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St. Joseph Cemetery & Mausoleum
F - Laiche

St. Joseph Catholic Church Cemetery, 2130 Rectory St., Paulina, Louisiana. The cemetery is behind the church.
The church was established in 1872 and serves the eastern part of the civil St. James Parish.

If you know more of the history of the cemetery or have obituaries or tombstone pictures for the cemetery, please email the Parish Coordinator for inclusion on this page.

Documents with a plus sign (+) includes both text and tombstone photograph.
M/M = Mr. and Mrs.

Thanks to Bobby, Mary Agnes Hammett and Team T-Lo for sharing their tombstone photos!
Listing updated from more documents and photographs taken in March 2022 by Jane Edson and Margie Pearce.

A - B  C - E  F - Laiche  Lam - M  N - R  S - Z

Posted 8/7/2021; Updated 10/13/2024
St. Joseph Cemetery & Mausoleum
F - Laiche
Last name First name (Maiden) Birth date Death date Spouse - Marriage date Parents Military Obit Stone
Falgoust Constant 8/8/1870 12/8/1932 Odette Carmouche photo
Falgoust Henrietta (Brignac) 8/15/1908 10/8/1978 Henry M
Falgoust Henry M 7/15/1911 3/17/1986 Henrietta Brignac WW II US Army
Falgoust John McEmery Sr 8/12/1942 10/6/1996 Vietnam A2C US Air Force
Falgoust Lillian (Brignac) 9/28/1925 11/25/1998 Norman P Rene J & Mercie Boudreaux Brignac
Falgoust Norman Peter Sr 1/31/1912 11/6/1983 Lillian Brignac WW II PFC US Army
Falgoust Odette (Carmouche) 10/19/1891 3/28/1931 Constant photo
Faucheux Aimee M (Bourgeois) 11/3/1880 10/20/1974 Alonzo L James J & Regina LeBourgeois Bourgeois obit photo
Faucheux Alonzo Louis Jr 9/15/1902 11/19/1988 Isabel Menuet Alonzo L & Aimee M Bourgeois Faucheux obit photo
Faucheux Alonzo Louis Sr 10/17/1875 1/31/1948 Aimee M Bourgeois Cleophas & Arcise Vicknair Faucheux obit photo
Faucheux Anna Belle (Lear) 12/19/1929 4/26/2018 Kalford J Schley & Denise Kliebert Lear obit
Faucheux Arcise (Vicknair) 1846 1924 Cleophas photo, 2
Faucheux Beulah (Roussel) 5/25/1925 7/1/2008 Robert R John J & Annette M Haydel Roussel obit
Faucheux Cleophas 1845 4/8/1935 Arcise Vicknair George & Celestine Schexnayder Faucheux photo, 2
Faucheux Elmore J 'Pop' 3/8/1909 12/1/1990 Grace Zeringue Octave M & M Leonie Dufresne Faucheux photo
Faucheux Ferducie J 4/13/1931 11/28/2010 Geraldine Daigle; Solange (Martin) Roussel Ferducie J & Martha Haas Faucheux Korea Sgt US Army obit
Faucheux Gaston R "Pat" 1940 2020 photo
Faucheux Gayle (Denny) 8/24/1936 10/13/2014 Donald William & Joan Hagemann Denny obit + photo
Faucheux Geraldine (Daigle) 6/18/1933 7/10/1975 Ferducie J
Faucheux Gerard 10/28/1967 2/10/2010 Nelson J & Shirley Myers Faucheux obit
Faucheux Grace (Zeringue) 11/20/1917 2/12/1990 Elmore J Elise (Dufresne) Zeringue photo
Faucheux Isabel (Menuet) 10/30/1904 3/23/1982 Alonzo L Gaston & Therese Folse Menuet obit photo
Faucheux Kalford Joseph 7/5/1930 4/17/1986 Anna Belle Lear Leonard P & Judith Triche Faucheux Korea US Navy
Faucheux Malcolm G 5/9/1938 10/21/2018 Pauline M Rusciano George J & Ange M Haydel Faucheux US Marine Corps obit
Faucheux Marie Theresa 7/21/1939 2/16/2020 Elmore J & Grace Zeringue Faucheux obit photo
Faucheux Martha (Roussel) 2/21/1887 5/13/1975 Wilhelm J
Faucheux Nelson J 8/7/1937 2/10/2010 Shirley Myers Elmore J & Grace Zeringue Faucheux 82nd Airborne US Army obit
Faucheux Paul Gerald 8/28/1934 1/25/1991 Martha M Haas Faucheux Korea SP3 US Army
Faucheux Robert Ronald 7/9/1919 9/6/1986 Beulah Roussel Wilhelm J & Martha Roussel Faucheux WW II US Army
Faucheux Shirley (Myers) 9/7/1937 2/10/2010 Nelson J O J & Lucy Robinson Myers obit
Faucheux Solange (Martin) 3/13/1929 11/3/2013 Morgan Roussel; Ferducie Faucheux Michel & Virginia Deslatte Martin obit
Faucheux Wilhelm J Jr 11/10/1916 2/13/1970 Lillian K Bourgeois Wilhelm J & Martha Roussel Faucheux WW II LA Fld Clk US Marine Corps photo
Faucheux Wilhelm J Sr 5/21/1889 7/3/1944 Martha Roussel Cleophas & Arcise Vicknair Faucheux
Faucheux Zachary Wilhelm 10/16/1996 12/3/1996
Faust Lillie (Scharwath) 1/2/1902 5/8/1998 Benjamin Bienn; Ulysses A Faust Theodore B & M Ermine Pollet Scharwath
Fears Edith (Mack) 5/25/1920 9/14/2004 Aaron Leonard & Ernestine Johnson Mack obit
Felps Eunice (Simon) 3/18/1914 1/7/1999 William H photo
Felps Janell Ann 8/5/1947 8/15/2010 William H & Eunice Simon Felps obit photo
Felps William Henry 7/7/1892 11/8/1975 Eunice Simon Isaac R & Eudora Flynn Felps WW I Cpl photo
Ferrari Helen (Gerrets) 10/22/1926 6/15/2020 Peter J Charles & Inez C Rice Gerrets obit
Ferrari Peter Joseph Jr 7/15/1928 8/1/2006 Helen Gerrets Peter J & Amelia Serpas Ferrari obit
Field Mrs Hudson D 1/8/1805 9/8/1842
Finley Alma (Lee) 5/14/1915 11/30/2001 Eddie Sr George & Catherine Landry Lee obit
Fleming Tracy (Scott) 7/17/1969 6/24/2011 Ferrel C & Marion Anderson Scott obit
Flowers Ralph Rosen 11/25/1935 1/15/1991 Mary Ann Bourgeois obit Bobby
Fluence Leatha Mae 1/13/1953 6/2/2009 Rev Versey & Dorothy Hayden Fluence obit
Fluence Leeann (Washington) 11/23/1967 12/13/2005 Elton Jr Joseph & Annie Keller Washington obit
Folse Beulah (Hernandez) 8/17/1894 12/5/1957 Joseph
Folse Charles J 10/2/1916 2/4/1978 Louella N Andermann - 1939 Joseph & Beulah Hernandez Folse photo
Folse Edward Jr 7/29/1933 3/23/2006 Edward & Alma L Smith Folse SP3 US Army obit
Folse Elsie (Cambre) 6/18/1892 7/13/1956 J Victor Louisiana (Parent) Cambre obit
Folse J Victor 1890 1948 Elsie Cambre
Folse Joseph 8/6/1893 5/19/1965 Beulah Hernandez
Folse Joseph Walter 2/10/1914 4/27/1956 Elsie (Cambre) Folse WW II LA TEC4 2012 Ord Maint Co
Folse Louella Noel (Andermann) 1/4/1918 2/23/1981 Charles J - 1939 Samuel J & Edna M Letulle Andermann photo
Fonteneaux Joachim 1866 9/19/1921
Foret Alfred Charles 11/4/1935 11/18/1935 Thomas J & Yvonne A Bourgeois Foret obit
Foret Daniel Anthony 2/8/1925 10/12/2010 Ella Madere Thomas J & Yvonne A Bourgeois Foret obit
Foret Elaine (Bourgeois) 9/3/1915 3/25/1999 Ellis J Anicet E & Yolande Tyler Bourgeois obit
Foret Ellis Joseph 9/1/1911 7/24/1987 Elaine Bourgeois Thomas J & Emelia M Toups WW II SSgt US Army Air Corps
Foret Emilia M 2/9/1898 7/15/1990 Thomas & Emilia Toups Foret obit +
Foret Thelma (Roussel) 10/9/1919 5/26/2007 Thomas J - 1940 Morgan & Carmen Ayme Roussel obit
Foret Thomas J III 4/14/1920 11/4/1999 Thelma Roussel - 1940 Thomas J & Yvonne A Bourgeois Foret obit
Foret Thomas J IV 9/25/1948 8/4/1991 Thomas J & Thelma Roussel Foret obit
Foret Thomas Joseph Jr 2/9/1898 3/17/1987 Yvonne A Bourgeois Thomas J & Emelia M Toups WW I US Army obit
Foret Yvonne A (Bourgeois) 9/24/1901 7/20/1966 Thomas J Aloysius A & Emilie Adolph Bourgeois obit
Forsling Andrew C 1952 1991
Forsyth Alvin J 10/20/1906 1/11/1998 Hazel Heltz Joseph Y & Melanie Schexnayder Forsyth WW II US Army
Forsyth Alvin J Jr 2/4/1948 3/8/2024 Mary Ann Millet Alvin J & Hazel Heltz Forsyth obit
Forsyth Armaize (Waguespack) 1/10/1917 11/13/2006 Godfrey J Expeire N & Althea Hymel Waguespack obit
Forsyth Brandi Marie 'Loubell' 10/3/1990 1/19/1996 photo
Forsyth Brooks J Jr 1924 1995 Ruth Martin Brooks J & Louise B Forsyth WW II TEC4 US Army
Forsyth Brooks J Sr 12/24/1894 3/0/1975 Louise B WW I Pvt US Army
Forsyth Emery J Sr 9/11/1904 7/0/1964 Marcelite Falgoust
Forsyth Godfrey Joseph 'Guy' 10/19/1910 9/7/2000 Armaize Waguespack Yancy J & M Melanie Schexnayder Forsyth obit
Forsyth Hazel (Heltz) 3/16/1927 4/10/2017 Alvin J Sr Leonard & Thelizia Decareaux Heltz obit
Forsyth Joseph Yancy 2/3/1862 12/3/1945 Melanie Schexnayder
Forsyth Lionel Joseph 11/9/1951 9/12/2024 Doris Laurent Brooks & Ruth Martin Forsyth Vietnam US Navy obit
Forsyth Louise B 9/28/1903 3/0/1976 Brooks J
Forsyth Mabel M 1/8/1913 11/29/1972 Lucius J & Noelie Plaisance Forsythe
Forsyth Marcelite (Falgoust) 4/27/1918 12/23/1991 Emery J Euphrosie & McEnery Falgoust obit
Forsyth Mary Ann (Millet) 1/9/1947 8/9/2024 Alvin J Jr Junius & Josephine Vicknair Millet obit
Forsyth Melanie (Schexnayder) 2/19/1865 1/6/1935 Joseph Y
Forsyth Royden E 4/4/1898 10/12/1972 Joseph & & Melanie Schexnayder Forsyth
Forsyth Russel Francis 10/4/1944 7/3/2001 Brooks & Louise Brignac Forsyth SSgt US Air Force obit
Forsyth Ruth (Martin) 3/3/1929 8/11/1999 Brooks J Louis J & Claudia St Pierre Martin
Forsythe Bruce John 1/9/1950 9/15/2020 Anna Alvin J & Hazel Heltz Forsyth obit
Forsythe Harrison J 4/11/1926 3/13/1955 Jenry J & Louisiana Roussel Forsythe photo
Forsythe Henry J 4/30/1900 2/24/1978 Louisiana Roussel photo
Forsythe Louisiana (Rousssel) 8/6/1902 4/11/1966 Henry J photo
Forsythe Lucius J Sr 10/3/1885 8/24/1962 Noelie Plaisance
Forsythe Noelie (Plaisance) 1894 4/10/1970 Lucius J
Forsythe Wayne Gerald 11/17/1942 10/12/2009 Elaine V Godfrey J & Armaize Waguespack Forsythe obit
Foster Betty (Long) 1948 6/15/2021 Marshall Sr Gilliard & Rosemary Marcel Long obit
Fountain Carl A 'Bud' 3/29/1914 4/0/1985 Lorraine St. Pierre
Fountain Lorraine (St Pierre) 2/10/1913 7/25/2006 Carl A Henry J & Letitla Louque St Pierre obit
Francois Houston Sr 8/9/1922 12/6/2013 Ruth Jasper Clarence & Beatrice Watis Francois obit
Francois Ruth Ethel (Jasper) 1/19/1926 7/9/2022 Houston Sr Peter & Ophelia Caroline Jasper obit
Franklin Irene (Lee) 1/28/1935 5/2/2003 Isaac Sr William & Catherine Lee obit
Frederic Albert Joseph Sr 8/7/1869 3/13/1956 Marguerite Ory; Anoncia M Laiche Charles & M Louise Brignac obit Hammett
Frederic Alexander 9/6/1874 5/23/1967 Eleonore Laiche Hammett
Frederic Alma L 7/29/1899 12/2/1994 Hammett
Frederic Anoncia Marie (Laiche) 3/25/1884 2/23/1964 Albert J obit Hammett
Frederic Bibiane M 12/24/1897 12/10/1962 M/M Albert Frederic Sr obit Hammett
Frederic Charles Joseph Jr 11/1/1870 7/23/1954 Louise M Laiche Charles & M Louise Brignac Frederic Hammett
Frederic Charles Sr 12/15/1823 11/7/1911 Marie Louise Brignac Mathias & Marie Gaudet Frederic records Hammett
Frederic Eleonore (Laiche) 5/30/1878 7/1/1960 Alexander Hammett
Frederic Estelle Joan 2/10/1934 2/20/1934 Alexander J & Gertie Veron Frederic Hammett
Frederic Gertie (Veron) 6/24/1907 11/20/1955 Alexander J
Frederic Gertrude A 11/23/1899 7/15/1990 Hammett
Frederic John Ivan 2/25/1940 7/13/2016 Alexander J & Gertie Veron Frederic US Navy obit
Frederic Lillian M 4/18/1896 10/28/1978 Hammett
Frederic Louise Marie (Laiche) 8/25/1874 1/15/1935 Charles J Florestan & Elmire Guidry Laiche Hammett
Frederic Marguerite (Ory) illegible photo
Frederic Marie Louise (Brignac) 6/27/1837 6/28/1912 Charles Sr Jean Pierre & Omelitte Laiche Brignac Hammett
Frederic Mrs Optime no dates
Frederick Amile 1868 2/18/1952 M Felise Poche
Frederick Marie Felise (Poche) 1866 7/29/1938 Amile Adam Fraancois & M Felonise Bourgeois Poche
Frederick Mrs Paul 1873 3/23/1905 Hammett
Frederick Paul 1873 1950 Hammett
Frederick Robert L 1/16/1920 7/6/1992 WW II Pvt US Army Hammett
Fredric Lloyd J 12/1/1911 9/6/1962 Genevieve Heltz
Fremin Ronald Adam Jr 12/1/1956 8/25/2017 Rose Louque Ronald A & Norma Cambre Fremin obit
Frye Patricia Ann (LeBlanc) 4/14/1948 3/15/2018 Usley & Olivia Babin LeBlanc obit
Fuss Edward Francis, Rev Fr 2/17/1926 11/23/2016 George A & Anna Gruszczyk Fuss WW II 379 Reg 95 Inf obit
Gagliano Annie (Brussa) 1/7/1850 11/19/1925
Gagliano Antonina 11/17/1888 4/30/1893
Gagliano Antonio 6/2/1863 5/31/1917 Vincenza F Gennusa - 1884 Pietro & Giuseppa J Geambronne Gagliano
Gagliano Elva (Duhe) 7/13/1930 8/21/2018 Marion A Claude A & Elia A St Pierre Duhe obit
Gagliano Luigi 9/15/1895 3/21/1901 Antonio & Vincenza V Gennusa Gagliano
Gagliano Marion Anthony 8/31/1928 6/9/1999 Elva Duhe Marion & Lena FaForte Gagliano obit
Gagliano Matteo 6/17/1893 9/17/1893 Antonio & Vincenza V Gennusa Gagliano
Gagliano Vincenza Virginia (Gennusa) 12/10/1869 6/5/1952 Antonio
Gaines Ferdinand Jr, Rev 8/15/1944 2/29/2020 Carolyn Williams Ferdinand & Viola Gaines obit
Gaines Georgia Mae (Chriswell) abt 1922 11/29/2018 Leroy George & Alma Berry Chriswell obit
Gaines Lonnie Raye Sr abt 1950 11/21/2021 Glenda Howard Junius & Irma Shiloh Gaines obit
Ganier Andre 1877 1952 Josepha B
Ganier Carroll J 4/7/1908 4/27/1972 WW II LA S2 US Coast Guard Res
Ganier Josepha B 1886 1976 Andre
Ganier Lawrece J 5/12/1910 10/27/1983 Mabel B Andre & Josepha B Ganier WW II US Army
Ganier Mabel B 9/28/1912 2/28/1994 Lawrence J
Gant Kristi Donice 1/30/1983 1/28/2003 Kimberly Gant & Kurt Elder obit
Garriel Augustine L 2/6/1877 10/18/1959 Joseph L photo
Garriel Joseph L 3/20/1875 3/10/1961 Augustine L photo
Gaudet Corinne (Laiche) 7/5/1880 10/11/1969 Paul D
Gaudet Elmire (Bourgeois) 9/20/1891 11/6/1985 Raoul Prudent & Florestine Brignac Bourgeois obit Hammett
Gaudet Faye Ann (Roussel) 11/3/1939 11/18/2010 Vernon J Rome L & Marjorie Gaspard Roussel obit
Gaudet Fleurange M T 7/31/1918 3/2/2000 Paul D & Corinne Laiche Gaudet obit
Gaudet Gaston 6/28/1878 2/7/1939 Lydia Guglielmo M/M Oscar Michel Gaudet obit
Gaudet Hazel M 6/29/1905 3/8/2000 Paul D & Corinne Laiche Gaudet obit
Gaudet John Ellis Sr 3/28/1938 5/15/2012 Gloria L Paul M & Laura Madere Gaudet obit
Gaudet Laura (Madere) 8/15/1900 2/0/1985 Paul M Leonce E & Georgina Vicknair Madere
Gaudet Lydia (Guglielmo) 11/2/1880 4/18/1940 Gaston
Gaudet Lydia A 1/15/1907 1/19/1999 Gaston & Lydia Guglielmo Gaudet
Gaudet Madeline R 9/15/1903 1/21/1991
Gaudet Myrza (Keller) 11/4/1911 3/25/1998 Prentiss J
Gaudet Neil John, TSgt 11/13/1916 1/6/1943 Paul D & Corinne Laiche Gaudet WW II TSgt Army Air Foces - KIA
Gaudet Oscar Michel Sr 5/7/1838 2/7/1907 Civil War CSA 2nd Lt LA LT Arty photo
Gaudet Paul Drauzin 6/6/1874 8/9/1959 Corinne Laiche
Gaudet Paul Michel Jr 11/23/1898 9/14/1972 Laura Madere Paul D & Corinne Laiche Gaudet
Gaudet Prentiss J 10/22/1912 5/20/1972 Myrza Keller Paul D & Corinne Laiche Gaudet
Gaudet Vernon Joseph 3/10/1936 1/21/2006 Faye Roussel Paul M & Laura Madere Gaudet obit
Gaudin Bernard Pierre 9/20/1890 12/12/1956 Lea Esneault
Gaudin E B 11/29/1916 9/19/1975 Inez Decareaux WW II Lt US Navy photo
Gaudin Joseph Sim 1/7/1892 2/7/1962
Gaudin Lea (Esneault) 9/4/1896 2/20/1951 Bernard P Jules & Laura Bienvenu Esneault
Gaudin Ruth (Foreman) 9/12/1922 1/14/2021 Wilbert P Wilson & Anna Trahan Foreman obit
Gaudin Wilbert Paul Sr 2/20/1918 12/10/2000 Ruth Foreman Melvin J & Leoncia Kern Gaudin WW II Cpl US Army obit
Gaudin - Lowry Inez (Decareaux) 12/5/1921 6/21/2017 Esnault B Gaudin; Jefferson J Lowry Albert & Cecile Brignac Decareaux obit photo
Gauthe Noemie (Laurent) 10/25/1915 4/5/2013 Lester J Michel; Wallace Gauthe Joseph P & Julienne Berthelot Laurent obit
Gauthe Wallace 5/10/1909 11/15/1988 Emily Jacob; Noemie Laurent Luzianne (Gros) Gauthe
Gautreaux Corbin 'Paul' 2/24/1955 3/21/2015 Peggy Melancon C P & Eula L Spillman Gautreaux obit
Gearheard Arthur Grant Jr 10/29/1906 6/0/1969 Marguerite Faucheux photo
Gearheard Marguerite (Faucheux) 5/7/1911 6/28/2002 Arthur G Jr Wilhelm J & Martha Roussel Faucheux obit photo
Genovese Kaden Michael 8/27/2004 8/27/2004
Genovese Kane Lee 8/27/2004 8/27/2004
Genre Charles A 12/31/1872 12/20/1940 Julie B
Genre Julie B 11/6/1873 11/6/1966 Charles A
Genussa Anna Maria 1/16/1926 12/24/1926
George Chalmus Millard 8/27/1910 10/13/1989 Lois Teresa Poret Floyd D & Annie McNeal George
George Lois Teresa (Poret) 10/25/1927 2/4/2006 Chalmus M Linus & Leticia Neucere Poret obit
Gerard Irby Charles 3/27/1915 4/21/1991 Stella Mae Marmillion WW II CM2 US Navy
Gerard Stella Mae (Marmillion) 3/19/1918 1/30/2005 Irby C Walter & Saraphine Leprey Marmillion obit
Gerstner Verlin (Boutte) 10/12/1905 9/7/1990 Catherine (Alexander) Boutte
Giardina Bernard F 1890 1957 Petrina A
Giardina Frances (Pecoraro) 9/30/1888 4/10/1952 Joseph
Giardina Frank A 10/12/1920 6/20/1969 Verna Kroll Peter & Mary Accardo Giardina
Giardina Joseph 10/21/1884 7/1/1930 Frances Pecoraro
Giardina Mary 1/10/1915 2/6/1932 Joseph & Frances Pecoraro Giardina
Giardina Oscar J 4/2/1922 6/3/1971
Giardina Peter 1892 1931
Giardina Peter 6/29/1892 10/6/1931 Mary Accardo
Giardina Petrina A 1903 1996 Bernard F
Giardina Verna (Kroll) 2/12/1928 2/28/2004 Frank A Wilmore & May M Roussel Kroll obit
Giardina Vita C no dates
Gifford Rose Mae M 6/28/1930 2/11/1983
Gilbert Hilda (Ordeneaux) 8/7/1927 9/17/2014 Robert L Leonard T & Georgine R. Ordeneaux obit
Gilbert Robert L 4/13/1927 12/13/2019 Hilda Ordeneaux WW II US Navy obit
Gill Alma Marie (Oubre) 1907 1936
Goff Alma Mae (Williams) 12/25/1950 6/6/2005 Harold obit
Goff Donald Sr 10/16/1939 12/17/2005 Marva Williams Alfred & Viola Miles Goff obit
Goff Katherine abt 1964 9/3/2021 Donald & Marva Goff obit
Goff Sharon Kaye (Aubert) 7/27/1949 5/8/2021 Harold J & Shirley J Johnson Aubert obit
Gondolfo Gwendolyn 2/3/1944 6/9/1950 Sam J & Josephine Calcagno Gondolfo
Gondolfo Josephine (Calcagno) 1/30/1918 9/19/2010 Sam J Anthony & Camille Guerena Calcagno obit
Gondolfo Josephine S 2/13/1908 4/21/1989 Philip photo
Gondolfo Philip 2/17/1898 1/17/1998 Josephine S photo
Gondolfo Sam Joseph 8/21/1913 11/6/2002 Josephine C Joseph & Rose Gondolfo WW II TSgt US Army obit
Gonzales Annie (Field) 1/3/1858 11/23/1935 Pierre
Gonzales Artimise (Titus) 9/0/1888 Lester L Auguste & Marie Evige Parent Titus
Gonzales G J 8/21/1888 8/27/1909 Pierre & Annie Field Gonzales
Gonzales Harris 2/16/1882 8/26/1905 Pierre & Annie Field Gonzales
Gonzales Lester Leo Sr 11/24/1884 3/0/1969 Artimise Titus Pierre & Annie Field Gonzales
Gonzales Pierre 6/9/1855 6/11/1940 Annie Field
Gordon Donna (Kollman) 3/8/1945 2/25/2014 William H Albert E & Doris A Duhe Kollman obit
Gordon Rudy M 4/23/1938 2/6/2006 James & Dorothy Bartley Gordon obit
Gravois Mary Jane (Schexnayder) 11/27/1932 7/9/2024 Charles M Sr Richard J & Ethel W Sigur Schexnayder obit
Gravois Michael James 9/2/1954 9/4/1967 Ozane J & Rosemary Becnel Gravois photo
Gravois Ozane Joseph 'O J' Jr 7/6/1925 4/22/1995 Rosemary Becnel Ozane J & Louise Brazan Gravois WW II S1 US Navy photo
Gravois Rosemary (Becnel) 11/24/1926 12/14/2016 O J Jr Edward & Corestile Stein Becnel obit photo
Gravois Tania (Hymel) 7/7/1960 7/23/2024 Clyde Sr Dale & Joyce Hymel obit
Gray Adine B 9/13/1877 11/22/1962 Ruffin A
Gray Adine B 10/9/1903 1/28/1988 Ruffin A & Adine B Gray
Gray Ruffin Alonzo 5/23/1875 2/19/1920 Adine B
Gray Thelma 1/3/1909 11/3/1909 Ruffin A & Adine B Gray
Gray Walter Augustine Sr 11/6/1923 8/25/2012 Lyndia Bynum Ruffin Augustine & Ophelia Braud Gray obit
Greaves Doretha (Miller) 1/24/1930 11/6/2003 Marville George & Grace Williams Miller obit
Gregoire Lloyd Paul 11/23/1949 5/5/1988 Vietnam SP4 US Army
Griffin Audrey 'Tina' 1/18/1940 1/2/2006 Wallace A & Claudia Belvin Griffin obit
Griffin Betty (Robertson) 7/24/1947 2/5/2009 Ronnie Sr Ernest & Annie Marcell Robertson obit
Griffin Delphine M 1889 1957 Edwin J
Griffin Edwin J 1889 1943 Delphine M
Griffin Elsie Mae 1936 1936 O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin
Griffin Gladys (Cotham) 12/13/1911 6/27/1984 O'Neil L Foney & Elsie Schell Cotham photo
Griffin Jennie 1930 1930 O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin
Griffin John 1944 1944 O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin
Griffin Marion (Waguespack) 12/25/1946 7/3/2007 Rodney J Preston & Colette Waguespack obit
Griffin O'Neil Louis 10/15/1908 12/11/1988 Gladys C photo
Griffin O'Neil Louis Jr 3/30/1934 4/21/2020 Bobbie Johnson O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin obit
Griffin Orin A 12/5/1938 11/14/1970 O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin
Griffin Rodney J Jr 1/5/1969 5/27/2000 Rodney J & Marion Washington Griffin obit photo
Griffin Rodney J Sr 11/9/1946 1/3/1994 Marion Washington O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin US Navy
Griffin Ronnie 'Goose' Jr 9/19/1971 3/3/2008 Erica Bell Ronnie & Betty Robertson Griffin obit
Griffin Ronnie Sr 7/23/1948 1/17/2016 Deidra Simoneaux George & Theresa Manuel obit
Griffin Rose Mary no dates
Griffin Samantha Marie 4/8/1970 9/16/2016 LeRoy & Renee Griffin obit
Griffin Vernon J 8/17/1945 7/30/1999 O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin
Griffin W M 7/16/1845 9/24/1930
Griffin Wayne P 5/12/1940 7/1/1976 O'Neil L & Gladys Cotham Griffin
Griffin William J 5/17/1961 3/10/1995
Grisaffi Lisa Ann (Alito) 6/19/1961 1/14/2011 Troy J Sr Robert J & Joycelynn Blank Alito obit
Grob Allen Paul 12/16/1929 7/1/2004 Carolyn Brignac George C & Jeanne Petit Grob SSgt US Air Force obit
Grob Arthur Joseph "Buddy" 2/11/1928 1/15/2014 George C & Jeanne Petit Grob obit photo
Grob Carolyn (Brignac) 12/21/1937 10/27/2017 Allen P Norman P & Beatrice Hymel Brignac obit
Grob George Charles Jr 8/31/1903 12/20/1972 Jeannie Petit - 2/5/1929 George & Louise Caro Grob photo
Grob George 'Jerry' 7/10/1931 2/20/2011 Gail Kraemer George C & Jeanne Petit Grob obit
Grob Jeanne (Petit) 5/1/1906 8/31/1977 George C Jr - 2/5/1929 photo
Gross Ethel B 4/1/1932 12/22/1994
Gross Irving G 12/10/1901 12/28/1983 Mercedes Subra photo
Gross Mercedes (Subra) 1/20/1902 10/25/1991 Irving G photo
Gross Mitchell T 3/3/1925 3/6/1984 WW II TEC5 US Army
Gross Valry 3/15/1938 8/12/2005 Dennis & Ethyl Valery Gross SP4 obit
Groteguth Arthur L Jr 8/22/1920 5/9/1977 Margery R Schexnayder - 10/10/1953 WW II US Navy photo
Groteguth Margery Rita (Schexnayder) 1/2/1921 6/14/2013 Arthur L - 10/10/1953 Edgar B & Noela Frederic Schexnayder obit photo
Groteguth Margo 12/16/1954 10/10/2021 Arthur L & Margery S Groteguth obit
Growl Rory John 2/15/1957 1/2/2013 Robin George John J & Norma Kinler Growl obit
Gueret Charles Joseph 11/19/1931 9/7/2008 Winnie Mae Brignac Abraham & Leonie J Labranche Gueret obit
Gueret Daniel Joseph 2/5/1952 10/30/1971 Charles J & Wimmie M Brignac Gueret
Gueret Theresa (Oubre) 2/28/1926 5/7/2017 Henry J & Leonia Kilburn Oubre cremated - no stone
Gueret Winnie Mae (Brignac) 4/8/1932 10/13/2016 Charles J Charles C & Minerva M Pollet Brignac obit
Guerra Evelyn Marianne (Bourgeois) 3/5/1909 4/16/1976 Albert Guerra; Theodore Badal - 1940 Aloysius A & Emilie Adolph Bourgeois obit +
Guggino Carmella (Rametta) 10/13/1868 12/2/1937
Guglielmo Hilda (Roussel) 4/19/1908 7/15/1989 Joseph F photo
Guglielmo John 9/17/1930 9/17/1930 Joseph F & Hilda Roussel Guglielmo
Guglielmo Joseph F Jr 4/25/1906 1/26/1959 Hilda Roussel Joseph F & M Lucile Trudeau Guglielmo photo
Guglielmo Joseph F Sr 4/17/1882 1/9/1948 Marie Lucile Trudeau photo
Guglielmo L A 8/16/1884 8/7/1947 photo
Guglielmo Marie Lucile 2/27/1905 10/17/1917 Joseph F & M Lucile Trudeau Guglielmo photo
Guglielmo Marie Lucile (Trudeau) 1/25/1880 8/6/1941 Joseph F Sr photo
Guglielmo - Madere Adela (Dugas) 3/15/1860 2/9/1925 photo
Guidry Agnes M 12/15/1903 10/3/1985 photo
Guidry Alden Joseph 3/31/1924 6/1/1996 Hazel Zeringue WW II RM3 US Navy obit
Guidry Alvin Gerard Sr 4/25/1927 7/10/2013 Mary Ann Barrilleaux Edward C & Olivia Gabb Guidry obit
Guidry Bonnie Jean 11/22/1951 2/25/2013 Alvin G & Mary Ann Barrilleaux Guidry cremated - no stone obit
Guidry Carol (Peterson) 11/3/1959 9/4/2020 Roland Dwight & Laura Peterson obit
Guidry Daniel Jude 6/23/1954 12/11/2019 Marlene Norman J & Judith Hebert Guidry obit
Guidry Earline (Oubre) 4/14/1933 7/3/2015 Nolan J Henry J & Leonia Kilburn Oubre obit
Guidry Edwin M 2/20/1895 4/9/1973 Iola Roussel WW I LA Sgt US Army
Guidry Elsie (Zeringue) 11/9/1921 7/6/2001 Roland L Arcade & Elise Dufresne Zeringue obit
Guidry Emily (Chenet) 11/11/1923 4/3/2007 Leon P Alvin L & Isabel M Landry Chenet obit photo
Guidry Ernest J Sr 3/14/1891 8/14/1955 Pauline Badeaux
Guidry Eugene Joseph Jr 7/10/1920 9/14/2003 Irene Simon - 8/9/1943 WW II SSgt US Army obit photo
Guidry Eugene Joseph Sr 1890 1969 Leontine Matherne
Guidry Faye A 12/30/1954 9/1/2019 Alvin G & Mary Ann Barrilleaux Guidry obit
Guidry George C 2/5/1899 8/5/1965 Meloe R
Guidry George Lynn 7/20/1935 11/24/2018 Rosemary Turner George C & Meloe R Guiday obit
Guidry Georgine P 1885 1937 Louis E
Guidry Hazel (Zeringue) abt 1932 3/29/2024 Alden J Sr Arcade & Elize Dufresne Zeringue obit
Guidry Hilda Marie (Tassin) 5/20/1908 4/21/1993 Morris P Numa & Mathilda E Kroll Tassin
Guidry Iola (Roussel) 8/12/1902 12/24/1984 Edwin M M/M Ovide Joseph Roussel
Guidry Irene (Simon) 11/28/1923 4/16/1998 Eugene J - 8/9/1943 photo
Guidry Julian Paul 3/15/1933 8/22/2012 Velma Dupepe Morris P & Hilda M Tassin Guidry Korea A1C US Air Force obit photo
Guidry Leon P 3/31/1922 1/5/2001 Emily Chenet Edwin & Eva Graugnard Guidry WW II 34 Engrs US Army obit photo
Guidry Leontine (Matherne) 1887 1962 Eugene J
Guidry Lewis J 4/20/1916 1/24/2000 Mary Ann Porteous Louis & Georgine Guidry WW II US Army obit
Guidry Louis E 1877 1954 Georgine P
Guidry Louis Joseph 10/16/1922 11/4/2002
Guidry Mary Ann (Barrilleaux) 11/10/1931 7/24/2018 Alvin G Sr Marcelien & Corrine Poche Barrilleaux obit
Guidry Mary Ann (Porteous) 12/7/1929 6/21/2020 Lewis J John C & Mary Elizabeth Cochran Porteous obit
Guidry Meloe R 10/30/1900 6/14/1970 George C
Guidry Morris P 10/25/1905 11/11/1969 Hilda Marie Tassin Philomene A (Scioneaux) Guidry obit
Guidry Numa F 10/10/1913 8/0/---- Josephine S photo
Guidry Olga L 3/27/1905 6/22/1986 Josephine S photo
Guidry Pauline (Badeaux) 1/25/1896 12/19/1998 Ernest J
Guidry Reynolds J 9/1/1906 12/10/1996 WW II TEC5 US Army photo
Guidry Rose Mary Marie (Turner) 8/8/1935 3/27/2007 George L Vernon E & Rose Dottolo Turner obit
Guidry Velma (Dupepe) 10/16/1932 7/4/1977 Julian P Nicolle J & Eulalie Troxclair Dupepe photo
Guilbault Catherine (Comeau) 1726 5/0/1782 Joseph - 1767 Joseph & Eloise Bland Cayette NSF
Guillory Alvin J 10/29/1905 4/4/1987 Edvige Miller - 1952; Odette Vicknair Valery & Eugenia Rabalais Guillory photo
Guillory Edvige (Miller) 3/30/1904 4/23/1992 Alvin J - 1952 photo
Guzman Doris (Roussel) 6/5/1915 10/3/2007 Willie M Eugene & Amelia Faucheux Rousssel obit
Guzman William III abt 1976 3/8/2023 Erika Duhe William & Janice Poche Guzman obit
Guzman Willie Murry Sr 10/21/1912 7/24/1995 Doris Roussel
Haas Conrad J 2/19/1895 7/28/1967 Marietta Waguespack George C P & M Evelina Bouy Haas
Haas Marietta (Waguespack) 7/1/1893 2/26/1979 Conrad J Sostene F & M Felonise Simon Waguespack
Harrell Grover Edward no dates Isabel Faucheux
Harrell Isabel (Faucheux) 7/4/1925 11/27/2019 Grover E Alonzo L & Isabel Menuet Faucheux obit
Haydel Amelius Joseph Jr 1/5/1886 11/19/1937 Amelius J & Eleonore Berthelot Haydel Hammett
Haydel Amelius Joseph Sr 6/19/1861 1/1/1925 Eleonore Berthelot - 1885 J B Antoine & Evelina M Trosclair Haydel Hammett
Haydel Carmel (Bourgeois) 2/18/1894 9/13/1979 Lucien J - 1936 Drauzin & Julie M Bourgeois Bourgeois photo
Haydel Denis Joseph Jr 1/6/1920 5/22/2005 Elva Lambert; Gloria DeJean Denis J & Clara Maitreme Haydel WW II US Army Air Forces obit
Haydel Edward John 1902 1/1/1923 Elia Alice St Pierre Amelius J & Eleonore Berthelot Haydel
Haydel Eleonore (Berthelot) 5/15/1866 9/18/1953 Amelius J Vilcin Esperat & Josephine E Folse Berthelot Hammett
Haydel Elva (Lambert) 4/5/1920 4/12/1985 Denis J
Haydel Enid D 1/21/1900 1/0/1988 Henry J
Haydel Gaston J 1912 3/30/1976 Yvette St Pierre Denis J & Clara Maitreme Haydel photo
Haydel Helen Ruth (Abreo) 4/15/1921 8/27/2006 Leonce A Leon J & Margaret M Badeaux Abreo obit photo
Haydel Henry J 4/8/1900 5/0/1987 Enid D Amelius J & Eleonore Berthelot Haydel WW I US Army
Haydel Irma (Deslatte) 12/4/1908 1/4/1987 Joseph & Ermina Schexnayder Deslattes
Haydel John B Sr 1/20/1895 3/12/1967 Madeline Tregre Amelius J & Eleonore Berthelot Haydel WW I LA Pvt 334 Bakery Co QMC obit
Haydel Larry B 9/5/1921 7/7/1994 Denis J & Clara Maitreme Haydel
Haydel Leonce A Sr 3/2/1925 11/19/2009 Helen Ruth Abreo John B & Madeline Tregre Haydel WW II 299 Combat Eng Bat obit photo
Haydel Lucien Joseph 3/19/1880 4/3/1951 Carmel Bourgeois - 1936 JB Antoine & Evelina M Trosclair photo
Haydel Madeline (Tregre) 2/18/1903 9/10/1990 John B Adam Leonce & M Olympe Williams Tregre obit
Haydel Yvette (St Pierre) 6/13/1930 11/12/2009 Gaston J June Joseph & Lema Rose Naquin St Pierre obit photo
Hayes Bernard 9/11/1945 12/17/2009 Katie Ruth Bujol obit
Hayes Henry Jr 3/28/1925 2/7/1994
Hayes Katie Ruth (Bujol) 10/23/1948 11/20/2020 Bernard Freddie & Rosa Lee Coates Bujol obit
Hayes Marie Virginia 11/26/1927 5/12/2007 Henry & Jane Cola Hayes obit
Hayes Paul Calvin Sr 10/9/1929 9/28/1991 US Army
Haynes Billie Joe 10/20/1929 8/15/1995 Pearl Berthelot Korea Vietnam SMSgt US Air Force
Haynes Pearl (Berthelot) 12/22/1925 8/13/1990 Billie J
Heagy Paul K 11/4/1946 8/6/1982 Ruth (Foreman) Gaudin Vietnam Pvt US Marine Corps
Heald Rhonda (Alexander) 5/14/1952 5/5/2014 John D & Helen Alexander obit +
Hebert Arthur P Sr 5/4/1877 8/25/1942 Edna M Colon
Hebert Barbara (Navarre) 11/2/1931 Donald F photo
Hebert Donald Felix 9/1/1927 9/10/2019 Barbara Navarre Lucien J & Maude Bridgette Bernard Hebert US Sgt Marine Corps obit photo
Hebert Edna M (Colon) 6/11/1884 2/6/1975 Arthur P Sr
Heine Horace Michael 1/31/1973 11/9/2002 Jennifer Grady & Margaret Olivier Heine obit
Heltz Adrian P 1/15/1925 4/1/1992 Eloise Klibert Seaman 2ndClass US Navy photo
Heltz Amedee Ignace 9/25/1892 1/26/1945 Palmyre Roussel - 1916
Heltz Brian J 11/1/1955 12/12/1979 Richard J & Willhemina Martin Heltz
Heltz Crystal (Copponex) 10/28/1952 7/7/2020 Blaine George & Electa Duhe Copponex obit
Heltz Daniel Amedee 8/19/1931 7/7/2004 Judy St Pierre Amedee I & Palmyre Roussel Heltz Korea SP4 US Army obit photo
Heltz Earl P 11/14/1925 11/17/1978
Heltz Eloise (Klibert) 2/11/1925 6/12/2007 Adrian P Theophile & Palmire Klibert obit photo
Heltz Emile Ignace 3/29/1929 8/17/2009 Rosalie Amato Amedee I & Palmyre Roussel Heltz Korea PFC US Army obit
Heltz Felice M 1887 1967
Heltz Judy Mae (St Pierre) 10/23/1940 4/10/2021 Daniel A June & Lema St Pierre obit photo
Heltz Lawrence J 4/10/1894 3/8/1972 Pearl P WW I LA Eng1 US Navy
Heltz Leonard A Jr 9/21/1914 3/11/1987 Therese B Leonard A & Thelezia D Heltz
Heltz Leonard A Sr 7/16/1889 11/3/1965 Thelezia D
Heltz Lillie C 9/9/1901 11/16/1992 Oliver J
Heltz Mona Lynne 11/1/1962 3/15/2015 Richard J & Willhelmina (Martin) Heltz obit
Heltz Oliver J 9/27/1898 7/29/1977 Lillie C
Heltz Palmyre (Roussel) 11/30/1896 7/11/1974 Amedee I Morgan J & Emilie M Brignac Roussel
Heltz Pearl P 7/17/1908 12/30/2001 Lawrence J
Heltz Richard J 7/21/1926 2/21/2000 Willhemina Martin Oliver J & Lillie C Heltz WW II US Navy obit
Heltz Rosalie (Amato) 7/7/1936 2/25/2014 Emile I Joseph & Enola Landry Amato obit
Heltz Thelezia D 8/19/1891 7/3/1981 Leonard A Sr
Heltz Therese (Bourgeois) 7/11/1917 10/29/2008 Leonard A Jr Willis & Bernadette Tamplain Bourgeois obit
Heltz Vera (Landry) 11/17/1937 10/26/1998 Barry Milton J & Mabel Richard Landry obit
Heltz Willhemina (Martin) 2/20/1927 7/6/2016 Richard J Michel & Virginia Deslatte Martin obit
Henderlite Harry B 2/14/1893 1/20/1970 Ruth Cambre photo
Henderlite Ruth (Cambre) 9/17/1915 1/15/2012 Harry B Joseph & Augusta Roussel Cambre obit photo
Henze Augustine A 10/9/1918 11/26/1998
Herbert Ruth Theresa (Louque) 9/13/1928 5/3/2016 John D Steven & Nelia Louque obit
Hernandez Aleyia Juana 6/20/2012 "unborn child" Kellie Lynn Roussel
Herring Charles Walker 11/2/1911 11/23/1973 Dorothy Agnes Thompson photo
Herring Dorothy Agnes (Thompson) 8/19/1912 5/20/1998 Charles W Walter W & Agnes M Duhe Thompson photo
Hidalgo Caffery J 1900 1956 Myrtle R Roussel
Hidalgo Eunice L 6/14/1904 1/26/1985 Lester J
Hidalgo Henry Peter 3/7/1925 11/4/1996 Sylvia Lear Joseph H & Marie Arceneaux Hidalgo Korea Vietnam SSgt US Army
Hidalgo Joseph H 11/25/1886 9/3/1961 Marie Arceneaux photo
Hidalgo Jules Sr 5/27/1916 7/0/1984 Mabel Laiche Joseph H & Marie Arceneaux Hidalgo
Hidalgo Kearney 11/3/1932 8/4/2020 Eloise Lester & Eunice Hidalgo US Army obit
Hidalgo Laray A 5/4/1974 1/6/2020 Ramona Hidalgo & Elliot L Davis obit photo, 2
Hidalgo Lester J 11/5/1909 7/16/1993 Eunice L
Hidalgo Louis P 11/25/1913 3/26/1945 Joseph H & Marie Arceneaux Hidalgo WW II LA PFC 152 Inf 38 Div
Hidalgo Marie (Arceneaux) 5/26/1892 6/13/1968 Joseph H photo
Hidalgo Marilyn Ann (Klibert) 7/26/1951 6/5/2016 Robert Adrian J & Helen Waguespack Klibert obit
Hidalgo Robert Philip 12/17/1946 4/16/2023 Marilyn K Lester & Eunice Lanoux Hidalgo obit
Hidalgo Sylvia (Lear) 4/13/1929 7/15/2013 Henry P James C & Lillian S Lear obit
Hidalgo - Poirrier Myrtle (Roussel) 3/3/1904 5/9/1990 Caffery Hidalgo; ?? Poirrier Maurice & Rosela Louque Roussel
High Margaret (Jacob) 9/20/1924 7/8/1967
Himel Henry Lawrence 7/3/1959 7/3/1959 Lloyd Raymond & Marguerite Nobile Himel
Himel Lloyd Raymond 11/19/1914 11/15/2005 Mary Norton; Marguerite Nobile Henry L & Adele Nicolle Himel WW II Lt US Navy obit photo
Himel Marguerite (Nobile) 9/8/1915 12/16/2000 Lloyd R Lawrence P & Catherine Malaspina Nobile obit photo
Hindmarch Robert Henry 12/26/1938 3/17/2012 Lisa Bourgeois Robert & Vera Hindmarch obit
Holley Alvin A Sr 7/29/1878 5/3/1963 Elise Webre
Holley Tara Krista (Murray) 10/12/1972 10/25/2019 Thomas M Thomas & Marcia Milster Murray obit
Holzworth Angela (Musso) 1/28/1922 6/8/2004 obit photo
Horton Tyler Jevon 11/21/1999 8/28/2024 Maurice Horton & Ingrad Brass obit
Howard James Sr 9/9/1927 3/17/2012 Ruth Young obit
Howard Lottie Ann 1960 7/29/2020 Larry Willis James & Ruth Young Howard obit
Howard Ruth (Young) 1937 2/6/2013 James Sr Edward & Lottie Booker Young obit
Huffman Lula Sarah (Motley) 2/11/1916 7/6/2004 Robert L - 1937 Robert J & Lucy F Hodges Motley obit
Huguet Eliza (Bourgeois) 4/8/1910 7/17/2001 Gurner M Jules L & Anna Louque Bourgeois obit photo
Huguet Gurner M 9/25/1910 11/21/1993 Eliza Bourgeois Willie J & Georgine Millet Huguet photo
Hurley Chelsea R 6/5/1983 6/17/1983 Robin Ann (Forsyth) Hurley
Hutchins Lillian A 2/19/1884 4/30/1959
Hymel Adam 4/20/1856 11/20/1916 Hammett
Hymel Amelie Adelaide (Hymel) 2/25/1868 11/1/1938 Omer J - 1890 Jean Valsin & Amelia M Laurent Hymel Hammett
Hymel Augustin Joseph 8/28/1894 4/28/1974 Celine Marse M/M Omer J Hymel
Hymel Bernodie Felix 1858 8/31/1940 Zulma Trosclair - 1886 Jean Valsin & Amelia M Laurent Hymel
Hymel Bernodie Joseph Jr 4/24/1890 10/13/1974 Edna Guidry; Alice Landry Bernodie F & Zulma Trosclair Hymel
Hymel Celine (Marse) 7/5/1908 7/0/1984 Augustin J
Hymel Dale J Sr 7/29/1934 10/13/2009 Joyce Oubre; Eileen Schaubhut Moise J & Regina Mire Hymel obit photo
Hymel Dalton J 10/10/1936 3/28/1956 Victor F & Inez Borne Hymel photo
Hymel Denise M 2/10/1902 6/15/1976 M/M Omer Joseph Hymel
Hymel Derek M 11/17/1980 11/17/1980
Hymel Edmond Joseph 5/9/1909 9/30/1979 Norma Jean Borne Joseph A & Elmire M Haydel Hymel
Hymel Edna (Guidry) 1883 6/13/1956 Bernodie J
Hymel Edna Marie 2/28/1905 3/31/1961 Bernodie F & Zulma Trosclair Hymel
Hymel Edna Marie (Luquette) 6/6/1892 10/22/1982 Sevien J Julienne Adele (Simon) Luquet photo
Hymel Edward Daniel Sr 11/24/1921 12/31/1983 Victoria Perniciaro Olidy J & Elise M Schexnyder Hymel WW II Pvt US Army
Hymel Eileen (Schaubhut) 8/20/1938 8/23/2016 Dale Sr Johnny & Osciana Schaubhut obit
Hymel Ellis J 8/11/1937 11/29/1988 Moise J & Regina Mire Hymel photo
Hymel Elta (Brignac) 8/3/1917 3/5/2002 Hilllard Paul & Virginia Brignac obit photo
Hymel Felicien Ignace 7/31/1891 7/2/1949 Marie LeBoeuf - 1916 Myrtile Joseph & Josephine M Heitman Hymel
Hymel George 'Scrap' 9/2/1938 12/30/2022 Denise Denny - 2/5/1966 Moise & Reginal Hymel obit
Hymel Hillard J 12/4/1924 4/8/1987 Elta Brignac Joseph D A & Annette M Balot Hymel WW II US Army obit photo
Hymel Honore Joseph 2/20/1905 1931 Bernodie F & Zulma Trosclair Hymel
Hymel Inez (Borne) 2/1/1914 10/22/1998 Victor F Andre Florimon & Atala Chabaud Borne photo
Hymel Joyce (Oubre) 10/24/1934 4/19/1993 Dale Sr photo
Hymel Lawrence 'Peter' Sr 6/2/1932 1/14/2011 Roxanne St Pierre - 10/30/1981 Moise J & Regina Mire Hymel Korea Sgt US Army obit photo
Hymel Louise Rita 8/16/1938 3/9/1938 Augustin J & Celine Marse Hymel
Hymel Lynn John Jr 11/8/1948 1/31/2009 Lynn J & Vivian Tassin Hymel Vietnam veteran obit photo
Hymel Lynn John Sr 8/5/1913 12/19/1972 Vivian Elizabeth Tassin Denis E & Ada Dufresne Hymel WW II LA US Navy obit photo
Hymel Marie (LeBoeuf) 8/28/1890 12/12/1953 Felicien I Felix and Marguerite Clouatre Lebouf
Hymel Marie (Simon) 1/14/1925 3/10/2020 James I Jr Joseph G & Elmira V Murry Simon obit
Hymel Moise J 7/12/1903 1/21/1990 Regina Mire Bernodie F & Zulma Trosclair Hymel obit
Hymel Norma Jean (Borne) 1/27/1914 9/1/1987 Edmond J Octave A & Rosa M Schexnayder Borne
Hymel Omer Joseph 9/9/1853 1/3/1939 Amelie Adelaide Hymel - 1890 Sevein B & M Emethilde Loup Hymel Hammett
Hymel Paul Marcel 3/10/1961 8/5/1982 photo
Hymel Regina (Mire) 9/29/1901 5/0/1985 Moise J
Hymel Roxanne (St Pierre) 6/3/1955 12/31/2015 Lawrence P - 10/30/1981 Clyde R & Elsie Fremin St Pierre obit photo
Hymel Sevien Joseph 2/17/1893 2/15/1965 Edna M Luquette Bernodie F & Zulma Trosclair Hymel photo
Hymel Victor Francois 7/21/1911 7/19/1974 Inez Borne Joseph A & Elmire M Haydel Hymel photo
Hymel Victoria (Perniciaro) 6/29/1921 7/25/2009 Edward D Lucien & Maria Perniciaro obit
Hymel Vivian Elizabeth (Tassin) 7/18/1913 4/11/1982 Lynn J Sr Numa & Mathilda E Kroll Tassin photo
Hymel Wayne Sr 6/15/1936 7/7/2010 Janet Moise J & Regina Mire Hymel obit
Hymel Wyatte Jane 7/12/2024 7/12/2024 Wyatt Hymel & Jessica Brack obit
Hymel Zulma (Trosclair) 1866 1950 Bernodie F - 1886 Pierre E O & M Eugenie Faucheux Troxler
Isom Mary Ann Elizabeth Abt 1952 12/25/2022 obit
Jackson Mozella Lee 2/10/1940 1/18/2005 Andrew & Evelina Davis Jackson obit
Jacob Andre Dewet Jr 1/18/1951 8/29/2023 Nancy Trosclair Andre D & Gertrude Hymel Jacob obit
Jacob Nelwyn (Cambre) 3/7/1939 7/14/2014 Oscar "Jerry" Frank & Elsie Badeaux Cambre obit
Jacob Terry Elizabeth abt 1961 9/19/2024 Raymond V & Sandra Stubbs Jacob obit
Jacobs Margot (Gearheard) 9/4/1939 8/13/2001 Arthur G & Marguerite Faucheus Gearheard obit photo
Jaeger Edward G 12/10/1935 2/27/1998
Jamison Shanika Clarnetta 6/20/1980 11/19/2002 Linda Jamison obit
Jarreau Robert Joseph Jr 1953 3/31/2018 Doralisa Melancon Robert & Elma Leonie Richard Jarreau obit
Jaubert Alexandrine (Bres) abt 1855 2/12/1935 Jean Baptiste
Jaubert Annette (Poche) 10/3/1885 10/28/1969 Elisee Sr photo
Jaubert Elisee Jr 1/25/1912 7/9/1950 Elisee & Annette Poche Jaubert photo
Jaubert Elisee Sr 5/8/1930 Annette Poche photo
Jaubert Jean Baptiste abt 1842 9/4/1902 Alexandrine Bres
Jenkins Alvy 'Dee' 1/19/1929 5/24/2000 Rezette Alleman Richard D & Rosa Martin Jenkins obit
Jenkins Arthur Jr 7/12/1935 11/12/2020 Ethel M Arthur & Cora Richard Jenkins US Navy obit
Jenkins Rezette Celina (Alleman) 3/25/1930 1/26/2022 Alvy obit
Jenkins Tina Colleen 4/6/1963 6/2/2019 Alvy Dee & Rezette Alleman Jenkins obit photo
Jennings Irma (Smith) 4/14/1930 8/22/2011 James E obit
Jennings James E 1/20/1928 1/24/1994 Irma Smith
Jennings John Mark 9/23/1963 9/19/2020 Leda James E & Irma Smith Jennings obit
Johnson Albert Sr 4/2/1924 9/22/2003 Ester Washington James & Annie Hatch Johnson S2 US Navy obit
Johnson Carrie Mae (Morton) 12/30/1942 1/17/2012 obit
Johnson Cassandra (Charles) 9/20/1953 8/25/2002 John Jr Edward & Winifred Charles obit
Johnson Charlotte abt 1957 12/16/2005 Alex & Henrietta Johnson obit
Johnson Deloris Ann abt 1940 8/8/2021 Isaac & Evella Druhet Johnson obit
Johnson Doloris (Washington) unknown 8/21/2018 Oscar Sr Wilbert Washington Sr & Evelyn Kennard obit
Johnson Eddie 6/11/1931 11/5/2000 Fabiola Eddie & Felicia Johnson obit
Johnson Edward Kendall 1/13/1978 5/31/2022 Edward "Gene" & Kathleen Williams Johnson obit
Johnson Evella Appledeer 12/24/1909 5/24/2001 obit
Johnson Fabiola (Ezidore) 10/30/1934 10/27/2014 Eddie Earl & Rosie Ezidore obit
Johnson Felicia (Gant) 5/1/1914 3/30/2006 Eddie Sr Jim & Caroline Green Gant obit
Johnson Frank Sr 12/24/1937 12/30/2005 Alice P Edward & Felicia Gant Johnson obit
Johnson Freddie A Sr 7/11/1933 7/6/2011 Georgia Mae Frank Albert & Leola Brown Johnson SP3 US Army obit
Johnson Gwendolyn (Cooper) 2/15/1943 4/5/2023 Raymond J Roscoe & Virgie Watson Cooper obit
Johnson Isaac Cody 3/19/1934 1/23/2003 Isaac & Evella Johnson Pvt US Army obit
Johnson Isaac Michael 1942 4/30/2016 Joan Ann Hayes obit
Johnson James 12/28/1945 7/9/2022 Carrie Mae Morton Arthur & Rebecca Joseph Johnson Vietnam US Army obit
Johnson Joan Ann (Hayes) abt 1945 12/4/2017 Isaac M Henry & Jane Cola Hayes obit
Johnson Kathleen (Williams) 11/3/1948 9/13/2002 Edward Abraham & Vivian Jackson Williams obit
Johnson Leshon P 12/6/1970 12/16/2005 Frank & Alice Johnson obit
Johnson Mary Rita (Graziano) 7/27/1924 7/3/2023 Raymond John & Victoria Verdigets Graziano obit
Johnson Miriam Ann (Calliet) abt 1948 9/10/2021 Israel Joseph Calliet & Marion Dozier obit
Johnson Odessa 7/11/1929 6/3/2008 Isaac & Evella Johnson obit
Johnson Oscar Sr 5/30/1936 3/13/2002 Doloris Edward & Felicia Johnson obit
Johnson Randall Todd 5/19/1970 1/9/2020 Deloris Johnson obit
Johnson Raymond 2/9/1941 5/16/2018 Gwendolyn Cooper Arthur & Rebecca Joseph Johnson obit
Johnson Raymond E 12/20/1947 7/29/1960
Johnson Roland J Sr 6/4/1949 1/31/2009 Albert & Esther Washington Johnson obit
Johnson Romell Christopher Jr 2/12/2000 2/12/2000
Johnson Thomas Jr 11/17/1933 8/2/2024 Edith Edwards Thomas & Rosa Johnson obit
Johnson Tites Emile 1/9/1936 3/2/2001 Isaac & Evella Johnson obit
Johnston Erwin G 1/21/1915 9/2/1915
Jones Bernard 5/24/1947 4/27/2011 Doris Vietnam Sgt US Army obit
Jones D'Juan Trevell 11/7/1995 2/28/1997
Jones Kentrall 4/10/1976 8/16/2008 Joseph & Juanita Isom Jones obit
Jones Mildred (Morris) 1/18/1923 10/19/2002 Samuel obit
Jones Samuel Sr, Rev Dr 1/18/1922 2/11/1999 Mildred M WW II TEC5 US Army
Jones Sandra Marie (Clark) 3/7/1945 4/25/2002 Eddie & Berthella Mack Clark obit
Joseph Andrew 10/25/1943 11/19/2016 Lenarsin Ernest & Ethyl Starks Joseph obit
Joseph Anniebell 3/26/1919 7/31/2011
Joseph Lena (Ursin) 8/3/1944 2/6/2016 Andrew Oliver & Stella Hampton Ursin obit
Judice Ethel (Chauvin) 1/19/1914 3/14/1936 John L & Laura A Chauvin
Jumonville Ira V 11/27/1903 12/17/1968 Pierre U & Rosanna L Veron Jumonville
Jumonville Rosanna L (Veron) 12/20/1880 3/14/1952 Pierre U
Kahl Michael C Sr 12/29/1955 10/18/1999
Kahl Virginia (Caldarera) 3/15/1912 3/19/1982 Marvin E - 1946 Joseph & Fanny Elizabeth Caldarera
Kebodeaux Sharon F 7/4/1957 8/22/1993
Keller Alcia (Brignac) 11/26/1877 4/18/1967 Gabriel
Keller Audrey (Weber) 11/16/1939 8/7/2016 Leon O'Neil J & Mazie Roussel Weber obit
Keller Bernard Jr abt 1940 3/2/2017 Gloria Russell Bernard & Luctria Lemiieus Keller obit
Keller Casey Anthony 4/24/1985 6/16/2006 Paula Keller & Leon Louque obit
Keller Clerfet E 9/18/1895 12/2/1929 Naila Rome photo
Keller Darcy (Montelius) 12/10/1977 8/24/2008 Michael Robert & Jacqueline Montelius obit
Keller David Paul 10/8/1966 8/26/1984 Milton Joseph & Barbara Waguespack Keller photo
Keller Elda (Breaux) 7/15/1908 3/24/2004 Milton J Sr Eddie & Theresa Babin Breaux obit photo
Keller Emilie (Babin) 2/21/1935 9/1/2022 Roy E Joseph J & Inez Bourgeois Babin obit
Keller Florence 'Bea' (Shipley) 2/26/1944 6/19/2016 John W & Anne Roussel Shipley obit TeamTlo
Keller Gabriel Sr 8/15/1874 9/5/1944 Alcia Brignac
Keller Gladys (Himel) 9/7/1910 5/27/2002 Leon Desire Welham Henry Leonard & Adele Nicolle Himel obit photo
Keller James D 3/20/1916 10/25/1986 Lily Mae Solar Gabriel & Alcia Brignac Keller WW II Sgt US Army
Keller Joyce (Duhe) 12/9/1935 12/8/2003 Ray A Sr Michael M & Loredia Kraemer Duhe obit
Keller Jules J 2/14/1884 3/16/1962 Zoe L
Keller Leon 1857 10/18/1928 Palmyre J Webre; Roana Roussel obit photo
Keller Leon Desire Welham 11/28/1904 12/3/1988 Gladys Himel Leon & Roana Roussel Keller photo
Keller Leon Anthony Sr 2/12/1923 4/3/2020 Audrey Webre Milton Joseph & Elda Breaux Keller US Army obit
Keller Lilly Mae (Solar) 11/18/1919 8/12/2019 James D Clebert J & Evelyn Boudreaux Solar obit
Keller Milton Joseph Jr 11/17/1929 12/22/2008 Barbara Waguespack Milton Joseph & Elda Breaux Keller Korea Cpl US Air Force obit photo
Keller Milton Joseph Sr 11/18/1906 12/11/1968 Elda Breaux Leon & Roana Roussel Keller photo
Keller Pamela Ann 12/5/1953 10/13/1960 Milton Joseph & Barbara Waguespack Keller photo
Kinler Paul Karl 12/21/1937 4/3/2020 Marie Puccio Kerney & Winnie Tamplain Keller obit +
Keller Ray Anthony Sr 1/15/1936 6/23/2019 Joyce Duhe Milton Joseph & Elda Breaux Keller obit
Keller Roana (Roussel) 1871 12/24/1947 Leon obit photo
Keller Troy David 9/19/1965 2/7/1967 Geraldine (Schaubhut) McCauley
Keller Velma Marie (Melancon) 6/8/1928 5/26/2007 Louis C St Pierre; Victor N Keller George J & Justine Landry Melancon obit
Keller Victor N 7/9/1939 8/6/2001 Velma Melancon obit
Keller Zoe L 6/26/1884 9/12/1955 Jules J
Keller - Abadie Naila (Rome) 11/12/1897 6/8/1997 Clerfet E Keller photo
Kilburn Julie (LeBlanc) 12/14/1879 1969 Samuel
Kilburn Samuel 8/5/1879 1967 Julie LeBlanc
Kilburn Sidney J Jr 3/30/1928 7/6/1991 Sidney J & Eva Garcia Kilburn Korea US Army
Kilburn Todd Anthony 9/14/1960 4/1/1992 Farrel N & Fay Badeaux Kilburn
Kim Stephanie (DeRoche) 1/31/1954 2/22/2013 Sheffard & Marie Whitney DeRoche obit
Kinler Alton George 2/25/1932 2/13/1938 Edmond & Anita Laiche Kinler
Kinler Alton Julius 4/16/1939 2/10/2007 Edmond & Anita Laiche Kinler obit
Kinler Anita (Laiche) 11/14/1905 9/16/1990 Edmond J
Kinler Beverly (Bourque) 5/6/1946 4/2/2024 Treville & Norine Faulk Bourque obit
Kinler Cody Lee 8/25/1982 11/30/2022 Samantha M Kinler & Bryan Schexnayder obit
Kinler Diane (Roussel) 7/25/1942 11/11/2010 Edmond E Jr Melvin J & Vivian St Pierre Roussel obit
Kinler Dudley J 2/14/1936 5/21/2008 Edmond & Anita Laiche Kinler Sgt US Army obit
Kinler Edmond 'Tim' 5/23/1905 1/11/1981 Anita Laiche
Kinler Kate Lynn 7/10/1992 8/26/2016 Steve J & Tessa Kinler obit
Kinler Kerry J 1962 5/21/1988 Nelson E & Shirley Hymel Kinler
Kinler Larry P 2/26/1931 11/25/1952 Edmond & Anita Laiche Kinler Korea LA Pvt 15 Inf 3 Inf Div - PH
Kinler Nelson E 10/28/1927 8/21/1997 Shirley Hymel Edmond & Anita Laiche Kinler
Kinler Shirley (Hymel) 3/3/1930 6/28/2012 Nelson E Joseph D A & Annette M Balot Hymel obit
Kinler Steve J 10/16/1969 5/12/1995
Kinler Tabatha M 3/3/1968 8/22/1968
Kirklin Isadore III 2/5/1957 9/24/2023 Lisha Allen Isadore & Sarah Cambre Kirklin obit
Kirklin Percy 9/19/1937 12/3/1985
Kirklin Stanley 5/7/1952 3/14/2011 Isadore & Evelina Jackson Kirklin Vietnam US Navy obit
Kirklon Charles Jr 1/22/1951 7/5/2018 Charles & Rosia (Price) Kirklon obit
Kirklon Rosia (Price) 9/2/1925 7/20/2012 Charles Fred & Pearline Hilton Price obit
Kleibert Agnes 'Ruby' (Roussel) 1/21/1926 6/3/2007 Thomas J Hypolite & Ophelia Kilburn Roussel obit
Kleibert Eva Marie 2/11/1909 3/29/2009 Elphige & Octavie Kleibert
Kliber Marie Lydie (Becnel) 12/26/1906 8/9/1998
Klibert Anatole J 1878 1952 Marie S
Klibert Marie S 1879 1960 Anatole J
Kliebert Amedee J 9/8/1903 11/26/1963 Edith Lassere photo
Kliebert Armance Anna (Chenier) 8/27/1911 2/27/1999 Benoit Joseph A & Virgina M Oubre Chenier
Kliebert Benoit 4/26/1907 6/0/1977 Aramance Anna Chenier
Kliebert Clarence Joseph Sr 1/18/1920 10/4/1981 Therese Babin WW II Pfc US Army photo
Kliebert Cynthia Marie 2/8/1957 4/6/2011 Benoit & Armance A Chenier Kliebert obit photo
Kliebert Daniel Joseph Sr 11/6/1946 5/5/2024 Lee Ann Boutte Theodore & Inez Kliebert obit
Kliebert Edith (Lassere) 9/6/1910 2/7/1993 Amedee J Phocas & Anastise Brack Lassere photo
Kliebert Edward Roland 7/20/1934 8/18/1957 LA Pvt Artillery photo
Kliebert Elaine K 3/9/1902 10/11/1989 Joseph
Kliebert Elenore (Brignac) 4/1/1895 1/2/1958 Felix J
Kliebert Elvina (Bourgeois) 10/24/1889 6/12/1975 Leon J Prudent & Florestine Brignac Bourgeois
Kliebert Felix Joseph 9/6/1893 5/24/1990 Elenore Brignac Telesphore & Melanie M Mauconduit Kliebert
Kliebert Gertrude L 8/10/1916 3/1/2003 not married Leon J & Elvina Bourgeois Kliebert obit
Kliebert Hewitt 7/18/1928 10/17/1993 Corinne Madeline Esneault
Kliebert Inez Marie (Kliebert) 2/18/1913 1/16/2007 Theodule J Ovide & Esilda Reider Kliebert obit
Kliebert Joseph Saul Jr 1/10/1932 10/18/1933 Joseph S & Lillia B Kliebert
Kliebert Joseph Saul Sr 6/20/1898 5/19/1983 Lillia B
Kliebert Leon Joseph Sr 12/2/1885 10/15/1968 Elvina Bourgeois Telesphore & Melanie M Mauconduit Kliebert
Kliebert Lillia B 12/26/1906 8/9/1998 Joseph S
Kliebert Lloyd Julian Sr 5/3/1948 2/11/2015 Sheila Oubre Clarence J & Therese Babin Kliebert obit
Kliebert Melanie Marie (Mauconduit) 2/14/1869 4/5/1954 Telesphore - 1/22/1885 J B Victorin & M Williamine Hymel Mauconduit
Kliebert Michael Christopher 1/25/1985 8/27/2019 Lloyd & Sheila Oubre Kliebert obit
Kliebert Philip Sr 8/22/1909 4/14/1955
Kliebert Pvt Joseph 3/4/1896 1/24/1959 Elaine K WW I Co 1 43 Inf
Kliebert Ray Joseph Sr 6/22/1944 3/14/2009 Sharon Roussel Amedeee & Edith Lasserre Kliebert obit
Kliebert Telesphore 7/23/1853 Leontine Waguespack - 1875; Melanie Mauconduit - 1885 Theodule J & Zeolide M Waguespack Kliebert
Kliebert Theodule J 6/1/1907 11/1/1972 Inez Marie Kliebert WW II LA PFC US Army
Kliebert Therese (Babin) 2/5/1921 8/4/2016 Clarence J Adelard L & Edna Richard Babin obit photo
Kliebert Thomas J, Judge 10/10/1925 5/30/2002 Agnes Ruby Roussel Samuel J & Elucia Falgoust Kliebert WW II US Navy obit
Kliebert Velma J 3/10/1928 1/17/1998 Leon J & Elvina Bourgeois Kliebert
Kliebert - Robert Corinne Madeline (Esneault) 6/4/1928 7/11/2021 Hewitt Kliebert; Ray Robert obit
Knight Claude Issac Jr 11/25/1950 2/16/2002 Claude I & Delores Knight Veteran obit
Knight Joyce Ann (Gross) 6/2/1952 9/26/2022 Claude I Jr Mitchell & Ethel Mae Bowser Gross obit
Koenig Karen (Cascio) 11/23/1949 7/14/2008 Joseph Sam A & Corine Giardina Cascio obit
Kollman Albert Edgar 10/23/1919 12/17/2008 Doris Anne Duhe Albert Paul & Alice Bailey Kollman WW II 1st Lt US Army Air Corps obit
Kollman Doris Anne (Duhe) 11/14/1922 1/21/2005 Albert E Claude A & Elia Alice St Pierre Haydel obit
Kraemer Calvin James 7/7/1949
Kraemer Chester P 4/19/1911 11/15/1993 Inez Kinler Theodore E & Melina Rodrigue Kraemer
Kraemer Clementine (Peltier) 10/8/1889 Theodore E
Kraemer Hart J Jr 1912 11:4/1960 Hart & Philomene U Kraemer
Kraemer Hart Sr 1885 11/16/1961 Philomene U
Kraemer Inez (Kinler) 7/31/1914 6/15/1992 Chester P
Kraemer Kermit Joseph Jr 6/27/1948 2/21/2018 Connie Bourgeois Kermit J & Madeline Dugas Kraemer obit
Kraemer Kermit Joseph Sr 7/2/1918 1/31/2005 Madeline Dugas Theodore E & Melina Rodrigue Kraemer WW II S1 US Navy obit
Kraemer Madeline (Dugas) 7/4/1914 5/2/1998 Kermit J Ricard J & Lavinia M Rodriguez Dugas obit
Kraemer Philomene U 1885 11/21/1945 Hart
Kraemer Theodore Etienne 8/1/1890 10/8/1968 Melina Rodrigue; Clementine Peltier obit
Kramer Joy (Borne) 2/17/1954 12/17/2017 James E Melancon; John W Kramer Maurice O & Vivian Laiche Borne obit
Kroll Bernice 12/28/1907 7/26/1989 Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll
Kroll Florence Marie 2/26/1897 11/0/1979 Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll photo
Kroll Henry Septime 1/1/1872 12/27/1942 Palmyre Rome M/M Auguste Francois Kroll photo
Kroll Iola Marie 1905 1989 Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll photo
Kroll Lillian Marie 8/27/1895 4/1/1989 Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll photo
Kroll Marlene 1937 1983 Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll
Kroll May Marie (Roussel) 5/12/1902 11/28/1930 Wilmore
Kroll Palmyre (Rome) 1874 1952 Henry S photo
Kroll Rose M 5/23/1904 6/15/1995 Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll
Kroll Wilbert J 7/17/1910 8/22/1996 Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll WW II PFC US Army
Kroll Wilmore L 7/19/1901 6/0/1980 May Marie Roussel Henry Septime & Pylmyre Rome Kroll photo
Kytle Virgie Adele (Frederic) 6/10/1898 12/0/1975 James A photo
La Bauve Bridget 10/19/1910 3/11/1976 photo
La Bauve Josephine 1/20/1906 1/6/1972 photo
La Bauve Myrna (LeBlanc) 6/15/1941 11/22/1998 Ray J Clement J & Emily Oubre LeBlanc
La Bauve Robert 3/6/1913 2/24/1970 photo
Labat Edith Marie (Bourgeois) 12/23/1897 11/5/1963 Etienne J Emile J & M Berthe Melancon Bourgeois photo
Labat Etienne Joseph Jr, 1st Lt 9/6/1918 7/24/1944 Juliette Loyette Parramore - 1943 Etienne J & Edith M Bourgeois Labat WW II LA 1st Lt 400 AAF Air Base SO obit +
Labat Etienne Joseph Sr 9/1/1894 8/22/1958 Edith Marie Bourgeois M/M Jean Marie Labat photo
Laborde David Lee 12/10/1929 11/13/2022 Doris Louque Curtis & Maydell Dupuy Laborde obit
Laborde Doris Mae (Lougue) 6/25/1932 6/10/2023 David L Clarence & Nelta Roussel Louque obit
Lacarbo Beatrice Gertrude (Lambert) 1/18/1935 12/12/2012 Peter J Jr Rene & Agnes Kilburn Lambert obit
Lacarbo Claudette (Loupe) 4/19/1940 7/26/2020 Richard J Emile & Elma G Loupe obit
Lacarbo James J abt 1930 1/4/2009 Peter & Mary LaCarbo obit
Lacarbo Peter Joseph Jr 11/8/1925 3/6/2009 Beatrice Gertrude Lambert Peter & Mary Provenzano La WW II S2 US Navy obit
Lacarbo Ralph 6/9/1963 6/11/1963 Peter J & Beatrice G Lambert Lacarbo
Lachie Marion A 2/19/1937 2/7/1966
Lafayette Evelyn D 6/21/1909 4/27/1988
Lagarbo Marguerite 1922 4/19/2004 Peter & Mary Lagarbo/Logarbo obit
Lageaux Drozin 5/5/1874 12/30/1940
LaGrange Kerry Joseph 7/12/1949 1/5/2000 Barbara Barney M/M Joseph LaGrange obit
LaGrange Marie Loretta 12/10/1912 11/17/2003 obit
Laiche Ada (Tregre) 10/21/1913 7/29/1998 Arile G
Laiche Alcest Ignace 2/3/1882 1/1/1941 Cecile Cambre obit
Laiche Alcidie (Boe) 1878 1950 Oscar J photo, 2
Laiche Alice Zella (DeBate) 3/29/1912 7/14/2003 Roy L Joseph & Alice Brignac DeBate obit
Laiche Alicia (Louque) 8/12/1911 8/1/1981 Wallace I Barthelmi & Alice Melancon Louque
Laiche Alvin P 1/15/1907 11/6/1995 Bertha James obit
Laiche Amedia (Schexnayder) 2/6/1903 6/17/2002 Leopold J Louis J & Marguerite Louque Schexnayder obit photo, 2
Laiche Anicet A 10/5/1912 4/18/1945 Wilfred & Edna L Laiche WW II LA SSgt 36 Inf Div - BSM, PH photo
Laiche Arile Gabriel 3/7/1918 6/4/1995 Ada Tregre WW II TEC4 US Army
Laiche Arile J 6/28/1871 7/12/1932 Theresa B
Laiche Arile Joseph 3/18/1948 10/26/2020 Coleen Benoit Arile G & Ada Tregre obit
Laiche Bernice Eve (Cambre) 3/19/1924 3/8/2003 Allen T Joseph C & Augusta Roussel Cambre obit
Laiche Bertha (James) 4/1/1910 4/28/2007 Alvin P Zebby J & Elizabeth Graham James obit
Laiche Bessie T 9/14/1926 11/13/1926 TeamTlo
Laiche Beulah (Melancon) 12/16/1908 5/6/1992 Wilfred J Elphege J & Odile Poche Melancon
Laiche Brooke E 8/3/1979 8/3/1979
Laiche Cecile (Cambre) 10/3/1886 5/14/1948 Alcest I Elysee J & Regina Bourgeois Cambre
Laiche Collins G 9/8/1975 Josephine Decareaux
Laiche Daren Michael, Capt 5/17/1978 8/15/2002 Misty Reed Glen & Carlene Louque Laiche obit
Laiche Doris (Bourgeois) 8/22/1926 1/13/2018 Norris Sr Wilfred A & Blanche Zeringue Bourgeois obit photo
Laiche Doris (Metge) 5/25/1931 4/23/2008 Heno J - 1949 Elieze F & Marie Lambert Metge obit
Laiche Earl Anthony 8/7/1906 5/13/1965 Estelle B Laiche WW II TEC5 MECZ Cav Recon Sq photo
Laiche Edna L 1/5/1880 8/14/1972 Wilfred photo
Laiche Elie J 6/27/1922 Arile J & Theresa B Laiche LA Pvt Coast Arty Corps
Laiche Ella Rita (Oubre) 2/26/1924 1/16/2013 Robert W William J & Emily Kilburn Oubre obit
Laiche Estelle B 1937
Laiche Estelle B 9/17/1879 11/1/1971 photo
Laiche Ethel F 2/22/1909 2/18/1979 Herbert M
Laiche Ferrel J 7/9/1936 10/14/1978 Levy J & Ludivine Poche Laiche
Laiche Florence 1931 1936 photo
Laiche Frank E Jr 10/19/1942 12/22/1989 Frank & Sophia M Laiche
Laiche Frank Sr 1904 1960 Frank
Laiche Gail Joan 3/2/1945 2/25/1970 Norris J & Doris Bourgeois Laiche
Laiche Gayle (Wille) 8/29/1940 11/4/2007 James J John E & Josephine Gulino Wille obit
Laiche Harold 7 months Henry J & Semidia B Laiche
Laiche Heno Joseph Jr 1/3/1928 5/21/2012 Doris Mae Metge - 1949 Heno & Julie Decareaux Laiche obit
Laiche Henry J 1885 1962 Semidia B photo
Laiche Herbert M 1/16/1911 10/0/1971 Ethel F
Laiche Irene Ann K 10/26/1936 Warren J - 11/19/1955 photo
Laiche James Joseph 9/2/1938 4/7/2016 Gayle Wille Levy J & Ludivine Poche Laiche obit
Laiche John F Sr 1/5/1917 3/16/1970
Laiche Joseph J 1935
Laiche Lawrence P 1/31/1878 8/2/1947 Lena L
Laiche Lena L 6/24/1882 5/20/1963 Lawrence P
Laiche Leola Marie (Troxclair) 4/3/1926 10/20/2013 Raymond J Louis L & Melanie M Schexnaydre Troxclair obit
Laiche Leontin B 11/10/1875 3/20/1969
Laiche Leopold J 1900 1944 Amedia Schexnayder Oscar J & Alcidie Boe Laiche photo, 2
Laiche Levi J Jr 9/18/1927 6/2/2014 Iris Bourgeois Levy J & Ludivine Poche Laiche US Army obit
Laiche Levy J 12/12/1904 11/25/1979 Ludivine Poche Arile J & Theresa B Laiche
Laiche Ludivine (Poche) 7/14/1906 7/9/1955 Levy J
Laiche Mabel (Matherne) 8/11/1915 9/19/1964 Otis J
Laiche Monique 6/24/1964 6/24/1964 M/M Owen Francis Laiche photo, 2
Laiche Monique Eliska (Pollet) 5/4/1888 6/26/1972 Edwin Thomas P & M Louise Frederick Pollet
Laiche Morgan Grey 7/29/2012 9/8/2012
Laiche Mrs Frank 12/27/1869 4/14/1943
Laiche Neva M 5/3/1902 2/19/1976 Arile J & Theresa B Laiche
Laiche Norris J Sr 2/24/1924 5/20/1996 Doris Bourgeois photo
Laiche Oledamand J 1/5/1840 5/2/1907
Laiche Oscar J 1870 1955 Alcidie Boe photo, 2
Laiche Otis Jean Sr 11/25/1913 8/7/1982 Mabel Matherne
Laiche Owen Francis 9/18/1939 1/11/2011 Virginia Gravois - 2/16/1963 Leopold J & Amedia Schexnayder Laiche PFC US Army obit photo
Laiche Raymond J 12/17/1929 10/5/1966 Leola M Troxclair - 1951 Levy J & Ludivine Poche Laiche Cpl Military Police Corps
Laiche Richard Paul 8/24/1955 5/18/2019 Otis Jean & Mabel Matherne Laiche obit
Laiche Robert Whitmore Sr 4/28/1921 5/4/2001 Ella Rita Oubre Henry & Simidia Laiche WW II F2 US Coast Guard obit
Laiche Roy L 9/7/1900 12/25/1955 Alice D
Laiche Semidia B 1884 1960 Henry J photo
Laiche Sidney J 1935
Laiche Sophia M 1917 1979 Frank E
Laiche Steven Paul 2/11/1976 11/29/2014 Jaime Gardner Frank E & Alice Laiche obit
Laiche Theresa (Bourgeois) 4/4/1874 10/1/1919 Arile J Prudent & Odile Poche Bourgeois
Laiche Therese Bessie 9/14/1926 11/13/1926 Levy J & Ludivine Poche Laiche
Laiche Thomas Joseph 3/6/1950 2/26/2014 Arlene Otis Jean & Mabel Matherne Laiche Vietnam SP4 US Army, BS obit photo
Laiche Velva T 1912 7/22/1995 Monique Eliska (Pollet) Laiche
Laiche Virginia 2/18/1918 1/3/1955 Henry J & Semidia B Laiche
Laiche Virginia (Gravois) 1/12/1941 9/2/2023 Owen F Felix & Effie Gravois obit +
Laiche Wallace I 9/8/1908 1/28/1963 Alicia Louque
Laiche Warren J Sr 6/15/1934 8/1/2021 Irene Ann Kliebert - 11/19/1955 Wilfred J & Beulah Melancon Laiche obit photo
Laiche Wilfred Sr 7/24/1876 9/12/1956 Edna L photo
Laiche Wilfred J Jr 11/2/1904 12/14/1999 Beulah Melancon Wilfred & Edna L Laiche

A - B  C - E  F - Laiche  Lam - M  N - R  S - Z

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