16/1937 7/25/2011 Allen J Oubre; Alvin J Vicknair Paul & Inez Logarbo Cortez obit
Oubre Sidney J Sr 8/13/1913 3/6/1975 Ruby Perret Joseph T & Eunice Rouillier Oubre
Oubre Sidney Joseph Jr 1/5/1943 2/1/2024 Wanda Matherne Sidney J & Ruby T Perret Oubre obit
Oubre Stella Marie (Poche) 3/10/1908 6/19/1970 Honore B photo
Oubre Troy 1/18/1961 1/18/1961
Oubre Verlin (Zimmer) 3/4/1925 11/11/2016 Nolan J - 7/19/1943 Robert & Gladys Boutte Zimmer obit +
Oubre Wade Augustin 8/31/1947 12/14/1996 Eddie J & Therese Gravois Oubre
Oubre Walter Pierre 4/13/1917 7/6/1986 Lorraine Vedros Fabian J & Noemie Kliebert Oubre WW II TEC4 US Army photo
Oubre Ward Anthony Jr 10/30/1982 12/15/2007 Laura Ward A Oubre& Dinah Lambert obit
Oubre Ward Anthony Sr 4/25/1959 8/2/2007 Gilmer J & Anna Mae Gueret Oubre obit
Oubre Willie Sr 8/1/1892 9/28/1960 Emily Kilburn Eugene & Emelie Heitman Oubre aka: William Joseph
Oubre Willie W Jr 6/20/1917 10/22/1952 William J & Emily Kilburn Oubre WW II LA PFC Air Svc GP AAF photo
Oxner Rose (Janco) 6/2/1937 1/22/2023 Richard Sr Ignatius & Ann Janco obit
Parent Edward J 1901 1980 M Adele Millet; Louise Simon
Parent Louise (Simon) 9/21/1907 4/0/1982 Irby J Louque; Edward J Parent Edward J & Felecie Millet Simon
Parent Ryan Michael 1/7/1985 1/7/1985
Parquette Cleveland Claude Jr 9/8/1927 11/4/2016 Melvina Johnson - 194 obit
Parrino Anna May (Schexnayder) 10/4/1921 11/19/2006 Felix J Victor J & May C Gaudin Schexnayder obit
Parrino Felix John Jr 3/8/1942 7/19/2010 Faye Roussel Felix J & Anna M Schexnayder Parrino obit
Parrino Felix John Sr 1/29/1920 8/22/1976 Anna M Schexnayder
Parrino Joseph Michael 4/15/1941 1/7/2008 Judy Roussel Felix J & Anna M Schexnayder Parrino obit
Parrino Laura Mae (Kliebert) 5/7/1929 6/16/1996 Nicholas Joseph Saul & Lillia B Kliebert
Parrino Nicholas Sr 9/11/1922 7/18/2006 Laura M Kliebert Joe Parrino & Rose Dottolo US Army veteran obit
Parrino Sherri Lynn 12/20/1981 4/1/2001 Felix John & Rita Faye Roussel Parrino obit Bobby
Patrick Walter Parks 4/17/1944 4/6/2005 Vietnam CN US Navy
Patterson Tristan Michael 12/14/2004
Patterson Vincent R 8/24/1951 10/7/1996
Payne Derek Bernard 9/6/1961 6/22/2001 Warren & Idola Payne obit
Payne Florence Bernetta 2/18/1924 2/29/2016 Frank & Elizabeth Brown Payne obit
Payne Idola Marie 8/5/1940 7/7/2009 George & Mable Blackman Payne obit
Payne Louis 1/18/1922 1/13/1998
Payne Toccara Ryneik 11/16/1981 9/23/2015 Syble Hoyal & Isaac Gant obit
Pecorano Virginia Sedita 7/25/1938 7/25/1938
Pelingon Arthemise (Matherne) 5/18/1945 8/27/2021 Roberto Jr Joseph C & Essie King Matherne obit
Peranio Octavie (Bourgeois) 6/22/1899 4/4/1994 Vince C Justilian & Louise Eliser Bourgeois obit photo
Perilloux Curtis J 5/19/1969 6/9/2008 Brandie Emile & Linda Wempren Perilloux obit
Perilloux Emile L Jr 10/7/1943 9/22/2019 Linda Wempren; Sandra Toups Emile L & Mabel Cicet Perilloux obit
Perilloux Linda (Wempren) 7/15/1944 3/17/1995 Emile L Claude & Ethel Mae Perilloux Wempren obit
Perilloux Sandra (Toups) 2/27/1944 4/11/2023 Emile Miller & Anna Laiche Toups obit
Perniciaro Etta (Matherne) 6/25/1921 7/22/2011 Ralph Clement F & Clarice M Laiche Matherne obit
Perniciaro Ralph 4/3/1904 12/20/1988 Etta Matherne WW II US Army
Perque Davis L 10/17/1885 2/20/1967 Eva Trosclair
Perque Eva (Trosclair) 6/15/1898 3/19/1988 Davis L
Perque Murphy A Sr 8/13/1927 10/1/1997 WW II BMSN US Navy
Perret Antoinette Marie (Berthelot) 12/19/1913 4/13/1996 Wester J Libeau J & Elisca Simon Berthelot obit
Perret Armel Sr 4/17/1940 4/19/2013 Wendy Melancon Ernest & Enola Roussel Perret obit
Perret Enola (Roussel) 1/1/1911 8/11/1988 Ernest J - 1934 Marcelin J & Eugenia St Pierre Roussel obit photo
Perret Ernest Joseph Jr 1/24/1909 12/4/1980 Enola Roussel - 1934 Ernest Joseph & Helena M Belle Perret photo
Perret Helena Marie (Belle) 4/21/1877 6/10/1938 Ernest J - 1899 Joseph & Helena Augustine Oubre Belle
Perret May Marie 12/15/1902 7/7/1988 Norman J photo
Perret Norman Joseph 11/26/1900 2/12/1979 May M Ernest J & Helena M Belle Perret photo
Perret Vivian B 1904 1991 Ernest J & Helena M Belle Perret
Perret Wester J Sr 2/14/1907 5/8/1995 Antoinette M Berthelot Ernest J & Helena M Belle Perret obit
Pertuis Carville 3/17/1875 4/7/1922 Elodie Berthelot Hammett
Pertuis Elodie (Berthelot) 4/3/1874 2/22/1957 Carville obit +
Pertuis Gabriel Lester 2/26/1906 5/9/1966 Carville & Elodie Berthelot Pertuis obit +
Pertuis Robert J Sr 12/9/1904 8/6/1977 Wilhemina T photo
Pertuis Robert Joseph Jr 3/23/1929 9/26/2014 Alta Scioneaux Robert J & Wilhemina T Pertuis obit
Pertuis Rodney J 3/11/1902 9/7/1962
Pertuis Tilden J 3/30/1926 4/25/1928 Hammett
Pertuis Wilhemina T 12/2/1905 12/0/1980 Robert J Sr photo
Petit Claude Joseph 8/29/1935 1/16/2023 Joyce Chenier Claude & Melda Brady Petit US Army obit
Petit Inez R 6/10/1901 2/15/1990 Louis photo
Petit Louis 9/11/1891 3/20/1971 Inez R WW I Pvt US Army photo
Peytavin John Ludger 4/25/1932 2/3/2015 Betty Najolia Ludger G & Carmelite E LeBesque Peytavin obit
Pham Kenny Huy Khang 2/22/2005 7/21/2021 Randy & Kathy Tran Pham obit
Phillips Mildred (Dozier) 9/7/1928 9/12/2003 Bernard Sr James & Philomene Burl Dozier obit
Picou Beatrice Ann (Kliebert) 7/26/1923 10/11/2019 Vernon J - 6/14/1941 Samuel & Elucia Flagoust Kliebert obit photo
Picou Michael Vernon 7/19/1952 10/8/2004 Joan Bailey Vernon J & Beatrice A Kliebert Picou obit photo
Picou Vernon Joseph 10/23/1921 5/23/2001 Beatrice A Kliebert - 6/14/1941 John L & Lena Lewis Picou WW II PO3 US Navy obit photo
Pierce Mary (McKeever) 9/14/1947 6/2/2019 Clifford & Lucy McKeever obit
Pilgram Audrey abt 1922 10/31/2014 obit
Pippenger Margaret Mary (Olivier) 11/6/1942 1/5/2013 Phillip M Pliny Louis & Esther Bossier Olivier obit
Pique Joseph 3/0/1878 4/15/1915 Saraphine Jeanfreau - 1897 obit
Pittman David Earl Sr 4/2/1956 9/2/2010 Danice Parquette Warren & Virgie Pittman Vietnam Sgt US Air Force obit
Pittman Dorothy (Price) 5/2/1939 11/5/2009 Charles Carter & Pearl Georgetwon Price obit
Pittman Michael Charles 8/28/1955 1/9/2016 Carrie Powell Charles & Dorothy Price Pittman obit
Pittman Tyrone 5/5/1962 6/12/2000 Charles & Dorothy Price Pittman obit
Pittman Walter Fedrick 7/23/1941 2/28/2003 Charlie & Verlie T Pittman obit
Pizzuto Antoinette (Schexnayder) 11/8/1902 8/11/1984 Joseph S Joseph & M Helena Ory Schexnayder photo
Pizzuto Bernarda (Picardo) 2/9/1869 3/8/1962 Saverio
Pizzuto Gaspare 10/28/1893 12/4/1957
Pizzuto Joseph Samuel 8/20/1900 7/24/1966 Antoinette Schexnayder photo
Pizzuto Marie (Louque) 12/5/1904 1/26/1992 Michael M/M Ulysse Joseph Louque
Pizzuto Michael 2/22/1905 10/14/1980 Marie Louque
Pizzuto Samuel Joseph 4/21/1924 4/21/1994 Joseph S & Antoinette Schexnayder Pizzuto
Pizzuto Saverio 2/6/1863 9/21/1916 Bernarda Picardo
Placide Edward Joseph Sr 10/24/1946 2/18/2004 Brenda Batiste Budwin & Marie Placide Sgt US Army obit
Plaisance Bella F 1/11/1886 10/14/1977 Ulysse J
Plaisance Curtis Joseph Sr 1918 1980 Gladys Heltz WW II US Army
Plaisance Florian 4/20/1890 2/24/1956
Plaisance Gladys (Heltz) 1918 1967 Curtis J Leonard A & Thelezia D Heltz
Plaisance Ulysse J 10/26/1888 6/12/1961 Bella F
Poche Alphonse 2/9/1883 12/5/1943 Jefferson D & Marie Arsene Pollet Poche
Poche Amilcar J 1875 1930 Blanche Gaudet
Poche Ann (Laiche) 8/2/1911 6/17/1988 Rene A
Poche Ann (Sanchez) 12/12/1944 2/8/2024 Lionel Jr Anna Carnaggio Sanchez & Joseph Young obit
Poche Antoinette (Battard) 5/11/1899 10/10/1974 Remy J Jules & Aimee Clement Battard
Poche Arlen Richard Sr 12/23/1936 5/2/2004 Charlene Blank Roudolphe J & Noemie Kinler Poche US Air Force obit
Poche Armantine 3/6/1881 5/10/1922
Poche Baby Girl 5/21/1969 5/21/1969 photo
Poche Barry Anthony 8/19/1953 11/28/2000 Marvin A & Eunice Louque Poche Sgt US Marine Corps obit
Poche Berthe 1882 1942 Eugene Poche Tomb Hammett
Poche Blanche (Gaudet) 1877 12/6/1963 Amilcar J
Poche Caliste 4/16/1892 1/20/1972 Lena WW I LA Pvt Co C 147 MC BN
Poche Cecile (Decareaux) 4/23/1901 8/2/1980
Poche Clarence J 4/27/1909 8/12/1951 photo
Poche Craig Joseph 1/3/1953 11/23/1974 M/M Earl Poche obit photo
Poche Dalton J 10/12/1934 6/6/1969 Rene A & Ann Laiche Poche LA PFC US Army
Poche Doris (Mitchell) 9/25/1934 11/1/2016 Guy J Fred & Victoria M Cox Mitchell obit
Poche Earl J 3/15/1916 5/3/1990 photo
Poche Earl Joseph 1/5/1930 12/17/2011 Pearl Tullier Rodolphe J & Noemie M Kinler Poche obit
Poche Eleanore (St. Cyr) 4/17/1901 3/26/1986 Gaskin St Pierre, Henry J Vicknair, Frank J Poche
Poche Emilie (Brignac) 6/8/1889 4/8/1975 Ledoux J
Poche Emily 6/15/1924 12/8/1924
Poche Ernest 7/19/1876 4/29/1942 Marc J photo
Poche Eugene 9/10/1827 10/30/1891 Marie Lesina Vicknair - 1850 Eugene Poche Tomb Hammett
Poche Eugene Jean Sr 5/10/1888 10/0/1973 Lizima P Keller
Poche Eugene Jr 1854 1918 Victoria M Roussel Eugene Poche Tomb Hammett
Poche Eugene Sidney 11/29/1879 11/2/1960 Maddy Englade Leticia (Hebert) Poche photo
Poche Eugenie Marie (Bourgeois) 12/3/1920 Octave J
Poche Eunice (Louque) 4/7/1933 8/24/2008 Marvin A Alcee & Louise Martin Louque obit
Poche Evelyn (Blank) 6/6/1923 8/23/1991 Willie J Humphrey J & Florence Messina Blank obit
Poche Felix Donald 9/24/1926 2/15/2020 Priscilla S - 6/19/1971 Paulin J & Ophelia Brignac Poche WW II US Merchant Marines; Korea Cpl US Army obit photo
Poche Frank abt 1884 12/19/1953 obit
Poche Frank J 2/18/1902 6/6/1983 Eleanore St Cyr
Poche Gabriel Dorrel 4/22/1915 10/10/2006 Lillian T Gabriel U & Lotta Laiche Poche WW II MOMME US Navy obit photo
Poche Gabriel Ursin 1/25/1876 11/2/1958 Lotta Laiche
Poche Germaine Marie (Guidry) 11/12/1934 4/26/2018 Wilmer J - 1956 Morris P & Hilda Marie Tassin Guidry obit
Poche Glynn Joseph 8/31/1929 2/17/2007 Paulin J & Ophelia Brignac Poche US Army obit
Poche Grady Anthony 6/8/1958 7/4/2017 Dana Roussel Wilmer & Germaine Guidry Poche obit
Poche Guy Joseph 12/21/1932 2/21/2011 Doris Mitchell Eugene J & Lizima P Keller Poche obit
Poche Harold Joseph 11/16/1930 3/26/1978 Rene & Ann Laiche Poche photo
Poche Helen (Schexnayder) 8/1/1904 3/15/1980 Leonard J
Poche Ignace 2/18/1902 illegible
Poche Irene (Lousteau) 12/15/1945 8/20/2012 Raymond J Lee Joseph & Bertha Rome Lousteau obit
Poche J Raymond Sr 9/19/1926 9/4/2006 Lalita Englade Louis A & Lydia Keller Poche Vietnam SP4 US Army obit photo, 2
Poche Jefferson Donatien 5/24/1861 6/9/1943 Marie Arsene Pollet - 1888 Francois & Jeanne N Gaiennie Poche Vietnam SP4 US Army
Poche Jonathan Anthony 10/31/1954 3/9/2009 Ned Joseph & Ruth Blank Poche obit
Poche Josephine 1882 1884 Eugene Poche Tomb Hammett
Poche Karyn Elizabeth 6/13/2003 11/20/2018 Clark & Temple Poche obit
Poche Lalita (Englade) 6/6/1929 10/14/2023 Joseph R Clay A & Petrona Perdomo Englade obit +
Poche Laura (Gariel) 7/20/1907 1/0/1978 Marcel J Joseph L & Augistine L Garriel photo
Poche Ledoux Jerrard 8/22/1889 1/20/1940 Emilie Brignac
Poche Lena 1894 1985 Caliste
Poche Leonard J 9/4/1897 6/13/1968 Helen Schexnayder Eugene Poche Tomb Hammett
Poche Lesina (Vicknair) 6/9/1833 8/29/1903 Eugene - 1850 Joseph & Marie Felicite Perilloux Vicknair Hammett
Poche Leticia (Hebert) 1/24/1905 2/26/1905 Joseph Eugene Poche Tomb Hammett
Poche Lezima, Miss 5/16/1960
Poche Lillian T 10/21/1916 2/16/1997 Gabriel D photo
Poche Lima (Carmouche) 4/9/1900 4/1/1959 Thomas
Poche Lionel A 12/3/1897 2/8/1988 May Marie Lambert
Poche Lionel Anthony Jr abt 1936 10/10/2023 Anne S Leonel & May Poche US Army obit
Poche Lizima Palmyre (Keller) 3/18/1890 9/9/1959 Eugene J obit
Poche Lotta (Laiche) 1884 1957 Gabriel U
Poche Lucie Mae 8/11/1921 5/19/2011 Eugene Jean & Lizima P Keller Poche obit
Poche Ludivine (Louque) 7/27/1893 2/17/1992 Robert J Ernest J & Floreska Schexnayder Louque photo
Poche Maddy (Englade) 1882 9/4/1956 Eugene S George U & Zoe Eva Perilloux Englade obit photo
Poche Marcel Joseph 1910 1945 Laura Gariel Jean Pierre & Marie Martin Poche photo
Poche Margaret Marie (Terrio) 12/18/1942 2/2/2020 Robert J Hubert Earl & Edna M Barrient Terrio obit
Poche Marie Arsene (Pollet) 10/7/1859 11/23/1943 Jefferson D
Poche Marvin Anthony 9/4/1931 5/5/1998 Eunice Louque Roudolphe J & Noemie Kinler Poche Korea Cpl US Army photo
Poche May (Martin) 5/25/1924 11/14/2017 Robert Louis & Claudia S Martin obit
Poche May Marie (Lambert) 5/6/1907 2/28/1976 Lionel A
Poche Mildred S 1/4/1931 photo
Poche Miranda Marie 7/15/1959 7/16/1959 Arlen R & Sarah Poche
Poche Mrs George 1888 1958
Poche Ned Joseph Sr 1/29/1925 3/25/2020 Ruth Blank Robert J & Ludivine Louque Poche obit
Poche Nicole M 8/15/1897 8/1/1973 WW I LA Pvt US Army
Poche Noemie (Kinler) 2/23/1908 2/16/1958 Roudolphe J
Poche Octave Jules 4/27/1842 6/15/1912 Eugenie M Bourgeois
Poche Ophelia (Brignac) 1892 1/9/1964 Paulin J
Poche Patrick J 3/17/1916 7/3/1995 Tracy Louque Paulin J & Ophelia Brignac Poche
Poche Paul 1863 1883 Leticia (Hebert) Poche Hammett
Poche Paul Ed 1886 1887 Eugene Poche Tomb Hammett
Poche Paul Victor 4/14/1918 2/2/1994 Paulin J & Ophelia Brignac Poche
Poche Paulin Jean 1890 1957 Ophelia Brignac
Poche Priscilla S 130/1941 Felix D - 6/19/1971 photo
Poche Raymond John 11/24/1935 10/28/2006 Irene Lousteau Paulin J & Ophelia Brignac Poche obit
Poche Regina M 12/7/1870 4/29/1956 photo
Poche Remy Joseph 6/1/1894 6/6/???? Antoinette Battard WW I LA Pvt 1 Provost Guard
Poche Rene A 8/2/1908 5/28/1981 Ann Laiche
Poche Robert J 4/15/1888 7/20/1971 Ludivine Louque photo
Poche Robert Joseph 9/24/1922 6/8/2012 May Martin Thomas & Lima Carmouche Poche WW II TEC 4 US Army obit
Poche Roudolphe Joseph 8/6/1906 2/14/1983 Noemie Kinler
Poche Rudolph Joseph 2/21/1893 11/5/1962 Leticia (Hebert) Poche obit
Poche Russell Joseph Sr 6/14/1935 10/14/2001 Vonnie Keller Leonard J & Helen Schexnayder Poche obit
Poche Ruth (Blank) 9/14/1930 5/23/2009 Ned J Humphrey J & Florence Messina Blank obit
Poche Scott James 2/8/1964 6/30/2018 Wayne & Trixie Clement Poche obit
Poche Shannon Irene 5/25/1969 1/24/2013 Raymond J & Irene Lousteau Poche obit
Poche Shannon P (Roussel) 7/1/1973 9/10/1999 photo
Poche Shirley Ann 9/3/1923 12/5/2007 Paulin J & Ophelia Brignac Poche obit
Poche Thomas 6/11/1894 4/4/1991 Lima Carmouche; Cecile Brignac
Poche Todd Michael 8/1/1965 9/29/1990
Poche Tracy (Louque) 2/26/1926 1/15/2015 Newton Babin, Malvin Melancon, Patrick Poche Carlo C & Emelianna Deslattes Louque obit Hammett
Poche Victoria Marcelline (Roussel) 1858 1881 Eugene Marcelin Zelon Roussell Hammett
Poche Vonnie Mae (Keller) 10/17/1932 3/4/2018 Russell J Christopher E & Altha Smiley Keller obit
Poche Warren Michael abt 1941 8/10/2006 Mark & Enola Roussell Poche obit
Poche Willie "Bill" 2/3/1921 1/16/2002 Evelyn Blank obit
Poche Wilmer James 7/30/1916 2/17/1999 Gabriel U & Lotta Laiche Poche
Poche Wilmer Joseph 4/5/1932 1/7/2015 Germaine Guidry Thomas & Lima Carmouche Poche obit
Poche Yvonne Marie 12/7/1908 7/18/2006 Eugene S & Maddy Englade Poche obit photo
Poirrier Elsie (Laiche) 4/3/1911 12/29/1993 Evans J photo
Poirrier Evans J 10/10/1907 4/23/1944 Elsie Laiche photo
Poirrier Ewell P 7/21/1912 2/4/1966 Georgina B WW II LA TEC5 224 QM Repair Co photo
Poirrier Ewell Pierre 10/19/1942 Karen Petit - 2/8/1964 photo
Poirrier Georgina B 5/19/1911 5/21/1957 Ewell P photo
Poirrier Karen Bernadette (Petit) 8/16/1943 Ewell P - 2/8/1964 photo
Poirrier Lloyd 9/2/1932 8/23/2020 Marie Louque Evans & Elsie Laiche Poirrier obit
Pollard Dennis Charles Sr 1/14/1942 6/16/2001 Jill M William & Sonia Callahan Pollard obit
Pollard Peter E 12/1/1954 8/25/1970 William A & Ruby Louque Pollard
Pollard Ruby (Lougue) 2/6/1923 9/20/2005 William A Steven & Nelia St Pierre Louque obit
Pollard William A 2/18/1917 7/24/1981 Ruby Louque WW II US Navy
Pollet Alvin James 2/6/1920 12/25/2008 Ethel Millet Amelus & M Louise Arceneaux Pollet WW II Sgt US Army obit
Pollet Amelie A 4/1/1918 3/24/1995 Amelus & M Louise Arceneaux Pollet
Pollet Amelus M 10/17/1882 5/27/1943 Marie Louise Arceneaux
Pollet Amilcar J 7/10/1919 1/3/1997 Margie H Bourgeois - 1/19/1946 WW II TEC 4 US Army photo
Pollet Beatrice (Rouillier) 6/21/1918 4/15/2003 Robert N - 6/2/1943 William J & Eleonore Hotard Rouillier obit photo
Pollet Bernita (Roussel) 8/31/1926 6/12/2012 Carl J Ovide Joseph & Armantine A Roussel obit
Pollet Blanche (Melancon) 4/21/1900 4/2/1982 Joseph P Constant Melancon & Emily Richard Coriell
Pollet Carl Joseph 2/28/1922 8/8/2008 Bernita Roussel Amelus & M Louise Arceneaux Pollet obit
Pollet Charlene Ann (Folse) 2/24/1944 9/23/2020 Dr. Dale K - 6//4/???? Charles J & Louella N Andermann Folse obit photo
Pollet Dale Keith, Dr Charlene Folse photo
Pollet Frances D 1931 1932 Louis Edgar & Josephine Genre Pollet photo
Pollet Idola B 12/29/1900 2/11/1980 Pascalis & Marie Louise Frederic Pollet photo
Pollet Itha D 11/18/1895 3/27/1983 photo
Pollet Joseph P 11/24/1890 7/0/1966 Blanche Melancon
Pollet Josephine (Genre) 1897 2/17/1988 Louis E
Pollet Margie Helen (Bourgeois) 12/24/1924 6/14/2009 Amilcar J Leonard J & Eva St Pierre Bourgeois obit photo
Pollet Maria (Laiche) 9/20/1873 4/14/1916 Thomas J
Pollet Marie Louise (Arceneaux) 9/4/1896 1/28/1988 Amelus M
Pollet Marie Louise (Frederic) 1861 1936 Pascalis
Pollet Pascalis 1857 1928 Marie Louise Frederic
Pollet Percy T 8/20/1929 3/18/1990 Amelus & M Louise Arceneaux Pollet
Pollet Richard A 1/9/1936 3/25/1985
Pollet Robert N 2/5/1919 1/24/1997 Beatrice Rouillier - 6/2/1943 photo
Pollet Stanley Joseph 9/13/1963 10/28/2007 Tammy Coneglio Lloyd & Gwynne Bordelon Pollet obit
Pollet Thomas Joseph 12/19/1866 3/2/1951 Maria Laiche
Pollet Woodie Joseph 4/12//1948 8/15/2022 Judy Guidry Amilcar & Marjorie Pollet obit
Porche Albion G 1910 1949 Florette Faucheux Guy A & M arie Simoneaux Porche obit photo
Porche Florette (Faucheux) 3/21/1908 2/27/2003 Albion G Alonzo Louis & Aimee M Bourgeois Faucheux obit photo
Poret Leonce I 9/7/1922 12/8/2010 Nelwyn Linus & Leticia Neucere Poret WW II TEC 5 US Army obit
Porteous James Warren 9/3/1943 4/11/2018 Brenda Wheat John C Mary Cochran Porteous obit photo, 2
Primeaux Fr Patrick Dwayne 1/1/1947 8/25/2008 Isaac & Jeanne Picard Primeaux obit
Proal Baptistine (Jaubert) 9/2/1886 6/27/1964 Francois
Proal Francois 5/29/1881 9/17/1946 Baptistine Jaubert
Provenzano Alma "Billie" 2/25/1918 7/31/1986 Phillip J
Provenzano Anna (Bongiovani) 10/12/1914 8/1/2009 Saverio & Rosalie Lala Bongiovani obit
Provenzano Marie 4/5/1874 11/23/1940 Rosario
Provenzano Phillip J Sr 8/15/1909 6/4/1985 Alma
Provenzano Rosario 4/2/1865 1/13/1954 Marie
Pruitt Verel Dee 8/26/1954 5/10/1984
Puccio Joseph 12/7/1894 7/30/1965 Mary Clark photo
Puccio Mary (Clark) 8/20/1901 11/22/1996 Joseph photo
Raffray Lena Elizabeth 4/25/1895 8/17/1979
Ragas Thomas Adair Jr 9/8/1937 1/13/2000 Dianna A Thomas & Louise Yuratich Ragas obit
Ramagos Dolores Rita (Hidalgo) 6/24/1932 10/28/2015 Howard Caffery & Myrtle Roussel Hidalgo obit
Ramagos Howard J 4/1/1929 4/2/2012 Dolores R Hidalgo Samuel & Emily L Loumiet Ramagos obit
Ramagos Stacy (Torres) 12/24/1961 8/23/2005 James Clarence J & Mattie Brignac Torres obit
Rapp Marie 7/16/1858 3/27/1907 Hammett
Rapp Rita (Schexnayder) 1/27/1899 11/30/1975
Rassat Louis Gabriel 12/5/1887 1/31/1946 WW I LA 2d Lt QMC
Rebaldo Anthony J 11/22/1886 11/25/1967 Vita Tramonte
Rebaldo Vita (Tramonte) 10/8/1895 9/27/1957 Anthony J Joseph & Catherine T Roccaforte Tramonte
Remondet Betty (Deslattes) 2/20/1950 10/5/1993 Gerald J Andy J & Rita Ann Waguespack Deslattes obit
Remondet Gerald Joseph 11/11/1948 9/7/2021 Betty Deslattes Claude & Elma Vicknair Remondet US Marine Corps obit obit
Remondet Scott Anthony 8/26/1971 12/17/1987 Gerald J & Betty Deslattes Remondet obit
Remondet Wanda (Roussel) 9/20/1954 6/27/1987 Charles D
Reulet Norma (Coppenex) 7/17/1913 2/19/2002 Raymond E George L & Therese Poche Coppenex obit photo
Reverie Rita B 9/2/1921 3/24/1990
Reynaud Adele E 1885 1949 Raoul photo
Reynaud Brigitte (Schexnayder) 1/29/1893 10/24/1951 Oscar
Reynaud Dorothy (Woods) 2/9/1917 2/19/2006 W David Durald F & Emma Booth Woods obit photo
Reynaud Ellen (Woods) 10/31/1981 1/2/1982 s/s William B
Reynaud Firmin 1857 2/29/1928 Jospehine Gebelin obit photo
Reynaud George J 1904 1965 Firmin & Josephine Gebelin Reynaud photo
Reynaud Isabel (St Martin) 9/24/1901 9/2/1978 Sidney L Joseph P & Daisy Elmina Patten St Martin
Reynaud Josephine (Gebelin) 1866 1928 Firmin photo
Reynaud Oscar 7/27/1888 12/27/1958 Brigitte Schexnayder
Reynaud Raoul F 1883 1943 Adele E Firmin & Josephine Gebelin Reynaud photo
Reynaud Raymond John 1898 1938 Firmin & Josephine Gebelin Reynaud photo
Reynaud Raymond Preston 1/14/1939 4/23/1978 Sidney L & Isabel St Martin Reynaud
Reynaud Sidney Louis 1/25/1901 5/19/1972 Isabel St Martin
Reynaud William Brooks 1/24/1980 10/7/1995 s/s Ellen Woods
Reynaud William E David 2/5/1910 1/22/1987 Dorothy Woods photo
Richard Aline (Simon) 10/31/1903 9/28/1978 Paul J Edward J & Felecie Millet Simon
Richard Amedee J 5/12/1908 5/12/1970 Palmyre Kroll
Richard Betty (Babin) 7/29/1933 12/28/2020 Irving J Joseph J & Inze Bourgeois Babin obit
Richard Dwain Henry Sr 9/23/1939 3/29/2024 Letitia Caldarera Amedee & Palmyre Kroll Richard obit
Richard Irma (Gaudin) 7/25/1862 1/28/1943 Louis - 4/30/1883 Flagile & Ernestine Boudreaux Gaudin obit
Richard Irving "Jay" 2/5/1928 11/9/2009 Betty Babin Paul J & Aline Simon Richard obit
Richard John Trist 1/2/1963 4/28/2017
Richard Louis 4/10/1862 6/1/1929 Irma Gaudin Octama & Laurentia Dugas Richard
Richard Louis Flagile 10/3/1886 12/5/1933 Marie Willmine Matherne
Richard Louis Percy 2/22/1915 3/8/1983 Louis F & M Willamine Matherne Richard
Richard Marie Willamine (Matherne) 10/14/1887 2/5/1961 Louis F
Richard Palmyre (Kroll) 3/26/1905 2/9/1999 Amedee J Henry Septime & Palmyre Rome Kroll obit
Richard Russell J 1/15/1924 8/2/1978 Violet Giardina Paul J & Aline Simon Richard WW II SSgt US Army
Richard Violet (Giardina) 3/22/1920 10/10/2002 Russel J Bernard F & Petrina A Giardina US Army veteran obit
Richard Paul J 6/30/1897 4/19/1959 Aline Simon WW I Pvt 1 Co Coast Arty
Richarme Davis Peter 1/9/1862 11/4/1932 Mary Buras Jean & Amelia Hague Richarme obit
Richarme Logan Samuel 12/28/1892 6/16/1963 Olympe M Landeche Davis P & Mary Buras Richarme
Richarme Mary (Buras) 10/27/1860 1/13/1934 Davis P Pierre Vallery & M Marceline Johnson Buras obit
Richarme Olympe M (Landeche) 11/26/1894 6/17/1977 Logan S Henry & Marie Haydel Landeche obit
Richarme Thomas Parkinson 6/9/1891 1/29/1939 Lucille Mary Andry Davis P & Mary Buras Richarme
Riley Steven Jr 2/7/1983 8/9/2002 Steven & Darlene Francois Riley obit
Rizzuto Ethel (Bourgeois) 9/3/1917 10/12/1972 Gasper Joseph T & Lena Trosclair Bourgeois
Rizzuto Gasper 11/25/1909 7/8/2000 Ethel Bourgeois Vita C & Mariano Rizzuto obit
Rizzuto Gwendolyn (Dupuy) 6/28/1947 2/9/2017 John B Russell J & Zula Singletary Dupuy obit
Rizzuto Jimmy James 8/8/1947 2/15/2024 Karen Bourgeois Batassano & Vivian Lambert Rizzuto Vietnam veteran obit
Rizzuto John Baptist 5/30/1941 10/24/2010 Gwendolyn Dupuy Batassano & Vivian Lambert Rizzuto PFC US Army obit
Rizzuto Karen (Bourgeois) 8/6/1947 1/28/2022 Jimmy J Roy & Audrey Bourgeois obit
Rizzuto Vita C (Culmone) 11/9/1887 obscured
Robert Jeannette Claire (Thompson) 7/15/1927 1/18/1994 Ray J Walter Wm & Agnes Marie Duhe Thompson obit photo
Robert Margaret (Thompson) 7/23/1958 2/7/2018 Ray Jr Leonard M & Barbara Terry Thompson obit photo
Robert Marie (Schexnaydre) 1843 8/25/1913 Septime L - 1861 Louis & Marie Faucheux Schexnayder obit
Robert Ray Joseph Sr 6/25/1925 10/4/2005 Jeannette C Thompson; Corinne M Esneault James & Pearl Zeringue Robert WW II Sgt US Army Air Forces obit photo
Roberts Edward Henry Jr 7/14/1998 7/18/1998
Roberts Ella Mary (Young) 7/12/1935 1/18/2023 Morris H Edward & Lottie Booker Young obit
Robertson Dave Sr 1/18/1949 4/24/2006 Phyllis Wallace Ernest & Annie B Marcell Robertson PFC US Army obit
Robertson Phyllis Ann (Wallace) 12/23/1953 4/5/2020 Dave Sr Joseph & Lucy L Armont Wallace obit
Robertson Toni Jean (Ezidore) 2/17/1952 5/31/2003 Eddie & Ezora Wright Ezidore obit
Robichaux Katherine (Guzman) 7/19/1942 4/25/2021 Willie M & Doris Roussel Guzman obit
Robichaux Schley "Tom" 8/24/1899 9/30/1974 Leonard J & Cecilia Meynard Robichaux
Roddy Donald 12/24/1934 6/28/2023 Karen DeRoche Kermen & Elsie Englade Roddy obit
Roddy Elsie (Englade) 2/18/1910 9/0/1982 Kerman J
Roddy Ida Louise (St Pierre) 12/5/1940 2/3/2019 McKay J - 6/11/1960 Louis Chanel & Hermina Louque St Pierre obit photo
Roddy Kerman Joseph 6/1/1908 1/7/2001 Elsie Englade Yancy & Mary Bergeron Roddy obit
Roddy McKay J 12/9/1939 Ida St Pierre - 6/11/1960 photo
Roddy Sidney Dudley 11/14/1944 6/14/2004 Richard & Ida Cambre Roddy obit
Rodrigue Alfred 7/14/1929
Rodrigue Armond 3/19/1873 4/30/1941 Juliette
Rodrigue Clarence 9/20/1909 6/12/1965 Armond & Juliette Rodrigue
Rodrigue Elton Joseph 2/22/1934 3/9/2009 Betty Nicholas Victor & Augustilia Legendre Rodrigue obit
Rodrigue Juliette 7/31/1879 6/12/1943 Armond
Rome Annette (Bourgeois) 1/1/1942 Jean P Rome tome Hammett
Rome Camile J 3/22/1898 1/27/1916 Hammett
Rome Charles Joseph Jr 8/13/1942 1/10/2010 Diana Berthelot Charles J & Theresa Mollere Rome obit photo
Rome Charles Joseph Sr 5/18/1895 9/22/1983 Shirley A Mollere; Theresa Mollere photo
Rome Dave P 6/18/1976 6/20/1976 Charles J & Diana Berthelot Rome photo
Rome Diana (Berthelot) 12/15/1945 Charles J Jr photo
Rome Diane (Griffin) 12/2/1956 4/3/2024 Garland J O'Neil & Bobbie Johnson Griffin obit
Rome Donate Gabin 2/19/1870 1/13/1933 Evele Marie Oubre photo
Rome Edna (Savoie) 4/12/1887 9/6/1980 Louis J Edward & Azema St Pierre Savoie obit
Rome Elmo J 12/8/1904 1/18/1920 Marcelin & Laura Dupuy Rome
Rome Evele Marie (Oubre) 1/30/1875 4/30/1952 Donate G photo
Rome Felix Louis 12/11/1939
Rome Fernand 5/31/1927 12/18/2011 Mary Jane Bergeron Froizin J & Noemie Becnel Rome obit: buried St. Charles Borromeo obit
Rome Frelson J Cooke 1/14/1919 6/22/1980 Margaret St Pierre Marcelin & Laura Dupuy Rome WW II Y 2 US Navy obit
Rome Froizin Joseph 3/20/1896 2/26/1958 Noemie Becnel Roselius & Marie Julia Simon Rome Hammett
Rome George Ambroise 11/18/1901 6/1/1962
Rome George Joseph Sr 9/18/1916 11/19/2002 Rose Mae Vicknair Marcelin & Laura Dupuy Rome obit photo
Rome Gerald J 6/21/1929 11/24/1957 Jean Etienne & Denise Becnel Rome LA PFC Co F 112 Inf Regt photo
Rome Jean Paul 3/12/1930 4/2/2017 Annette Bourgeois Froizin J & Noemie Becnel Rome obit +
Rome Joseph 3/19/1869 11/15/1930
Rome Joseph A Sr 8/29/1904 2/15/1954
Rome Joseph C 10/1/1959 9/25/2024 Leland J & Mary K Rome obit
Rome Josephine L 3/19/1903 1/7/1998 Norman J photo
Rome Laura (Dupuy) 8/20/1875 1/5/1951 Marcelin obit photo
Rome Leland Joseph 5/20/1920 8/6/1996 Mary Keen M/M Charles Joseph Rome
Rome Lester Anthony 1/11/1924 12/25/2001 Ruth Keen Charles J & Theresa Mollere Rome obit
Rome Louis J 6/18/1887 8/19/1986 Edna Savoie obit
Rome Marcelin 10/3/1874 10/16/1947 Laura Dupuy obit photo
Rome Margaret (St Pierre) 8/15/1924 12/10/1983 Frelson J Olide Joseph & Helena Belle St Pierre
Rome Mary (Keen) 3/14/1938 1/3/2012 Leland J James A & Ida Lee Cliburn Keen obit
Rome Noemie (Becnel) 12/24/1895 7/24/1969 Froizin J M/M Antoine Aurelius Becnel Hammett
Rome Norman J 11/27/1899 7/1/1988 Josephine L Marcelin & Laura Dupuy Rome obit photo
Rome Rose Mae (Vicknair) 5/20/1918 12/19/1992 George J Sr Leonce A & Aimee Guidry Vicknair obit photo
Rome Ruth (Keen) 11/27/2019 Lester A James A & Ida Lee Cliburn Keen obit
Rome Theresa (Mollere) 6/7/1902 8/2/2002 Charles J Sr Adam B & Valentine Webre Mollere obit photo
Roper Alban Pierre 1911 11/1/1968 Hilda Clouatre Jacques & Paula Roipres Roper WW II LA AAA AW BN CAC photo
Roper Alfred J Sr 5/15/1915 7/27/1979 Stella Bourgeois photo
Roper Alvin J 9/9/1908 8/20/1985 Ida Loupe WW II US Army photo
Roper Claude J 9/7/1909 6/20/1976 Myrtle Richard
Roper Frederick J 8/28/1907 6/29/1990 Olga P
Roper girl 12/1/1983 s/s Neil Roper
Roper Hilda C 2/17/1918 1/12/1989 Alban P photo
Roper Ida (Loupe) 11/23/1912 12/28/1974 Alvin J Charles C & Donatill Bourgeois Loupe
Roper Myrtle (Richard) 9/29/1917 12/15/2003 Claude j Michel & Laure Schexnayder Richard obit
Roper Neil 2/8/1983 2/14/1983 s/s girl Roper
Roper Olga P 6/10/1903 6/18/1992 Frederick J
Roper Stella (Bourgeois) 8/10/1918 12/3/2008 Alfred J Denis & Regina Bourgeois obit photo
Roques Achille Pierre 7/22/1919 3/5/2007 Anne V Schexnaydre - 1941 Alban J & Aline Ordeneaux Roques WW II SSML3 US Coast Guard obit photo
Roques Anne Valerie (Schexnaydre) 2/2/1916 9/21/2004 Achille Wilfred J & Anne Waguespack Schexnaydre obit photo
Roques Beatrice (Schexnayder) 9/5/1923 6/6/2019 Nelson L Stanley J & Augustine Roussel Schexnayder obit
Roques Brent Joseph 9/27/1948 1/28/2012 Nelson L & Beatrice Schexnayder Roques obit
Roques Glenn Michael 1961 1991 Pascal P & Lucille Roussel Roques
Roques Linda Mary (Vicknair) 3/20/1922 6/4/2013 Theophile A Leonce A & Aimee Guidry Vicknair obit photo
Roques Lucille (Roussel) 5/8/1918 9/1/2014 Pascal P Elie & Justine Poche Roussel obit
Roques Mary Ann (Martin) 10/4/1949 3/1/2005 Nelson Jr M/M Marc J Martin obit
Roques Nancy R 6/7/1947 Thomas A - 7/26/1969 photo
Roques Nelson L Sr 1924 3/26/2019 Beatrice Schexnayder Alban J & Aline Ordeneaux Roques obit
Roques Pascal Paul 7/23/1919 5/20/2008 Lucille Roussel Alban J & Aline Ordeneaux Roques WW II Cpl US Army obit
Roques Theophile A 10/9/1917 11/20/1999 Linda Mary Vicknair WW II Sgt US Army Air Forces photo
Roques Thomas A 10/5/1946 Nancy R - 7/26/1969 photo
Rose Norvin Joseph 11/17/1932 2/6/2012 Marilyn K Wilbert J & Eugenie Legendre Rose US Army obit
Ross Rebecca Beulah 5/4/1945 8/7/1999
Rote Lois abt 1934 11/22/2019 Earl Lajaune & Anna Mae Pierce obit
Rouillier Allen P Sr 10/19/1924 9/7/1993 Rose Mae Troxclair William J & Eleonore Hotard Rouillier WW II US Army
Rouillier Audry (Mire) 3/20/1928 4/24/1986 Charles D Felicie (Lambert) Mire
Rouillier Charles D 5/23/1923 4/28/1995 Audry Mire William J & Eleonore Hotard Rouillier
Rouillier Charles Dennis Jr 8/15/1954 4/25/1997 Charles D & Audry Mire Rouillier
Rouillier Clarence J 12/16/1952 4/29/1953 Charles D & Audry Mire Rouillier
Rouillier Eleonore (Hotard) 2/18/1897 2/29/1972 William J Simon Placide & M Aimee Songy Hotard
Rouillier Michael Anthony 11/22/1965 2/9/2007 Pamela Garlington Robert M & Glenda Honeycutt Rouiller obit
Rouillier Robert Maurice Sr 5/4/1939 8/13/2005 Glenda Honeycutt William J & Eleonore Hotard Rouillier obit
Rouillier Rose Mae (Troxclair) 12/16/1927 4/24/2020 Allen P Jean Eugene & Florence Torres Troxclair obit
Rouillier Shirley (Rome) 4/4/1961 9/1/2010 Bobby Leland & Mary Keen Rome obit
Rouillier William J Sr 3/27/1889 2/28/1952 Eleonore Hotard
Roussel A J III 1930 1930 A J Roussel tomb photo, 2
Roussel Adele (Marse) 7/16/1922 3/29/2012 Marcel J Joseph & Luciana Hildago Marse obit photo
Roussel Adolphe J 9/28/1897 9/18/1963 Lucille J Lambert obit
Roussel Alfred A Jr 1877 1930 Irine Heltz photo
Roussel Alice (Dugas) 9/28/1858 3/1/1915 Marcelin Z - 1888
Roussel Alice (Lear) 10/10/1949 1/23/2012 Ernest Onezime J & Mildred Brignac Lear obit
Roussel Alice (Poche) 10/15/1860 11/14/1939 Optimer J - 1879 A J Roussel tomb stone: b 1861 photo, 2
Roussel Allen B 8/21/1923 1/0/1984 Elie & Justine Poche Roussel WW II US Navy
Roussel Allen Bernard Rose M Ovide Joseph & Armantine A Roussel
Roussel Allen J 2/2/1922 1/25/2010 Beatrice T Guidry Maurice & Rosela Louque Roussel WW II US Army 2PH obit
Roussel Allen Joseph 3/13/1922 6/7/1992 Violet Louque Elie & Justine Poche Roussel WW II US Army obit
Roussel Allen Joseph 7/8/1929 11/22/1979 Isabel Roussel Amilcar J & Mercedes Bourgeois Roussel
Roussel Amelia (Faucheux) 11/7/1891 9/21/1962 Eugene M/M Joseph Landry Faucheux photo
Roussel Amilcar J 5/12/1892 8/6/1972 Mercedes Bourgeois Charles & Celestine Martin Roussel obit
Roussel Andrew J Sr 4/5/1921 3/19/1993 Hilda Marie Louque Amilcar J & Mercedes Bourgeois Roussel WW II US Army
Roussel Anite S 10/16/1907 8/8/1987 Ferdinand J
Roussel Annette Marie (Haydel) 9/20/1897 1/28/1990 John J - 1920 Joseph Severin & Mathilde M Becnel Haydel photo
Roussel Antoinette (Bourgeois) 2/2/1894 5/23/1970 John L
Roussel Antoinette (Puccio) 10/18/1923 5/25/2012 Dr Joseph D Joseph & Mary Clark Puccio obit photo
Roussel Armantine (Allen) 11/8/1892 5/18/1947 Ovide J
Roussel Armond "Jack" 2/14/1865 6/5/1949 Floresca St Pierre
Roussel Arthur Joseph 1/19/1881 11/22/1951 Optimer J & Alice Poche Roussel photo, 2
Roussel Artidore 6/18/1857 8/26/1935 Ophelia Cazes
Roussel Artidore Joseph 8/19/1944 5/5/1986 Judith A Clement Rome L & Marjorie Gaspard Roussel obit
Roussel Augustin 1884 1944 Christophe & Edith Villiere Roussel
Roussel Auley 2/25/1912 12/6/1944
Roussel Beatrice Theresa (Guidry) 10/13/1928 6/21/1992 Allen J Ernest J & Pauline Badeaux Guidry
Roussel Bernadette (Abadie) 5/21/1934 8/15/2016 Harry Andre J & Eloise Waguespack Abadie obit
Roussel Bernard Joseph 5/4/1955 11/9/2007 Allen B & Rose Marion Roussel obit
Roussel Calvin Alexander 2/26/1930 2/16/2003 Doris Guillory - 6/26/1954 Edgard & Rozeme Poche Roussel obit
Roussel Calvin J 7/18/1953 10/6/1984 photo
Roussel Camille (Deroche) 10/5/1929 6/24/2011 Ellis J Ravorie & Palmyre Deroche obit photo
Roussel Carmen (Ayme) 1898 1947 Morgan Joseph & Octavie Thibodeaux Ayme
Roussel Carolyn Eliza (Goodfellow) 10/18/1931 1/17/2003 Will Sidney R & Agnes R Hughes Goodfellow obit
Roussel Catherine (Montelius) 12/18/1944 2/2/2021 Paul R Sr Ruby (Haydel) Montelius obit
Roussel Cecile (Roussel) 5/11/1901 5/19/1991 Jean P - 1920 Charles & Celestine Martin Roussel
Roussel Celina (Cornet) 3/9/1926 9/20/1996 Lester Bourgeois; Percy V Roussel Harriet (Smith) Cornet photo
Roussel Charles Donald 7/23/1929 5/8/2015 Helen Murphy Frank & Eleanor St Pierre Roussel obit
Roussel Christophe 1867 1939 Edith Villiere
Roussel Clarence L 12/19/1909 2/10/1983 Marie Roussel M/M Ovide Joseph Roussel
Roussel Cleve J 3/4/1898 8/21/1982 Noelie S photo
Roussel Clifford 8/12/1924 obscured Lucy Palermo
Roussel Dean Edgar 9/11/1951 3/14/2000 Ester Dunn Edgard & Melanie Eva Ory Roussel obit
Roussel Deanna Mae (Cantillo) 3/6/1949 1/21/2004 Hennis Sr Tony & Barbara Cantillo obit
Roussel Denise 1/26/1885 6/14/1970 photo
Roussel Doris (Guillory) 2/3/1926 Calvin A - 6/26/1954 photo
Roussel Earl J "Y. O." 2/3/1926 2/21/1995 Rita Simpson Morgan & Carmen Ayme Roussel
Roussel Edgard Jr 1/1/1924 7/22/2005 Melanie Ory Edgard & Rozame Poche Roussel TEC5 US Army obit photo
Roussel Edith (Villiere) 2/4/1880 1/23/1964 Christophe
Roussel Edmee A 2/6/1914 9/24/1999 Armond & Floresca St Pierre Roussel photo
Roussel Effie (Vicknair) 4/14/1895 10/15/1969 Merrill J Jean Marius & Leontine Madere Vicknair
Roussel Elaine (Millet) 7/30/1933 1/18/2019 Randolph L George & Rose Donaldson Millet obit
Roussel Elaine Cecile (Roussel) 8/27/1942 11/21/2012 Gaskin Jean P & Cecile Roussel Rousell obit
Roussel Eleanore (St Pierre) 1/20/1898 10/16/1985 Frank Florestan & Marie Matherne St Pierre obit photo
Roussel Elie 9/26/1888 7/9/1969 Justine Poche Norbert J & Evella Louque Roussel
Roussel Elise (Schexnayder) 11/22/1931 8/5/2011 Joseph P Willis J & Eugenie M Kraemer Schexnayder obit
Roussel Ella (Boudreaux) 12/23/1897 4/10/1983 Octave T Scott L & Octavie Roussel Boudreaux
Roussel Ellis Joseph Sr 7/5/1929 9/12/2008 Camille Deroche Roger J & Effie Marie Roussel Roussel obit photo
Roussel Elmore L 7/8/1903 1/0/1972 photo
Roussel Eloise M 8/29/1893 7/15/1965
Roussel Emile 5/23/1876 12/1/1959 Olivia Melancon aka: Maxemillien Joseph photo
Roussel Emilie Marie (Brignac) 12/5/1860 10/10/1943 Morgan J - 1881 obit
Roussel Ernest J 8/2/1953 9/27/2012 Alice Lear Allen J & Beatrice Theresa Guidry Roussel obit
Roussel Ethel (Abadie) 2/15/1925 4/11/2005 Wallace L Laurent J & Winceslas Waguespack Abadie obit
Roussel Ethel M 2/5/1939 Herbert J Sr photo
Roussel Eugene 11/6/1880 12/26/1960 Amelia Faucheux photo
Roussel Eugenia (St Pierre) 4/28/1891 6/24/1979 Marcelin J Alix (Millet) St Pierre
Roussel Eula Mary 4/16/1904 12/1/1959 M/M Ovide Joseph Roussel
Roussel Felix Joseph 6/15/1895 10/8/1974 Marie Appoline (Cambre) Roussel Pvt US Army
Roussel Ferdinand J 4/7/1908 3/5/1961 Anite S
Roussel Ferrell J 2/6/1905 10/19/1973 M/M Christophe Roussel photo
Roussel Floresca (St Pierre) 11/1/1876 7/19/1929 Armond M/M Florestan St Pierre
Roussel Florisca M 3/3/1932 6/12/1986 Vincent O & Hermine Roussel Roussel obit photo
Roussel Francis Leslie 6/18/1927 7/7/2016 Audrey Jacob - 5/28/1949 Frank & Eleanor St Pierre Roussel obit photo
Roussel Frank abt 1892 2/12/1983 Eleanore St Pierre Artidore & Ophelia Cazes Roussel obit photo
Roussel Freddie Adam Sr 3/15/1927 2/5/2006 Mildred Lambert Jean P & Cecile Roussel Rousel obit
Roussel Gary James Sr 6/23/1936 12/16/2013 Audrey Deroche Laurie J & Hazel Poche Roussel obit
Roussel Gaskin "Jimmy" 2/22/1944 2/5/2014 Elaine Cecile Roussel Melvin J & Vivian St Pierre Roussel obit
Roussel George J Sr 3/29/1879 12/12/1953 Mabel Holley photo
Roussel George M 1923 1966
Roussel Georgina (Matherne) 11/2/1893 6/16/1972 Lucien Octave L & Lezima LeBlanc Matherne
Roussel Gerald T 9/10/1923 5/5/1977 Vincent O & Hermine Roussel Roussel aka: Jerry Coon photo
Roussel Gregory P 9/21/1953 10/20/1973 Allen J & Isabel Roussel Roussel photo
Roussel Hamilton 9/15/1893 11/10/1963 Ludivine Faucheux Armond & Floresca St Pierre Roussel WW I LA Pvt Co I 23 Infantry
Roussel Harry abt 1935 1/6/1990 Bernadette Abadie obit
Roussel Hazel 1904 9/22/1925 Arthur J & Neva Bourgeois Roussel photo, 2
Roussel Hennis Joseph Jr 1/14/1971 6/1/2017 Hennis & DeAnna Guedry Roussel obit
Roussel Herbert J 2/14/1933 4/20/1993 Ethel M Korea US Air Force photo
Roussel Hermine (Roussel) 3/24/1899 11/15/1972 Vincent O Charles & Celestine Martin Roussel photo
Roussel Hilda Marie (Louque) 3/28/1922 12/28/2010 Andrew J Ulysse J & Arkange Bourgeois Louque obit
Roussel Hubert J 4/21/1895 4/13/1958 Olympe A Simon
Roussel Irene (Heltz) 1881 7/30/1953 Alfred A
Roussel Iris (Accardo) 12/25/1942 9/11/2006 Marvin M Pasqual & Una Arceneaux Accardo obit
Roussel Isabel (Laiche) 11/15/1904 9/22/1993 Oliver J Lawrence P & Lena L Laiche photo
Roussel Isabel (Roussel) 7/9/1930 10/15/1997 Allen J Elie & Justine Poche Roussel
Roussel James J 10/1/1929 9/21/2013 Jean P & Cecile Roussel Roussel obit
Roussel Jane (Clement) 5/18/1937 7/26/2014 Norman T Sr O'Neil F & Rita Mae Jacob Clement obit photo
Roussel Jean P 6/25/1899 3/27/1989 Cecile Roussel
Roussel Jean P III 9/5/1966 6/18/1989
Roussel Jean Prosper Jr 2/16/1939 1/31/2024 Kay LeBlanc Jean & Cecile B Roussel obit
Roussel Jessie 8/19/1995 8/19/1995
Roussel Joey P 1/24/1956 9/22/1983 Andrew J & Hilda M Louque Roussel Vietnam US Army
Roussel John J 11/1/1890 5/28/1944 Annette M Haydel - 1920 Norbert J & Evella Louque Roussel photo
Roussel John L 9/1/1893 7/20/1973 Antoinette Bourgeois
Roussel Jonah Anthony 4/29/1974 8/15/1983
Roussel Joni (Laurent) 1957 1/7/1992
Roussel Joseph D 4/28/1926 12/11/2015 Antoinette Puccio Adolph & Lucille Roussel Korea US Army obit +
Roussel Joseph Peter 5/10/1927 5/21/2013 Elise Schexnayder John J & Annette M Haydel Roussel obit
Roussel Justine (Poche) 12/9/1894 11/15/1959 Elie
Roussel Kellie Lynn 6/19/1982 6/20/2012 Jose Hernandez Jean & Cheryl Roussel obit
Roussel Lawrence Joseph 1/0/1899 3/1/1948 Christophe & Edith Villiere Roussel
Roussel Lee L 6/8/1923 2/23/1985 Theresa Martin Maxemillien J & Olivia Melancon Roussel WW II US Army
Roussel Leola (Guitreau) 12/24/1918 12/19/2014 Edmee Valture & Nita Brown Guitreau obit photo
Roussel Leonie 1868 11/23/1939 obit photo
Roussel Lillian (Rome) 10/16/1894 4/16/1973 Wilfred J photo
Roussel Lizette 1905 1925 Optime Sr photo
Roussel Louis 8/3/1862 5/21/1949 Philomine St Pierre
Roussel Louis J 6/19/1912 10/19/1965 Rita O Melancon Elie & Justine Poche Roussel
Roussel Lowell W 2/2/1927 12/2/1969 Wilfred J & Lillian Rome Roussel WW II US Marine Corps
Roussel Lucien 3/11/1886 5/24/1932 Georgina Matherne
Roussel Lucille Josephine (Lambert) 3/25/1905 5/26/2000 Adolph Honore & Maria Caillouet Lambert obit photo
Roussel Ludivine (Faucheux) 2/12/1894 2/15/1985 Hamilton M/M Joseph Landry Faucheux
Roussel Mabel (Holley) 8/2/1882 1/25/1964 George J photo
Roussel Marcel J 12/2/1919 3/8/1999 Adele Marse Marcelin J & Eugenia St Pierre Roussel WW II US Army photo
Roussel Marcelin J 7/14/1888 5/4/1963 Eugenia St Pierre obit
Roussel Marcelin Zelon 3/1/2823 10/1/1905 Alice Dugas
Roussel Margelin 3/1/1828 10/1/1905 Alice Dugas
Roussel Marie (Roussel) 11/19/1911 1/16/1951 Clarence L
Roussel Marie Appoline (Cambre) 1/30/1871 3/12/1954 Joseph Clement & Amelia Robeau Cambre
Roussel Marie E "Susie" 1/3/1921 8/10/1991 Claude W
Roussel Marie Lucresse (Schexnayder) 2/11/1901 11/0/1974 Rome J
Roussel Marjorie (Gaspard) 10/6/1918 3/31/2013 Rome L - 1939 Lonest M & Lillis Gaspard obit
Roussel Mark Anthony 7/2/1954 5/27/2019 Gail Ferraro Percy V & Celine Cornet Roussel obit
Roussel Marvin M Jr 4/1/1963 6/12/1992 Marvin M & Iris Accardo Roussel
Roussel Marvin Maurice 9/27/1936 10/27/2015 Iris Accardo Amilcar J & Mercedes Bourgeois Roussel obit
Roussel Maurice 1/1/1869 7/30/1950 Rosela Louque
Roussel Melanie Eva (Ory) 8/29/1920 3/12/2002 Edgard Jr Vincent P & Claudia Rassat Ory WW II Sgt US Army obit photo
Roussel Melvin J 8/1/1920 2/26/1990 Vivian S Seaman 2nd Class US Navy photo
Roussel Mercedes (Bourgeois) 9/21/1901 9/30/1967 Amilcar J Edwin J & Ophelia Louque Bourgeois
Roussel Merrill James 11/26/1892 10/17/1946 Effie Vicknair WW I LA Sgt MTC
Roussel Mildred (Lambert) 5/6/1929 1/4/2017 Freddie A Rene & Agnes Kilburn Lambert obit
Roussel Morgan II 1886 1940 Carmen Ayme Morgan J & Emilie M Brignac Roussel
Roussel Morgan IV 10/21/1953 8/17/2017 Morgan J & Solange Martin Roussel obit
Roussel Morgan Joseph III 8/6/1922 11/26/1970 Solange Martin Morgan & Carmen Ayme Roussel WW II PFC US Marine Corps
Roussel Morgan Joseph Sr 6/30/1862 10/18/1934 Emilie M Brignac - 1881 Maximillien & Elvina Gaudet Roussel
Roussel Neva (Bourgeois) 2/12/1881 12/0/1975 Edouard J & Mathilde Folse Bourgeois photo, 2
Roussel Noelie S 6/21/1902 8/15/1998 Cleve J photo
Roussel Norman Thomas 11/29/1934 9/1/2016 Jane Clement Clarence L & Marie Roussel Roussel obit photo
Roussel Norman Thomas Jr 8/9/1956 4/16/1992 Norman T & Jane Clement Roussel photo
Roussel Octave T Sr 12/29/1896 1/5/1958 Ella Boudreaux
Roussel Olide J 3/31/190- 1/7/1980 photo
Roussel Oliver J 5/22/1905 11/20/1989 Isabel Laiche photo
Roussel Olivia (Melancon) 9/20/1888 6/0/1980 Emile stone: b 1881, age 91 photo
Roussel Olympe Anne (Simon) 12/15/1899 12/24/1982 Hubert J Edward J & Felecie Millet Simon
Roussel Olympe P 1876 1963
Roussel Ophelia (Cazes) 1857 1932 Artidore
Roussel Optime Jr 1909 1965 M/M Optime Roussel photo
Roussel Optime Sr 1870 1961 Lizette photo
Roussel Optimer Joseph 6/26/1860 1/25/1940 Alice Poche A J Roussel tomb stone: b 1861 photo, 2
Roussel Ovide Joseph Jr 11/25/1928 6/26/2011 Ovide Joseph & Armantine A Roussel Korea Cpl US Army obit
Roussel Ovide Joseph Sr 5/3/1882 7/28/1951 Armantine Allen
Roussel Patricia Ann (Laiche) 1/28/1944 4/27/2015 Otis J & Mabel Matherne Laiche obit
Roussel Percy Vincent 2/20/1920 2/20/2006 Celine Cornet Vincent O & Hermine Roussel Roussel obit photo
Roussel Philomine (St Pierre) 6/19/1862 6/30/1946 Louis
Roussel Randolph Louis 11/30/1920 2/8/2003 Elaine Millet Vincent O & Hermine Roussel Roussel obit
Roussel Rhonda Ann abt 1969 2/12/2008 Richard & Marlene B Roussel obit
Roussel Richard J 1/21/1937 1/3/2021 Gloria Roussel Ferdinand J & Anite S Roussel obit
Roussel Rita 8/5/1932 6/14/2014 Norbert J & Lillian Pauline Haydel Roussel obit
Roussel Rita (Lambert) 12/1/1921 1/7/2018 Hudson J Laurent & & Martha Dupepe Lambert obit
Roussel Rita (Melancon) 11/29/1920 8/28/2005 Louis J obit
Roussel Rita (Simpson) 1/7/1929 1/9/2013 Earl J Chester R & Ethel J Simpson obit
Roussel Robert Emmett 6/10/1923 9/14/2005 Grace Roussel Frank & Eleanor St Pierre Roussel WW II US Army obit photo
Roussel Roger Joseph Jr 10/12/1942 9/10/2023 Sandra Lambert Roger & Effie Roussel obit
Roussel Roland Joseph 3/6/1921 8/11/2008 Thelma Hymel Richard J & Denise Fabre Roussel WW II Korea 1st Lt US Army obit photo
Roussel Roland P 1/4/1925 5/4/2000 Rosemary LeBoeuf Romero & Lucress Roussel obit
Roussel Rome J 3/31/1898 12/0/1973 Marie Lucresse Schexnayder WW I LA Pvt US Army
Roussel Ronald James 8/5/1951 5/16/2019 Vanessa Caldarera Morgan J & Solange Martin Roussel obit
Roussel Rosela (Louque) 2/5/1880 12/24/1963 Maurice
Roussel Rosemary Theresa 7/29/1921 2/3/2002 Eugene & Amelia Faucheux Roussel obit photo
Roussel Rosemary (LeBoeuf) 11/8/1925 8/26/2017 Roland P Joseph H & Agatha Michel LeBoeuf obit
Roussel Thelma (Hymel) 3/21/1924 6/27/1995 Roland J Sevien J & Edna M Luquette Hymel photo
Roussel Thelma (St Pierre) 12/31/1908 3/13/2002 Olide Ozeme J & Eulaie Louque St Pierre obit photo
Roussel Theogene 11/6/1880 11/15/1945 Theresa Schexnayder
Roussel Theresa (Martin) 10/24/1926 1/14/2014 Lee L Louis J & Claudia St Pierre Martin obit
Roussel Theresa (Schexnayder) 6/6/1885 11/7/1959 Theogene
Roussel Valery 8/28/1825 4/12/1898
Roussel Vincent O 12/31/1897 4/15/1974 Hermine Roussel Armond & Floresca St Pierre Roussel photo
Roussel Violet (Louque) 2/22/1929 6/25/2017 Allen J Hennis & Elma Louque obit
Roussel Virgilia M 6/29/1895 6/15/1974 photo
Roussel Virginia M 12/16/1906 4/30/1958
Roussel Vivian (St Pierre) 11/30/1920 11/30/2000 Melvin J Gaskin & Eleanore St Cyr St Pierre obit photo
Roussel Vivian M 1/15/1903 2/15/1919 A J Roussel tomb photo, 2
Roussel Wallace L 12/25/1923 3/31/2006 Ethel Abadie Hamilton & Ludivine Faucheux Roussel obit
Roussel Wilfred Joseph 11/2/1894 9/27/1981 Lillian Rome Armond & Floresca St Pierre Roussel WW I Pvt US Army
Roussel Wilson Germain 9/28/1930 1/23/2022 Carolyn Goodfellow; Margaret Vail Morgan & Carmen Ayme Roussel obit
Roussel - Faucheux Solange (Martin) 3/13/1929 11/3/2013 Morgan J Roussel; Ferducie J Faucheus Michel & Virginia Deslatte Martin obit
Roussell Claude W 9/7/1918 4/8/1977 Marie E Willie F & Olive Schexnayder Roussell WW II SSgt US Army
Roussell Ella Anne 8/13/1916 1/27/1998 WW II 1st Lt US Army obit
Roussell Olive (Schexnayder) 2/26/1890 3/20/1979 Willie F
Roussell Willie F 10/4/1883 5/3/1960 Olive Schexnayder
Rouyea Brenda (Webre) 10/10/1947 11/24/2004 Joseph B & Eva Tregre Webre obit

A - B  C - E  F - Laiche  Lam - M  N - R  S - Z

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